What Trump demogoguery locks him off from understanding in 1st 100 days:-loose God Kingdom come which is not America first. All First. Seek ye first
Sheval Anthony Smith
The Lords' Property(s) ~ Developer from/at MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development and Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST .org. Zion Ave, Clarendon, Jamaica, The Americas, Borderless New Glorified Church Earth, Milky Way~
What Trump demogoguery locks him off from understanding and setting in motion with all 7.4 billion of us in his 1st 100 days:-loose God Kingdom come which is not America first. All First.
And ~ well, Let us do it in next 100 days
Seek ye first the kingdom of God: The kingdoms of man merging to becoming a border less earth more like China 20% of population {1.382 million of Earth as available scale of operation as spring board to reaching all with lowest prices} but all Earth with 100% of the population of earth 7.4 billion available as Scale able operation for lowest prices enabling all into serve all including the other section of Jesus Fold in all earth and omnipresence.
We all letting all things that have breath praise God.
NO strife, for spoils of the thief Trump
but Kingdom of God come border less NEW AMERICAS AND EARTH cleansed of Sodomizing of immigrants, and plundering us with legal fees in the desparate wichedness of laws of man and for boundary extortion and loot taxes above 10% tax/tithes to serve all government by enabling of emerging 'serve all kings' of whom Jesus is KING of Kings and resulting property developer Lord of whom Jesus is LORD in the liberty where he makes us free ~~ free market for our
'ever to greater glory, new and improving more values for less creations'
up From the nothingness of OLD USA with army and Military might and power 21 times that of China
SO support to infinity like all of us MOVEMENT TO THE AMERICAS AND EARTH SPRING TO GOD KINGDOM COME and all his righteousness His will alone being done ON EARTH we be loosing on earth IN ALL THE INFINITY OF OUR WAYS so God may loose only same in heaven.
1. Sign The Petition
and the others that makes the AMERICAS 0.982 Billion to 2.5 billion population (One third of the earth and seas/oceans should have 1/3 of the earths population so let us have the migration and inalienable rights Liberty where in Christ Jesus makes us free the real migration travel predestined before the foundation of the earth with mega Air Ports and other travel infrastructure} we are ONE and One with all in The Earth ~ no more principalities. Just Global one One World Even Government on Christ shoulders in us, one with with Omnipresence ~ Kingdom of heaven.
For the greatest prosperity and good health for all by transforming from kingdoms of man to Kingdom of God come enabling Serve all by all in a borderless earth cleansed on reliance o n the THIEF ~ COWISM BY NETSUCLERS harlots AND ABOMNATIONS OF THE EARTH riding on the beast STILL BORD BY BOUNDARY EXTORTION AND LOOT TAXES ABOVE 10% TAX/TITHES ON ~God will alone being done~ ANNUAL INCREASE ONLY OF PRESSING TO THE HIGH MARK OF OUR CALLING IN CHRIST KINGDOM OF HEAVEN SERVE ALL KINGS AND RESULTING PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT LORDS. TO THE gLORY OF KING OF serve all Kings and LORD of resulting Lords on Jah Border less Earth.
Coming into being ~ MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL 'Property Development & Maintenance Products' IN CHRIST
Ever a JEDi Global BRANDS TO INFINITY on Jah Earth and in Omnipresence to infinity IN CHRIST.
Coming into being MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development & Maintenance Products IN CHRIST Ever a JEDi
But China Celestial cities and Serve all Creation infrastructure is approachine 21 times OLD USA and
Total size in KM square
Principality /Sovereignty Total size in KM2 Population
China 9,596,961 1,382,942,410
USA 9,525,067 321,234,000
Canada 9.984,670 35,819,000
It takes All the AMERICAS POPULATION to reach 2/3 third of china population.
So what is OLd USA innigration Laws good for?????
Imagine the Americas little 982 million population united in the contest of the building of China by the immigrants amongst its 1,382 million population and let us sort out this questions answer out of our realities in the Americas and All earth Sprinf to God Kingdom come.
What is OLd USA immigration Laws good for?????
Obsolutely nothing. Sin brings reproach to any peope and lost in the perversion and might and power wastedness of Hollyhood influence compared to What enable the greatest prosperity and good health on earth in human experience even eternal life for all IN CHRIST. China 20% unity with techonlogy industrially tilling the earth loosing ever to greater glory values for less served to All increasingly in the earth. globalization is us making Christ enemy his foot stool so he may return in the full infinity of ways of his return we loose on eht earth so God loose same in heaven. as Christ JEsus gives us Authority to do.
There is no Immigration Tormenting of Souls amongs China 1,382 million but there is for loving of sodomizing and plundering with legal fees and illegal treat and profiling of who dare to obey God and go to.... in the Americas 982 million, preferred over making real America great and and has been prefered too is the haven of ruler ship of the dark age now being vanquished for real Freedom from 'dis ease to Serve all Creation & Distribituon to infinity by Americas and earth as ONE full population of Serve all Kings and resulting property developers serving all Lords Of Whom Jesus is KING of Kings and LORD of Lord; a reality loosable on earth only in Globalization to infinity - New Full Earth and the fulness there of including the Americas UNITED from the LIE OLD USA and the other 44 demon possession principalities possessed land people from loosing in the Americas and Earth the greatest prosperity amongst the 982 million of the Americas increasing to 2.5 one with border less earth and HEaven omnipresence in 10 years to 2025 even on the vast 2 continents of Land that is Americas ONE with Borderless new Earth and Heaven Omnipresence; Market for our creations to infinity and with travel industries to infinity even by technologies to infinity
The Nothingness is seen by seeing possibilities lost in the Americas of the last 240 years of leadership of powers and principality Old USA thinking it is by might and by power and not by God Spirit and US being ONE IN THE SPIRIT ONE IN THE LORD :
~ Singapore practicing No boundary extortion for hundreds of years ~blased a better than first world OLD USA per capita creation of US$85,382(PPP); compared to
Stagnant Old USA $ 56,084(PPP) speaking of high embloyment targets of less than 5%. when what is needed is at least 1.6 billion out of poverty to Serve all King meak and lowly state KIngs and property developer Lords. Can Trump promote that into effect in 10 years to 2025.
Chongqing annual GDP growth 2015 16% doubling that of China overall and inspiring China To Living Souls Achievements to infinity IN CHRIST;
~ According to Xi Jinping upwards from '2016 then current' per capita creation at US$8,000. (Nominal) Global Stats say China is at US$14,340 (PPP) IN HEVEN WE DO WONDERS AND SIGN AT NO PRICE. Prices must go down to achiece that.
'Ever to greater GLORY new and enhanced more 'values for less' is THE WAY that is IN CHRIST IN THE 'KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.' China alone on earth seems to understand that with lease devaluation of current due to allowed netsuckerism of corrupt abamination of desolation that plage the west needing perpetuating 55 principalities possessing the Americas. that we wrestle against as Chief of the ruler ship of the dark age passing that we are to all overcome to recieve Crowns of life. Word of God JEsus Speaking "to him that overcome I will give a crown of life."
~ Average Global per capita creation is currently at US$16,100(PPP)
~ Cuba US$10,200 (PPP)2010 est. yet nothing compared to China because not in the Unity of border less Americas or Earth
~ Jamaica US$8,771 (PPP) {nominal of about US$5,000} for following Cuba in anti Christ national ism (PPP) and Rotchilding antichrist all things being added to us USURY and and So called honorable Government {satanument bringing low per capita creation shame with little to no show of serve all just begging basket carrying and loot tax extorting Cow'ism for power securing benefiting Serpenting Non serve all net suckers Status quo Wolfe in Serve all Kings clothing) accepted Boundary bandit'ism not allowed amongst the 489 Jamaica making up China or 4.22 Old USA making up china population wise like subverted reliance of BAUXITE Levy instead honing of Low cost Solar power {under 5 cent kilowatt hr. like just installed in Dubai to run cities and the pumps in Middle East fossils fuels mining) to run all productions and residential power requirements including converting of bauxite to alumina and aluminum and a myriad thousands to infinity of creation type of aluminum products served to all 7.3 billion+ .
~ Can the likes of Andrew Holness see to that
So what is OLd USA innigration Laws good for?????
The Obsolute NOTHINGNESS. Obsolutely nothing. Sin bring repraoach and lost in wastedness of Holiwood compared to What enable the greatest prosperity and good health on earth in human experience even eternal life for all IN CHRIST.
There is no IMMigration Tormenting of Souls amongs China 1,382 million but there is for sodomizing and plundering with fees preferred over making America great and Freedom in creation greatest prosperity amongst the 982 million of the Americas on the vast 2 continent of Land.
INEQUITY WORKING by the desparately wicked UNJUST as Lawyers and Prisidents and Prime Ministers and all the abomination needing to be called Honorable for nothingness preferring the perpetuating of the rulership of the dark age
INEQUITY WORKING by the desparately wicked UNJUST as Lawyers and Prisidents and Prime Ministers and all the abomination needing to be called Honorable for nothingness preferring the perpetuating of the rulership of the dark age
INEQUITY WORKING by the desparately wicked UNJUST as Lawyers and Prisidents and Prime Ministers and all the abomination needing to be called Honorable for nothingness preferring the perpetuating of the rulership of the dark age
We need our Freedom IN CHRIST for all with breath; US Standing fast in the liberty wherein Christ Jesus makes Free. A reality from which is gone the ruler ship of the dark age with its ~ by Lucifer division of mankind from the face of god by perpetuating constitution(s) of man in state of 'desparately wicked' for pride and boasting by might and power that is wicked self efforting Not the whole ONENESS, so kingdoms of man ~ principalities, powers for spiritual wickedness in high places filtering from the head fallen to all out of Christ; We need to serve all as unto CHRIST JESUS body remembered from the dismemberment of principalities and powers in principalities Democracy of thieves and infidels peasure goons of mortal cultures of man not of the press having eternal life, One with God ~ holy in all handy works ~ perfecting all things.
One in the Spirit. One in the LOrd. The earth is the Lord. He has made us jointheirs. By God Law we are to go to uttermost part of the earth out of having no fellowship with unfruitful work of darkness like USURY EXTORTION AND LOOT TAXES COWISM Of OLd Principality JAmaica Divided by the abomination of desolation called Independence of 1962 maintained by the love of exalting principalities over Borderless earth God Kingdom come and all HIs righteousness His will alone being done for the greatest prosperity and good health all things being added to us through us as Globalist serve all Kings serving with ever to greater glory more value for less.
We need our Freedom in Christ.
Stand fast in the liberty wherein Christ Jesus makes Free. One in the Spirit. One in the LOrd. The earth is the Lord. He has made us jointheirs. By God Law we are to go to uttermost part of the earth out of having no fellowship with unfruitful work of darkness like USURY EXTORTION AND LOOT TAXES COWISM Of OLd Principality JAmaica Divided by the abomination of desolation called Independence of 1962 maintained by the love of exalting principalities over Borderless earth God Kingdom come and all HIs righteousness His will alone being done for the greatest prosperity and good health all things being added to us through us as Globalist serve all Kings serving with ever to greater glory more value for less.
Well TRUMP can understand this. if we all approaching 7.4 billion+ sign the Petition and Hold him to this.
There can only Be One NATION with 'serve all government' on the remembered from principalities dismemberment BODY of Christ shoulder US all 7.4 billion+ on earth+; leading too in being efficient for 'Economies of scale' best advantages for all - GLOBAL AND OMNIPRESENT ~ A nation of royal Priests and Kings under God on Earth and in Omnipresence; Of 'Serve all Kings and resultingly 'Serve all property Developer Lords' of Whom Jesus is King of 'Serve all' Kings and LORD of 'Serve all' Lord.
Sign the petition: Effect This
1. Sign The Petition ~ Please Effect signing of this Petition in our billions 7.3 +~
and the others that makes the AMERICAS 0.982 Billion to 2.5 billion population (One third of the earth and seas/oceans should have 1/3 of the earths population so let us have the migration and inalienable rights Liberty where in Christ Jesus makes us free the real migration travel predestined before the foundation of the earth with mega Air Ports and other travel infrastructure} we are ONE and One with all in The Earth ~ no more principalities. Just Global one One World Even Government on Christ shoulders in us, one with with Omnipresence ~ Kingdom of heaven.
2. and so support to infinity like all of us MOVEMENT TO THE AMERICAS AND EARTH SPRING TO GOD KINGDOM COME and all his righteousness His will alone being done ON EARTH we be loosing on earth IN ALL THE INFINITY OF OUR WAYS so God may loose only same in heaven.
Letting God Kingdom come, the Kingdoms of man becoming the Kingdom of God ~ Our Father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come' that Jesus came to manifest and so preach so we all seek now Globalization unlike the errors of before nations building.
We seek first the kingdom of God .... in this movement to the Americas Spring simultaneously with Earth spring unto God kingdom come THE NEW EARTH THE BORDER LESS EARTH CLEANSED OF
- THE THIEF NEEDING the norm of ruler ship of the dark age passing, THE HAVEN OF PRINCIPALITIES'ISM for boundary extortion and loot taxes above the 10 percent tithes to serve all government on Christ shoulders in us; God requirement to illuminate the preponderance of The Thief being transformed to 'Living serve all creator Souls" by XI Jinping and others in China and in earth in Satanuments Government sucking by might and power to deny the will of the Spirit God If you dont work for it dont eat Be fruitful by honing creation skills in losing ever to greater Glory values for less served to all - to in so doing Glorify God; so unearned income typical of Old Jamaica, less so Old USA and Old Canada and just about all inefficient non serve all principalities satanument government by harlot and abominations of the earth riding on the beast or BABYLON HARLOTS and abominations of the earth drunken with the blood of the Saints ~ the pressing to the high mark of our calling as emerging serve all Kings and lords of the earth generating Billionaires status funds or to create Mega structures of great ingenuities of Celestial cities and creation infrastructures and centers, like done Bill Gates all of us (THAT TRUMP IS ABOUT FOR 35% PROTECTIONISM DUTIES ON EXPORTS of Global companies moving their operation to Mexico for cheaper That Old USA last 200 year policies rejected with the impunity of sodomizing immigration legal fees torment and plunder immigrants that are to be angels in disguise, giving labour that the likes of trump pleasure goon grabbing by the P. (all festering or sowing to the flesh to reap corruption to be covered by repentance for a clear mind of Christ in the Spirit} running through three immigrants wives The thief is anti the Spirit of God word - the Christ so opposite to thou shall not commit fornication uncommitted sex but til death do us path marriage Lover of pleasure more than lovers of God. We are to by the Word of God to go to the uttermost part of the earth {effectively a combine travel industry possibly 1000 times current at 6/3/2017} to correct the object of "Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness. to purify the earth.
- The mind of the Anti Christ Lover of pleasure more than lovers of God . The thinking like in Donald trump that it is by might and by power and not by God Spirit.
Those who humble themselves as Serve all by ever to greater glory 'value for less' by mega ,mega ports~ creator Kings and property developers Lords are the real deal. Praise God. A who fa eye you a look through Let it be only eyes of God Christ to infinity Ever a Jedi The Light of the World
The WEST is going to have some of the Good life.
~ with The Americas Springing into God Kingdom come with the Americas 2.5 billion+ BY TRUE LIBERTY TO ALL 7.4 BILLION+ ON EARTH Liberty in Christ predestined by God for all but BEING FOUGHT and prevented BY CONSTITUTIONS OF MAN IN 'PRINCIPALITIES ISM AND POWERs, for spiritual wickedness in high places for the perpetuation and exalting over what we should have sought first 'God Kingdom come - they rather Spoils ~ yea Donald Trump and Jamaica Prime Minister 2017- Andrew Holness ~ of the Ruler ship of the dark age for indirect Extortions rather that 10% tax tithe to serve all Government on Christ shoulder but their division governments (Satanument on Satan shoulder in them principalities) is passing { population UP FROM 0.982 BILLION BEING TORMENTED BY IMMIGRATION LAWS OF MAN UNTO LEGAL FEES PLUNDERing AND PROFILING AS 'ILLEGALs FOR SODOMIZING FROM 'WELCOMED AS THEY GO TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH to correct injustice of unfruitful or stagnation works of darkness UNTO CREATION WHEN WELCOMED even to angel in disguise ~ but turned/defiled even temporarily FROM HEARTS OF GOD TO HEARTS OF man - Good AND EVIL NET SUCKER 'non serve all' THIEVES ~'Anti Globalists like Trump and dead mans bones who voted for him in Demagoguery '~ BY BEING POSSESSED BY 55 PRINCIPALITIES FOR THIEVES NOT IN CREATION BUT MORE FOR BOUNDARY EXTORTION DUTIES OR TARIFF ON CREATION BEING SERVED TO ALL AS A DIS -EASE A LUCIFERIAN {Meaning no IN CHRIST} WORSHIPING PRACTICE OF REVELING IN MISERY OF 'CAPTIVITY TO MINION/ CAPTIVE' THAT IS TO BE ABANDONED for it is discredited- not of good report ~ "OF THAT TREE WE ARE NOT TO EAT} only whatever things are pure and of good report to infinity of greater Glory Ever a JEdi" and one too like with China with emerging 'Kingdom of God come - border less earth- 'cleansed of boundary extortion by Government of principalities as thieves to 'united serve all creator net givers Kings and Lords {Male and Female IN CHRIST} only Block(s) one with all 7.4 billion+ on earth and in omnipresence.
Even Trump wild Understand 'They that exalt themselves demogogueingly (exploiting under the stronghold of darkness making them principalities'ism captivities captives)' are cast down and the least shall be the greatest as 'serve all enabling' and 'Serve all Kings and resulting property Developer Letting MAJESTY Come to Jah earth, Celestial Cities from pure dirt' Lord of whom Jesus is KING of 'serve all Kings and LORD of resulting 'serve all Lords.'
Think dem stress we out
press into poverty
Want see we brimstong brilliance to them wicked head.
Dont be no blood sucking walking dead
Trod Jah earth as Christs instead.
and I decree this, even here
"THE Americas with population increasing to 2.5 billion will see 1.6 billion immigrants emerging easily out of poverty to being serve all Kings all Global of Whom Jesus is KING of 'serve all Kings and LORD of resulting serve all property developer Lords. Jesus as King of Kings and Lord is a Manifesting reality coming. we making it happen. what ever we loose on earth God loose in heaven. Stop loosing the the exalting of kingdoms of man over the Kingdom of God. Isiah prophesied we will come to the knowledge of truth prosperity is in being Global and the kingdoms of man shall become the kingdom of God all being Global and omnipresent."
This post https://www.dhirubhai.net/post/edit/6264549290857820160
is 1 of 2.
Sheval Anthony Smith ~ Dealing with immigration torment effects; Counting it all joy in the Joy of the Lord Bringing all things into subjection of the WORD OF GOD.
Do copy & paste if necessary and properly SHARE THIS AND OTHERS OF THE
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DISCUSSION From the 'Tormenting of Immigrants Family following God commands:
- Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness
- Go to the utter most part of the earth doing as Christ does doing Good and professing issues of life
comes this Ministry expounding Grace ORDERING OF OUR STEPS ~ "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God ... and all these thing will be added to all 7.4 billion of us.
Ebooks available singly at
and as a US $10 for the Bundle of 3 ebooks in the series with the Free Trailers Post for the loosing on earth of God Kingdom come at
2. https:/majestyshocktrailinchrist.org/
Trailer Posts are available at:
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Barack Obama, Donald John Trump,{bring Donald John Trump to the land of the Living Souls from 'dead in trespasses and sins of perpetuation what we truly wrestle against: principalities he is doing it for loot of protectionism that would be on him minions in Old USA, powers even Democratic, and against spiritual wickedness in high places, the ruler ship of the dark age, we are makings passing! past.
Email to and Subject: my two Citizen??? Resident Immigrant daughters to New York Old, USA, now transforming to Americas in Spring one with Earth Spring to God Kingdom come, Border less New Earth cleansed of 'the Thief'
~ needing immigration Laws of man legal fee spoils and pleasure for players Grabbing immigrant by the P.
~ needing havens pleasure goons loving of pleasure more than being lovers of God through to legalized gay and lesbisnism by a Black president Snared in darkness; and
~ perversed out unto corruption needing by their head up their ass negotiating skills needing
~ Protectionism, Tariff, Duties, indirect taxes from their minions enterprises and citizenry in no labour for the REST byt rather anxiety no wait on Accounting calculation of ANNUAL INCREASE - so more boundary extortion and loot taxes ~ for Cow'ism by the spoils above 10% Tax/Tithes on Annual increase to 'serve all government on Christ shoulders in us' by ' us all as emerging to the High mark of our calling in Christ Jesus Serve all creator and serve all distribution creation Kings and resulting 'serve all property developer Lords of whom Jesus is KING of serve all Kings and LORD of Lord the emerging Globalists 'that Trump Demogogue is against and denying,
leaving China President Xi Jinping, The Banner bearer of Globalization ~ the enabling of all 'to be serving all as unto The BODY of Christ remembered from six millenniums of Lucifer dividing from being one in the Spirit ~ one in the Lord; dividing by national anthems and constitutions of principalities and powers for spiritual wickedness in high places' the ruler ship of the dark age now passing on the onslaught of the Information Age of Knowledge of Truth.
Like Unlike in America(North Central and South) with only a population of 982 million but possessed by 55 principality, Workers in China over the last 40 years were not profiled as immigrants and illegal immigrants. Sbina modelled the borderless kingdom of God come with all having inalienable right to life, liberty and right to work pursue of happiness in Glory and Majesty like was the case when Americas was built by immigrant. before the unslought of the quite plundering of immmigrants for spoils in Legal fees and pleasure expecially to defile all from " YOu are to welcome stranger for in so doing you welcome Angels unaware."
China has population of 1,382 million that is 1 1/2 the Size of the Americas Population wise though china sits on a land space less than Old USA which is smaller than Canada. Barack Obama in his last State of the Union Address said the UNION of America 321 million is strong. That is a issue of death, not Christ but Luciferin'ism from the mouth.
If that is correct there is no truth in the ultimate truth That God ORDERING OUR Step to first do 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness, His will being done for all things being added to us. By Economies of scale allowing lowest cost and prices so achieving the most enabling of all into being serve all Kings in a reality of the most equitable distribution of creation wealth. Like China Xiaoma M 6 Phones and typical specs achieve compared to a I Phone 7 selling for a greed creaming price of US$900. Obama was just possessed by demons defying God by saying kingdoms of man little nothingness principality is to be exalted above God kingdom come or whatever is closer to it and points to it China a greater Union of 1.382 billion pointing to the greater Glory and Majesty for all none as net sucler of Cow'ism as is of the thief Old USA considered by Obama Strong.
?But Obama need to be transformed by the renewal of his mind to the Mind of Christ from mind of Antichrist. For it was not the Mind of Christ that made legal by Old USA Laws of man legal right of Gays and Lesbians to marry into union as though this is basic institution of life and not unfruitful works of darkness. The mind of Christ is the word of God applied good for reproof. the mind of Antichrist is desperately wicked Unsound no good even in assessing the strength of the OLD USA UNION.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness His will alone being done. What ever thing of Good report. Old USA had a period of relative to all other great. That will never be up to China and China experience points to the need for us to submit to God ordering of our steps and stop being a bunch of delinquents lost in being dark age Captivities captives and professed Luciferian hated victims in his service submitting to being destroyed from being the Apple of God's eyes in Gods will being done on earth as in heaven.
We are ONE in the Lord and the Great almighty God return to his temple of all man as one serving all as unto Christ Body remembered from principalities, so the return of God Kingdom come that we are to loose on earth So God may only loose only same in heaven.
In the con text of the Scriptures saying All things will be added to us when We achieve the loosing into being of Border less so New Earth cleansed of what e wrestle against.
We wrestle not against Flesh and blood
but against principalities,
against powers,
for against spiritual wickedness in high places
for the perpetuating of the ruler ship of the dark age
But that is now passing.
Being obliterated as not chosen; by obedience of " of that tree we should not eat" only of the tree of Life. A truth better Grasp by China than Old USA and Grasp by the new Emerging Earth Spring and Americas Spring of new Living Souls loosing the new Border less Earth.
?From: Sheval Smith
From Farm, May Pen.
Clarendon, Jamaica
North Americas, Earth, Omnipresence, Kingdom of Heaven.
Title: Well what to think. We hope for the best. Perhaps today is last day of my current months of Digicel Internet. Walking to May Pen Public Library for half hr each use of Public Internet use at a time with the kids is what I want to avoid. /Difficult to be perfecting Posts and/or create new one.
We life and we learn. Without Knowledge my people perish Jesus says.
Still seeking help Can some one Venessa or Meghan or Hugh Lowe Dean Be send me $33 by Digicel top up so I can keep my internet on. Send to my Cell number 876 557 7200 so I can get text and then transfer to my Digicel Modem.
I am trying to stay afloat and do better much better I need to do. I have been here 11 years and one month. during which time I only had work for 33 months ( excluding this my own work efforts.) People think I am old, and even rightly think i should be providing job for other. I have been trying and just dealing with the reality that work is hard to come by and things are difficult and even spiraling difficulty by this principality spoils seeking Jamaica Satanuments Government.
The filing could have allowed me in LA for 6 to 8 months now, covering these little things. I would still be fighting for the honor of my family and that of all all actual and aspiring immigrants deprived of China reality+ in during the last 40 years bringing over 800 million immigrants out of poverty to becoming emerging 'serve all kings' and resulting property developers Lords of whom Jesus is KING of serve all Kings and LORD of emerging serve all Lords
China's Largest Ghost City?
This is a video of Zhengzhou's new district, or Zhengdong, which has been called "China's largest g...
The Old USA is in stagnation for BEING LOST in sodomizing and plundering immigrants and for reveling in the haven that enable them to do it - the principality OF WHICH THE BOAST, EXALTED in might and power seeking spoils implied in even 'God Bless America.
for it does not mean even america but just 321 million of it, 1/3 of it leaving it all possessed by 55 principalities all not united and moving to UNITED Earth but divided so always for the last 40 of 240 years losing economies of Scale advantage to China and 'Spirited Serve all Creator Kings as net givers. none a net sucker', so into being Babylon Stand still runaways behind Singapore and Chongqing
and I decree this, even here
"THE Americas with population increasing to 2.5 billion will see 1.6 billion immigrants emerging easily out out of poverty to being serve all Kings all Global of Whom Jesus is KING of 'serve all Kings and LORD of resulting serve all property developer Lords. Jesus as King of Kings and Lord is a Manifesting reality coming. we making it happen. what ever we loose on earth God loose in heaven. Stop loosing the the exalting of kingdoms of man over the Kingdom of God. Isiah prophesied we will come to the knowledge of truth prosperity is in being Global and the kingdoms of man shall become the kingdom of God all being Global and omnipresent."
Jesus said "have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness & Go to the utter most part of the word to do good and preach the gospel; to cleansed earth of unfruitful works of darkness: that is immigration Gods perfect will being done in achieving His wish that none perish, but all come to life and life more abundantly.
My publications online outline the extent of such prosperity: Americas Great not just again, but
for the first time in human history
same for China Europe all the earth
Is Trump defiling souls on earth with the Gospel of being Patriotic, fo...
Unnu Munnu feel my pain
Unnu know my grief
Munnu share in my oppression from... https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/trump-defiling-souls-earth-gospel-being-patriotic-america-smith
This Light is bill is now for 3 months 2 months past due. Ja. $4,800 about US$39. can cut off anytime now with further charge for re connection fee.
So US$72 will cover these critical bills.
I had long turn off took out outside light and it already look like I am using thiefing light in the back of the house and yard.
I just dont have job, get no call despite 1 year and 1 month of trying since I come up here.
I have been in for the last 8 months easily without washing soap. tooth paste.
Oh I got to buy some seasoning powders to help with eating the remaining perhaps 20 lb of rice and flour.
Because I responded to the call of Hugh Lowe Mother to come and go with her to do her banking and shopping and at the end of it I got a 100 meter Fishing line. US$1.20 Ja. $160 and a doz fishing line at a penny a piece. Ja $24. I hear fish picking at river and I need some protein.
Venessa I put this Fishing NET on my wish List. US$ 105 of 12 ft diameter size net https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EWJK2NY/ref=dra_a_rv_ss_hn_xx_P1250_1000?tag=dradisplay-20&ascsubtag=16b02b59612d58da9b2da93be385f221_S
that could see me go to the river and catch 20 lb of little fish and keep me strong, collective, connected and up.
My online work is still up by post reaching directly
LinkedIn 7,326 connections plus 3 million by posting post through groups I join
Facebook 5,000 friends. and postings with shares through over 150 groups I join
Despite my Website https://majestyshocktrailinchrist.org/ Online shop being closed now for over six months for non payment of hosting fees depriving me chance for making myself and this .org financially independent from Sales of E book Bundles or donation online To this Ministry.
Jack Ma said His business ~ Alibaba.com ~ never made any money for the first 3 years. He could not get even US$3,000 to borrow from any bank. Now He is worth US$35 billion after 11 years of operation and sees himself a steward appointed by God to enable all into Global distribution of their creations in most reliable manner .
YOu know I like the ministry of Creflo dollar. I encourage you to tune into Joseph Prince: https://youtu.be/X64yze46hXo?t=5882
Looking for a favorable response.
Your Father,
Sheval Anthony Smith ~ Dealing with immigration torment effects; Counting it all joy in the Joy of the Lord Bringing all things into subjection of the WORD OF GOD.
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DISCUSSION From the 'Tormenting of Immigrants Family following God commands:
- Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness
- Go to the utter most part of the earth doing as Christ does doing Good and professing issues of life
comes this Ministry expounding Grace ORDERING OF OUR STEPS ~ "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God ... and all these thing will be added to all 7.4 billion of us.
Ebooks available singly at
and as a US $10 for the Bundle of 3 ebooks in the series with the Free Trailers Post for the loosing on earth of God Kingdom come at
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Barack Obama, Donald John Trump,{bring Donald John Trump to the land of the Living Souls from 'dead in trespasses and sins of perpetuation what we truly wrestle against: principalities he is doing it for loot of protectionism that would be on him minions in Old USA, powers even Democratic, and against spiritual wickedness in high places, the ruler ship of the dark age, we are makings passing! past.
Barack Obama, Donald John Trump,{bring Donald John Trump to the land of the Living Souls from 'dead in trespasses and sins of perpetuation what we truly wrestle against: principalities he is doing it for loot of protectionism that would be on him minions in Old USA, powers even Democratic, and against spiritual wickedness in high places, the ruler ship of the dark age, we are makings passing! past.
Now forget the things of the pass and press to the High mark of our calling IN CHRIST 'Serving all In all Earth and Omnipresence as Body of Christ remembered from Lucifer turned Satan Divide to conquer from being one with Almighty His this creation man as Living Souls IN CHRIST The righteousness of God.}
Hillary Clinton and Xi Jinping
Effecting This
1. Sign The Petition
and the others that makes the AMERICAS 0.982 Billion to 2.5 billion population (One third of the earth and seas/oceans should have 1/3 of the earths population so let us have the migration and inalienable rights Liberty where in Christ Jesus makes us free the real migration travel predestined before the foundation of the earth with mega Air Ports and other travel infrastructure} we are ONE and One with all in The Earth ~ no more principalities. Just Global one One World Even Government on Christ shoulders in us, one with with Omnipresence ~ Kingdom of heaven.
2. and so support to infinity like all of us MOVEMENT TO THE AMERICAS AND EARTH SPRING TO GOD KINGDOM COME and all his righteousness His will alone being done ON EARTH we be loosing on earth IN ALL THE INFINITY OF OUR WAYS so God may loose only same in heaven.
Letting God Kingdom come, the Kingdoms of man becoming the Kingdom of God ~ Our Father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come' that Jesus came to manifest and so preach so we all seek now Globalization unlike the errors of before nations building.
We seek first the kingdom of God .... in this movement to the Americas Spring simultaneously with Earth spring unto God kingdom come THE NEW EARTH THE BORDERLESS EARTH CLEANSED OF
THE THIEF NEEDING the norm of rulership of the dark age passing, THE HAVEN OF PRINCIPALITIES'ISM for boundary extortion and loot taxes above the 10 percent tithes to serve all government on Christ shoulders in us; God requirement to illuminate the preponderance of The Thief being transformed to 'Living serve all creator Souls" by XI Jinping and others in China and in earth in Satanuments Government sucking by might and power to deny the will of the Spirit God If you dont work for it dont eat Be fruitful by honing creation skills in losing ever to greater Glory values for less served to all - to in so doing Glorify God; so unearned income typical of Old Jamaica, less so Old USA and Old Canada and just about all inefficient non serve all principalities satanument government by harlot and abominations of the earth riding on the beast or BABYLON HARLOTS and abominations of the earth drunken with the blood of the Saints ~ the pressing to the high mark of our calling as emerging serve all Kings and lords of the earth generating Billionaires status funds or to create Mega structures of great ingenuities of Celestial cities and creation infrastructures and centers, like done Bill Gates all of us (THAT TRUMP IS ABOUT FOR 35% PROTECTIONISM DUTIES ON EXPORTS of Global companies moving their operation to Mexico for cheaper That Old USA last 200 year policies rejected with the impunity of sodomizing immigration legal fees torment and plunder immigrants that are to be angels in disguise, giving labor that the likes of trump pleasure goon grabbing by the P. (all festering or sowing to the flesh to reap corruption to be covered by repentance for a clear mind of Christ in the Spirit} running through three immigrants wives The thief is anti the Spirit of God word - the Christ so opposite to thou shall not commit fornication uncommitted sex but til death do us path marriage Lover of pleasure more than lovers of God. We are to by the Word of God to go to the uttermost part of the earth {effectively a combine travel industry possibly 1000 times current at 6/3/2017} to correct the object of "Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness. to purify the earth.
The mind of the Anti Christ Lover of pleasure more than lovers of God . The thinking like in Donald trump that it is by might and by power and not by God Spirit.
and Again as the SPIRIT Lead ~ Fund this Movement of the Americas and all Earth Spring to God Kingdom come by donation of any amount here;
So I have brought and continuing to bring all my learnings ongoing into subjection of the WORD of God as a Abraham seed ~ A Globalist ~ a blessing infinity of ways Ever A JEDi hopefully to all the families of the earth.
KEEPING IT GROUNDED Seek ye first the Kingdom of God Major focus of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL IN CHRIST Ministry
For this
China and India like all of us achieving in 10 years to 2025 achieve Singapore and more per capita Creation of the 75,000 to 150,000 Like for all of us predicted in
See our ‘Living Souls 10 years Global and Jamaica Achievable Economic Targets 10 years to 2025.
for easily attainable Minimum Global Creation in 10 years to 2025 SEE YEAR BY YEAR BREAKOUT BELOW
. AND observe this critical truth
~Lesson Of Old Jamaica ~
~The World~
GDP Creation in abundance with out the stifling USURY Built up of the last 29 years The abomination of Desolation that seems to have bot sides of the member of parliament blood dripping from mouth; The full Fix needed is to Living Souls none carnal, drunken with blood of the pressing to be serve all net givers to infinity of values for less ever to greater glory, served to all by all Jamaicans: None a non serve all net sucker.
Effect This
and the others that makes the AMERICAS 0.982 Billion to 2.5 billion population (One third of the earth and seas/oceans should have 1/3 of the earths population so let us have the migration and inalienable rights Liberty where in Christ Jesus makes us free the real migration travel predestined before the foundation of the earth with mega Air Ports and other travel infrastructure} we are ONE and One with all in The Earth ~ no more principalities. Just Global one One World Even Government on Christ shoulders in us, one with with Omnipresence ~ Kingdom of heaven.
2. and so support to infinity like all of us MOVEMENT TO THE AMERICAS AND EARTH SPRING TO GOD KINGDOM COME and all his righteousness His will alone being done ON EARTH we be loosing on earth IN ALL THE INFINITY OF OUR WAYS so God may loose only same in heaven.
Letting God Kingdom come, the Kingdoms of man becoming the Kingdom of God ~ Our Father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come' that Jesus came to manifest and so preach so we all seek now Globalization unlike the errors of before nations building.
We seek first the kingdom of God .... in this movement to the Americas Spring simultaneously with Earth spring unto God kingdom come THE NEW EARTH THE BORDER LESS EARTH CLEANSED OF
THE THIEF NEEDING the norm of ruler ship of the dark age passing, THE HAVEN OF PRINCIPALITIES'ISM for boundary extortion and loot taxes above the 10 percent tithes to serve all government on Christ shoulders in us; God requirement to illuminate the preponderance of The Thief being transformed to 'Living serve all creator Souls" by XI Jinping and others in China and in earth in Satanuments Government sucking by might and power to deny the will of the Spirit God If you dont work for it dont eat Be fruitful by honing creation skills in losing ever to greater Glory values for less served to all - to in so doing Glorify God; so unearned income typical of Old Jamaica, less so Old USA and Old Canada and just about all inefficient non serve all principalities satanument government by harlot and abominations of the earth riding on the beast or BABYLON HARLOTS and abominations of the earth drunken with the blood of the Saints ~ the pressing to the high mark of our calling as emerging serve all Kings and lords of the earth generating Billionaires status funds or to create Mega structures of great ingenuities of Celestial cities and creation infrastructures and centers, like done Bill Gates all of us (THAT TRUMP IS ABOUT FOR 35% PROTECTIONISM DUTIES ON EXPORTS of Global companies moving their operation to Mexico for cheaper That Old USA last 200 year policies rejected with the impunity of sodomizing immigration legal fees torment and plunder immigrants that are to be angels in disguise, giving labor that the likes of trump pleasure goon grabbing by the P. (all festering or sowing to the flesh to reap corruption to be covered by repentance for a clear mind of Christ in the Spirit} running through three immigrants wives The thief is anti the Spirit of God word - the Christ so opposite to thou shall not commit fornication uncommitted sex but til death do us path marriage Lover of pleasure more than lovers of God. We are to by the Word of God to go to the uttermost part of the earth {effectively a combine travel industry possibly 1000 times current at 6/3/2017} to correct the object of "Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness. to purify the earth.
The mind of the Anti Christ Lover of pleasure more than lovers of God . The thinking like in Donald trump that it is by might and by power and not by God Spirit.
If you support this evolving work of
A guide to even "New minimum down town 'Serve all' Kings Town Jamaica in 10 years to 2025. China Build New Shanghai Financial Center in 25 years as to 2016."
Possible only with Taxes at only tithes 10% to global government (Not Satanument,) in a border-less earth cleansed of flag'ism, and anthem`ism for the thieves in reliance of net creation but on the leaven ~boundary extortion and loot Taxes from its captivity captives to transfer to Net suckers as unearned income and netsuckers'ism\. Only lovers of God to infinity Ever a JEDi more than lovers of pleasure.
Through a New minimum down town Kings Town Jamaica in 10 years to 2025 Living Souls Projections. Taxes only tithes 10% to global government Not Satanument, border-less earth cleansed of flagism, and anthems`ism and boundary extortion and lootaxes and unearned income and netsuckerism. Only “Serve All” Lovers of God to infinity Ever a JEDi /more than lovers of pleasure.bind to infinity. Honor of Kings in
MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL Property Development and Maintenance Services IN CHRIST (where Boundary extortion and loot taxes are brought to an end,) please join in breaking the Word asunder to agree and let us all serve the Lord with all our hearts. all 7.3 billion or 73 billion whatever it be. Loosing on earth not the perpetuating of principalities, and powers and spiritual wickedness in high paces the dark age but bind and obliterate that from the earth, loosing the kingdoms of man (vanquished with its anti “SERVE ALL Creation” boundary extortion and loot taxes FOR NET SUCKER UNEARNED INCOME) becoming the Kingdom of God ONE World & Government IN CHRIST, on Christ shoulders even in us all, in Christ, Letting every thing that has breath Praise the Lord.
Let us by his grace support and loose on the earth the policies and cultures that reflect the renewing of all us on the earth Minds to the Mind of Christ living through us bringing into existence “a no principalities earth to him one nation under God … His Kingdom come his will being done,” -Goodness and Light.
It is the obedience to infinity in all our ways that matters;
And it is becoming clear to all it is “The Way” to the greatest prosperity on earth.
And of His reign, there shall be no end.
I seek your support
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Funding/and for Earth experience Transformation.
I seek patronage/and joint action in one accord from interested persons in their personal Spirit life development and in the development of this movement and work effecting Kingdom of God earth experience transformation;
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Share in the effecting of the Petition(s) into our new earth realities, letting God Kingdom come Earth cleansed of ‘ principalities, powers, spiritual wickedness the ruler ship of the dark age;’ also share in enabling all via discussions and implementings -The righteousness of the Info-graphics – renewing of the our Minds from darkness to light Mind of Christ Jesus- economic policies, foreign affairs (- no foreign) and government that is on Christ Shoulders loosed on all the earth, in infinity of ways, Ever a JEDi. Yielding from glory to greater glory US as Priests and Kings – of whom JESUS IS High Priest and KING -, of a Royal nation one with God through Christ Jesus ever into Ascension -Christ the light of the World.
Information on how to donate.
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- over 110 Free Trailer Posts to Its
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DISCUSSION From the 'Tormenting of Immigrants Family following God commands:
- Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness
- Go to the utter most part of the earth doing as Christ does doing Good and professing issues of life
comes this Ministry expounding Grace ORDERING OF OUR STEPS ~ "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God ... and all these thing will be added to all 7.4 billion of us unto the greatest prosperity and good health for all even Eternal Life for all IN CHRIST.
and so support THIS to infinity like all of us in MOVEMENT TO THE AMERICAS AND EARTH SPRING TO GOD KINGDOM COME and all his righteousness His will alone being done ON EARTH we be loosing on earth IN ALL THE INFINITY OF OUR WAYS so God may loose only same in heaven.
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