What is true silence?
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
Here's - What is true silence.
And other posts of Pravin Agrawal.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
If you can grasp the deep meaning and follow it, you are very fortunate. Read it and try!
Love and light to you!
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of posts are collection of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his books again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost my all posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost my all posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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15 October 2023
Can you catch me?
*Can you know me?
Can you notice me?
Can you catch me?
*You will be the wisest!
If you can catch me!
*Though I am with you!
Always like air!
I am inside you!
I am outside you!
*I speak to you in silence!
If you love me with purity!
If you remember me truly!
*Focus on me!
Love me truly!
Remember me!
Don't see here and there!
Don't think about others!
Only think about me!
*Don't see me as body!
See me like air near you!
Talking with you in silence!
If you talk with me with love!
Talk with me in your mind!
*Then you can catch me surely!
You can catch my silence talks!
Then you can notice me near you!
Then you can know me surely!
*You are most fortunate!
If you can know me!
When you talk with me!
Then I talk with you!
In the innermost silence!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 May 2023
Even in Thousands of People
*God can love you!
He can come for you!
Even in thousands of people!
Others will not know!
*He will be visible to you!
But not to others!
Others will not know!
You will only know!
*He can talk with you in silence!
He can kiss your forehead!
He can kiss your cheeks!
Even in thousands of people!
*Since you love Him!
Hence He loves you!
*Though He loves everyone!
But He can be known!
Only to the person!
Who loves Him most!
*If you love Him!
More than your spouse!
More than any other!
He can be known to you!
*Love Him!
More than any other person!
More than any other thing!
In the entire universe!
Then you will know Him immediately!
*Love Him like fish!
Fish can't live without water!
If you can't live without Him!
He comes immediately specially for you!
Even in thousands of people!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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17 May 2023
Can you receive my love?
*Aap Kitne Paani Mein Hain?
Aap Swayam Check Kar Sakte Hain!
*At what level of Spirituality you are?
You can check it yourself!
*If you can receive my love!
If I kiss your forehead!
If I talk with you in silence!
From any place of the world!
*If you can receive my kisses!
Between your eyebrows!
If you can listen my voice in silence!
Wherever you are!
*Then you are at higher level of Spirituality!
Else you have to practice some years!
*I am Supreme Soul, Atma!
I am infinite Chinmay!
I am very near to you!
I am at farthest place from you!
I am inside of you!
I am outside of you!
*I can kiss you!
I can talk in silence with you!
You must be eligible to receive!
For this you have to practice!
For some years!
You have to love Sri Krishna!
*And once you are ready!
Once you are eligible!
You can receive my love!
You can receive my kisses!
You can receive my voice!
Anywhere in this universe!
*No time and space in me!
No time and space in Soul, Atma!
*This is most ancient knowledge!
This is most secret, sacred knowledge!
Imparted by Lord Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Daily Prayer Revised
*My infinite love!
My infinite Pranam!
To one Almighty God!
Inside you!
*Irrespective of any religion!
Irrespective of any gender!
Irrespective of age, younger, elder!
Irrespective of any nation!
Irrespective of any caste!
Irrespective of any language!
Irrespective of friends or enemies!
Irrespective of any differences!
*Since one and only one!
Almighty God resides in you!
Since He is only one Atma in you!
Since He is Supreme Soul!
Of this entire universe!
Which keeps this world alive!
*You may call Him Krishna!
You may call Him Almighty!
You may call Him Atma!
You may call Him God!
Of any religion or nation!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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When you wake up
*When you wake up!
In the morning!
*Just remember me!
See me!
I am around you only!
Wherever you are!
*I am filled up like air!
In the room!
In the palace!
Wherever you are!
*Just see me!
Remember me!
*If you talk with me in silence!
I shall talk with you in silence!
*If you remember me!
I shall remember you!
*You can't go anywhere leaving me!
I can't go anywhere leaving you!
*You are always with me!
I am always with you!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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9 April 2023
Believe it or Not
*An Invisible Power present!
Everywhere, every time!
Believe it or not!
*He is seeing everyone!
He is seeing everything!
*This is truth!
Truth will not change!
By your believing!
By your not believing!
*He is the witness!
Every time, every where!
*You may cover your face!
You may hide yourself!
Under the ground!
In the Mars or any place!
*You are always watched by Him!
You can never escape from His eyes!
*This is true for you!
This is true for me!
This is true for everyone!
*He is known as Almighty!
Supreme Soul, Atma!
God, Goddess!
In any religion, nation!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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12 February 2023
What is a divine glimpse?
You get some hint, some glimpse of God or Atma or soul in your mind. You don't see God in front of your eyes. But you feel the presence of God in your mind, in your heart. You get some feeling about the presence of Atma or God. You get some divine light. You get some thoughts from Atma or God. You get some words of your Atma i.e. soul or God. You hear some words in silence. You get some thoughts in silence. For this you need to focus on you, your thoughts. You become thoughtless for some time. Do not see in front of you. See inside you, inside of your heart, inside of your mind and body. This is known as divine glimpse.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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12 February 2023
How to see God?
Following is the process for seeing God, Almighty:
First, you must have faith and firm belief on one and only one Almighty God.
Second, you get glimpse of God.
Third, you see God as per your intense desire.
Fourth, you merge with God.
This is the entire process.
There are two types of Darshan or seeing:
First Darshan, you see directly in any shape of God.
This can be done only by God with His immense blessing. But this is very rare. Everyone is not entitled for this. This requires good Karma of thousands of births.
Second Darshan, you get the glimpse of God. For this also you require somewhat pure heart.
This can be done by you and others. You can yourself do it by visiting religious places, pilgrimages, fasting, meditation etc. This makes your heart pure. An impure heart can not see Almighty God.
Other person like Guru can also show you God in this second process. He can give you glimpse of one and only one Almighty God. He can bless you with divine glimpse or grace. This can be done by visit to the doors of Guru. Some of the Guru can give you this divine glimpse from distance also. But this is very rare.
After having divine glimpse you know the truth about one Almighty God. Then you have full faith, firm faith on Existence of God. Then you don't have doubts on God.
Then your divine journey starts. Then you can reach up to God by practice. It may take short time or long time as per the intensity of your practice.
If you do not get any divine glimpse of God, then don't be disappointed. Try to purify your heart by practicing. This practice can be done by listening devotional music, by fasting, by meditation, by increasing focus, by selfless work, by reading scripture, by Satsang and by reading my sharing about Krishna, Almighty God. Thus by purifying intellect.
What is divine glimpse?
You get some hint, some glimpse of God or Atma or soul in your mind. You don't see God in front of your eyes. But you feel presence of God in your mind, in your heart. You get some feeling about presence of Atma or God. You get some divine light. You get some thoughts from Atma or God. You get some words of your Atma ie soul or God. You hear some words in silence. You get some thoughts in silence. For this you need to focus on you, your thoughts. You become thoughtless for some time. Do not see in front of you. See inside you, inside of your heart, inside of your mind and body. This is known as divine glimpse.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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28 January 2023
If I don't accept your invitation
*It doesn't mean that!
I don't love you!
If I don't accept your invitation!
*If I don't meet you!
If I don't call you!
If I don't accept your call!
If I don't reply you!
You should never understand!
That I don't love you!
*If I don't kiss your forehead!
You should not think!
That I don't love you!
*Sometimes I remember you!
But I don't accept your invitation!
*Remembering is the best love!
Silence is the best language!
*You don't know what is better for you!
Some times!
Not speaking is better than speaking!
It is for your good only!
*Pyar Kisi baat Ka Mohtaj Nahi!
Love doesn't require any proof!
*Love is not done!
Love itself happens!
Love is your very nature!
You can't live without love!
Whether you express or not!
*Krishna always loves you!
Almighty always loves you!
He speaks to you or not!
No one loves you more than Him!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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28 January 2023
If I don't like your post!
*It doesn't mean that!
I don't love you!
If I don't like your posts!
If I don't comment on your posts!
*If I don't speak to you!
You should not consider!
That I don't love you!
*If I don't kiss your forehead!
You should not think!
That I don't love you!
*Sometimes I remember you!
But I don't like your posts!
I don't comment on your posts!
I don't kiss your forehead!
*Remembering is the best love!
Silence is the best language!
*Pyar Kisi baat Ka Mohtaj Nahi!
Love doesn't require any proof!
*Love is not done!
Love itself happens!
Love is your very nature!
You can't live without love!
Whether you express or not!
*Krishna always loves you!
Almighty always loves you!
He speaks to you or not!
No one loves you more than Him!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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3 DEC 2022
True Incident : Experience of death
I have died thousands of times in thousands of births!
But during this birth itself I have died number of times.
This is the incident when I left my body probably second time!
I left my body first time when I was enlightened by my beloved Lord Sri Krishna!
Every time we go on Samadhi, we leave our body.
When I was serving in Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat during the year 1990 I was engaged in contemplation of God most of the times after sad demise of my father.
One day I was reciting different Mantras of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman etc in silence along with the contemplation. I was checking the influence of Mantra-Power of different Gods on myself.
It might be more than one hour duration I left my body and I was flying in to the sky, departing to the abode of Paramatma Sri Krishna or Almighty! Whatever you can name Him!
But I was feeling like alive!
My body was on the earth!
I was feeling liberated!
I realized the glory of Moksha!
When I reached very high in the sky, I remembered about my body and family.
I thought that family members would weep if I don't return to my body on the earth.
They will consider me dead.
Hence I returned to my body on the earth!
This is the true incident which I am sharing now on this very sacred day of Mokshada Ekadashi and Gita Jayanti in the most auspicious month of the year ie Margashirsha month.
It is believed that Mokshada Ekadashi brings salvation if Lord Sri Krishna is worshiped or Gita is recited on this auspicious occasion!
Lord Sri Krishna has himself told in GitaI am Margashirsha, the most auspicious month of the year!
I am sharing this incident for the good of one and all to know Mantra Power.
If you have full faith, focus and concentration. Then you can yourself witness the power of Mantras!
Happy Mokshada Ekadashi!
Happy Gita Jayanti!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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4 OCT 2022
@Surrender means no question
@Do you know?
What is total surrender?
@Surrender means no question!
No doubt! No smartness!
Be like a child!
And come to know the Truth!
@Your all questions must dissolve!
Your all smartness must dissolve!
Your all individuality must dissolve!
Your all personality must dissolve!
In front of the knower of Truth!
@Then you are ready to accept!
There must be total acceptance!
@Don't forget when you surrender!
You don't know anything!
You don't have anything!
You can't do anything!
@Total silence!
Mind in silence!
No questions in mind!
Total acceptance!
@Then you are in total acceptance!
Then you are ready to know Truth!
@Since this knowledge is very sacred!
Since this knowledge is very secret!
@And this is called Adhyatma Vidya!
And this is called Divine Knowledge!
@Knowledge is That!
Which liberates!
Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye!
@Wish You Happy Maha Navami
Wishing You Happy Navaratri
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24 SEP 2022
All this is imagination
*Like we see dream!
Dream world is imagination!
*In the same way!
This world is also imagination!
*In the dream world!
Every thing is imagined!
*In this world also!
Every thing is imagined!
*There is no imagination!
During deep sleep!
Hence there is no world!
During the deep sleep!
*Only imagination gives you!
Joy and sorrows!
*You are without!
Joy and sorrows!
*Mind is the cause of imagination!
You are without imagination!
You are always in silence!
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Talk 165. Ramana Maharshi-
Mr. Subba Rao: Do not men go into samadhi?
M.: Is there no samadhi now?
D.: Is it eternal?
M.: If not, how can it be real?
D.: Then?
M.: There is no then, no now.
D.: It appears so.
M.: To whom?
D.: To the mind.
M.: What is mind? Who am I?
D.: (Silence).
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18 SEP 2022
How I speak?
*I speak in your mind!
I speak in your heart!
I speak in silence!
I talk daily with you!
*I love everyone!
But those who love me!
They only can listen my voice!
*I am near you!
I am inside you!
I am outside you!
*Love me!
If you want to listen!
My voice in silence!
In your mind!
In your heart!
*If you love me!
You will be liberated!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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7 SEP 2022
Reason You Don't Know Almighty
*You visit temple and mosque!
You visit Kashi and Kaba!
*You visit in the crowd!
Thus you are held up in stampede!
*But you don't see Almighty!
Inside everyone of all religions!
*That is the main reason!
You couldn't know Almighty!
*You are doing same thing!
Since so many years!
But you couldn't know Him!
You couldn't see Him!
*You are wasting millions of rupees!
In religious activities!
You are wasting your time and effort!
In religious activities!
*But your mind is not religious!
You don't see Almighty in all!
*Going temple, mosque etc!
Visiting Kashi, Kaba etc!
It is not bad!
But first know Almighty!
Then it will be your true visit!
*You can't know Almighty!
Simply by visiting!
Temple, mosque etc!
Kashi, Kaba etc!
*Since you are doing the same!
Since ages!
But you couldn't know Him!
*Now try this new way!
See Almighty in everyone!
Every human!
Irrespective of religion!
*Initially you may find it difficult!
But after some time!
You may know Almighty!
This is without any doubt!
*Almighty is available in peace!
Almighty is available in silence!
Almighty is available in lonely place!
Though He is everywhere!
*If you share this to anyone!
This will be worship of Almighty!
Without any doubt!
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29 November 2021
When we wake up
*When you wake up!
First, you see your body!
After that you see!
The world from body!
*Hence you are different!
Than your body!
*Same is the case with Samadhi!
When we come out from Samadhi!
First we see our body!
After that, the world from body!
*Observe silence!
Talk to yourself in silence!
Ask from yourself!
Reply to yourself!
*Silence is the top most initiation!
More powerful than!
Initiation by looking, speaking
Or by touching!
*It will purify the individual!
In all respects!
And thus it establishes!
In the Self, Reality or Atma!
*When we wake up,
First we see our body.
After that we see the world from body.
Hence we are different than body.
Silence is the top most initiation.
And it is done by Instant Divine Knowledge!
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13 September 2021
When you wake up
*When you wake up!
In the morning!
*Just remember me!
See me!
I am around you only!
Wherever you are!
*I am filled up like air!
In the room!
In the palace!
Wherever you are!
*Just see me!
Remember me!
*If you talk with me in silence!
I shall talk with you in silence!
*If you remember me!
I shall remember you!
*You can't go anywhere leaving me!
I can't go anywhere leaving you!
*You are always with me!
I am always with you!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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9 September 2021
Only My Lovers Can Listen
*People like Ravana!
People like Kansa!
They can't listen!
My voice in silence!
*Only my lovers!
They can listen!
My voice in silence!
No one else can listen!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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21 Aug 2021
Why all can't listen my voice?
*Only those!
Who are very high soul!
Who are very sacred Atma!
Only they can listen my voice in silence!
*Such soul!
Who has done!
Excellent Karma!
In their past births!
*Only they can listen!
My voice in silence!
*If you can listen!
My voice in silence!
Then you are very high soul!
You are very sacred Atma!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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20 July 2021
What is Silence?
Even if you speak!
You don't speak!
Even if you don't speak!
You speak!
Silence is not in the jungle!
Silence is not in Himalaya!
Silence is even in family!
Silence is even in crowd!
Those who don't speak!
And they say they are silent!
They are fools!
They befool themselves!
Such people must know!
What is true silence!
Silence is the place!
Where Almighty resides!
Where nothing exists!
Except Himself!
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20 July 2021
Everyone is eligible for liberation
It is pity!
I am sorry to say!
Only human is eligible for liberation!
Every human is eligible for liberation!
But there are special qualities!
Of those people!
Who can enter in divine!
And they are basic requirements!
These requirements discussed!
By Sri Krishna Himself in Gita!
Silence is the main requirement!
See the magic of silence!
Go inside, not outside!
Thus be eligible in real sense!
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Silence is Real State-
Vedas also are eloquent in ‘neti’ - ‘neti’ (not this - not
this) and then remain silent. Their silence is the Real State.
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26 May 2021
Only those who can speak in Silence-
Only those who can speak in silence!
Only those who can listen in silence!
They are entitled entry in divine world!
Only they are eligible for liberation!
Only they are eligible for immortality!
Those who want to show others!
About their devotion to Almighty!
They can never enter in divine!
Almighty is not available for sale!
Almighty available for selfless!
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16 February 2021
Silence is the most effective eternal language.
Words obstruct this language of silence.
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When two hearts synchronize-
When two hearts synchronize!
They create wonders!
Miracles in the Universe!
They change the world!
If two hearts understand each other!
When they have no slightest of doubt!
When they have no complain with each other
When they dedicate to each other!
When they see no status!
They make wonders in world!
Almighty has made such a creation!
They create magic in the Universe!
Two hearts may be!
Man and woman!
Both the men!
Both the women!
When they love each other!
With utmost purity!
When they see no difference!
Of any material quality!
They become!
Same and one!
Life becomes a poetry!
Life becomes a magic!
Life becomes colorful!
Life becomes creative!
They don't see any gender!
They don't see any religion!
They don't see any nation!
They don't see age difference!
They don't see any language!
Silence is their language!
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How is my Nature-
I am beyond true and false!
I am beyond desiring, not desiring!
I am within nature!
I am beyond nature!
I am with qualities!
I am without qualities!
I am with shape!
I am without shape!
I am with form!
I am without form!
I am within the world!
I am without the world!
Nothing is smaller than me!
Nothing is bigger than me!
I am in silence!
I am in noise!
I am without words!
I am within words!
I am limited!
I am unlimited!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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Namaz and Prayer
If you are very big!
Devotee of Allah!
You do 5 times Namaz!
It is very well!
But it is not necessary!
That you must visit mosque!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
If you are very big!
Devotee of Krishna!
You do 3 times prayer!
It is very well!
But it is not necessary!
That you must visit temple!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
If you are in mosque or temple!
But you think about your home!
Then you are in home in reality!
Not in mosque or temple!
Since main thing is your mind!
And not your body!
Wherever your mind exists!
You exist there in fact!
Remove the darkness of ignorant!
By sharing this message!
To Muslims and Hindus!
Thus worship Almighty!
Translate it in your language!
If they don't know English!
Thus make use of your Education!
Light the lamp of this knowledge!
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If you love me
If you love me!
You will get!
Divine joy!
You will come to me!
If you touch me!
You will get!
Divine bliss!
You will come to me!
You will come to me!
While living alive!
Since after death!
You can't get me!
No need of loudspeaker!
For showing others!
No need of creating crowds!
In religious places!
Just love me in your heart!
Just speak to me in your heart!
Just speak to me in your mind!
For entering into my silence!
But you must love me!
Without any want!
Your love must be pure!
Without any selfishness!
Then your life will be changed!
For ever!
Then you will change the life!
Of others!
Then your all sorrows will be vanished!
For ever!
Then your all miseries will be vanished!
For ever!
You need not visit temple!
You need not visit mosque!
You need not visit Tirupati!
You need not visit Kaaba!
Just love me! Nothing else!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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Divine voice from sky
O my divine love!
O my loving darling!
You have done a magic!
Of your love on me!
I am intoxicated!
Of your love!
Divine love!
You are at distance!
But very near to me!
You don't speak to me!
But whisper in my ear!
We are separate!
But tied!
With an invisible thread!
Of love!
I speak to you!
Or not!
It doesn't matter!
Since we understand each other!
Then what is the need!
Of speaking!
Let it happen!
As per the wish of Almighty!
You know about me!
More than my wife!
You know about me!
More than my children!
Hence no need of speaking!
Since silence is key of magic!
If there is understanding!
No need of speaking!
If there is no understanding!
Speaking is in vain!
We have understanding!
With each other!
No need of speaking!
O my divine love!
O my loving darling!
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Some Recent LinkedIn Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Scenes do not exist even now-
Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
What is Sanatan Dharma?-
You are under cctv surveillance Linkedin-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
Quotes on Family By Pravin Agrawal-
Gems Of Yoga Vasistha To Know The Self-
Lord Rama date of birth scientifically calculated-
Family Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
Secrets of Nature-
People also ask : Who is Pravin Agrawal?-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Rules For Living In Your Family-
My Nature Sets Right Everything-
This?verse?from the?Bhagavad?Gita?will?solve?all?your?troubles!-
? ? ?
Links Of Some Important Posts Of Pravin Agrawal
My?All?Beautiful?Quotes?At?One?Place?Updated - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/my-all-beautiful-quotes-one-place-pravin-agrawal/
Popular Slideshows to Know Almighty-
Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-
Daily Sharing Most Important Posts Pravin Agrawal-
Some Life Changing Speakingtree Blogs of Pravin Agrawal-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Slideshows / Blogs on Bhagavad Gita-
Some Important?Posts?Of Pravin Agrawal-
Spiritual?India?WhatsApp?Group: A?Gurukula?Updated-
What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-
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List Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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Student at GGSIPU
1 年??
Creative person, served in the army, former inventor, clean energy technology as new platform features
1 年Thank you
Proprietor at Om Supply Solutions
1 年????????
Business Development Manager of Sales & Marketing
1 年Jai Mata di
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
1 年Friday is the day of Goddess!