What is Trustworthy Internet?
qikfox Cybersecurity Systems
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Well, here is a simple definition of Trustworthy Internet.
Trustworthy internet refers to a secure and reliable online environment where individuals and organizations can confidently engage in activities such as communication, commerce, and information exchange.
In order for the internet to be trustworthy, it must be free from security threats such as viruses, malware, and cyber attacks. It should also protect users' privacy and personal information, ensuring that sensitive data is not accessed or disclosed without their consent.
In addition, trustworthy internet requires reliable and consistent connectivity, as well as the ability to access accurate and reliable information. It should also provide a safe and respectful online environment, free from harassment and discrimination.
Overall, trustworthy internet is essential for the smooth functioning of society and the economy, as it allows individuals and organizations to confidently and securely engage in a wide range of online activities.
Here are a few questions that come to mind when we think about the state of the Internet today.
Well, that's exactly what we are doing at qikfox. We are building the toolchain (plumbing) for a trustworthy internet that is more democratic, equitable and decentralized. Keep tuned in and download the qikfox browser to test drive the future.