Pontius Pilate once asked Jesus Christ, "What is TRUTH?" There was dead SILENCE immediately after! Why did Jesus Christ, who was on TRIAL at the time, REFUSED to SPEAK? There is TIME and SEASON for everything under the Sun! There is TIME to talk and TIME not to talk. John the Baptist, the greatest among all born of woman, OPENED his MOUTH wide at a WRONG Time and got beheaded! There are spiritual PRINCIPLES governing everything under Heavens - violation of any principle comes with DISASTROUS consequences!!!!! Before Pontius Pilate stood Christ Jesus, and His SILENCE gave CREDENCE and ATTESTATION that the Pontiff is starring at the TRUTH, which is CHRIST JESUS. Because the Pontiff was in the FLESH he could not DISCERN that before him stood the TRUTH.

CREATION and FORMATION came into EXISTENCE by TRUTH. For nothing was made, that was not made through Christ Jesus. For Almighty God PURPOSED that FULLNESS of the Godhead should dwell in Christ. That all things - created and formed - should CONSIST in Him and LIVE through Christ. He is the only CHANNEL of ACCESS to Almighty God - For God is GLORIFIED through CHRIST! God himself will NOT judge the world for it is the sole PEROGATIVE of Christ. The Father, Almighty God, holds the Son, Christ in high esteem. He is HEIR to all things of the Father. GENERATIONS, FOUNDATIONS, HABITATIONS, HERITAGES, DOMINIONS and COSMOS - making up the World System - all LIVE and EXIST through Christ. Many FOUNDERS and LEADERS of RELIGION, have tried with the PASSAGE of TIME to SUPPRESS the TRUTH. Being DESTITUTE of TRUTH - they chose to CHART own PATHS. Therefore the BANE of the World is the EMERGENCE and EVOLUTION of RELIGION!

FALSEHOOD cannot STAND the test and passage of TIME. Truth SUPPRESSED today will surely bounce back tomorrow. SYSTEMS, DOMINIONS and FOUNDATIONS are being SHAKEN today. Why? Almighty God is SPEAKING through Christ and the Holy Spirit to the World, that nothing is SECURE! If Indians are abandoning and burning their gods today, it is an eye opener and a wake-up call. The only SECURE foundation in this life and existence - is the Godhead. None can forsake the Godhead and have PEACE, SAFETY and SECURITY! The UNITED NATIONS PEACE efforts and initiatives are COMMENDABLE but a MISPLACEMENT of PRIORITY! PEACE, SAFETY and SECURITY come NOT from mortals for they are DIVINE. Christ is the FOUNDATION of PEACE, SAFETY and SECURITY. This is a FOUNDATION that cannot be DESTROYED!

The HEAVENS declare the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God daily unto the nations, and the Earth echoes TRUTH of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of TRUTH, is on Earth to TESTIFY of Christ and the Saints. That is why the SPIRIT bears WITNESS that we are the Sons of God.

RELIGIONS of the World - Judaism, Zionism, Islam, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc. are all products of humanity and NOT of God! Followers find it difficult to get LIBERATED because PEOPLE that dwell in the FLESH cannot escape the MANIPULATION, INFLUENCE and CONTROL of Satan and Cohorts. The work of DEMONS is to entrench IGNORANCE, UNBELIEF, UNFORGIVENESS, TOXIC EMOTIONS, FALSEHOOD, DESTITUTION of TRUTH, HERESIES, CREED, DOCTRINAL Differences, Doctrine of Demons, Power of the Anti-Christ. WICKEDNESS and EVIL. Only a Life of the SPIRIT can EXERT pressure on Kingdom of Darkness to set lawful and unlawful captives free. Walking in the SPIRIT puts a believer far above SIN, TRANSGRESSION, INIQUITY, MISERY, NAKEDNESS, WRETCHEDNESS, FRAILTY and NOTHINGNESS.

Do you KNOW what you WORSHIP? Do you KNOW what you SERVE? Followers of RELIGION are in great danger and can endure only when the LONGSUFFERING of God lasts. All followers of RELIGION, consider and awake to the REALITY of TRUTH! Religion CANNOT Save humanity - for it is the PATH of DEATH. If gods and idols can DELIVER, many in India would not have died of COVID 19 Pandemic. Today, when you READ or HEAR the sound of my VOICE, God is calling ALL and Sundry to EMBRACE the FREE GIFT of Salvation and Eternal Life. Do NOT procrastinate for tomorrow may be too late! The ARMS of Christ Jesus are OPENED to RECEIVE and EMBRACE all who TURN to Him. If you BELIEVE in your HEART that Christ is the Son of God and savior of of ALL mankind, and CONFESS with your mouth by FAITH unto SALVATION, you will be saved. The LOST, the UNSAVED and the UNCHURCHED - Christ is calling that you TURN to Him.



