What trauma can your operation survive?  Build a bullet-proof operation.

What trauma can your operation survive? Build a bullet-proof operation.

While the issue of preventative maintenance and reactive maintenance have been talked about ad-nauseam in articles and posts, I am beginning to hear about the concept of ‘survivability’ as a maintenance and operations management subject.

I came to this subject by means of engaging in DOT meetings about capital and maintenance and the consequences of living in the Pacific Northwest.? In my area, we talk about WHEN the earthquake will hit and not IF it will hit.? So, you see, in terms of infrastructure (see bridges) issues of survivability are actually issues of capacity.? A downed bridge carries no capacity.?

In my maintenance discussions around steel producers, downstream metals processors, and fabricators, the issue of survivability has been raised in terms of long neglected inspections or repairs – these are things that have been deficient for so long as to no longer warrant concern.? When someone says, ‘it’s been like that for 8 years and it still works, so how big of a problem can it really be?’, these folks are playing with a black swan event.? If you don’t know the reference, read the book.

At Ops Group, we have a saying, “everything is fine, until the moment that it isn’t”.? Not intended to be prophetic, but meant as a stark reminder that bad things can and do happen and that sometimes they can impact an operation for a long time.? In the past 6 months, we have 5 clients regionally and in other states go down for at least 2 weeks due to black swan events.? And, I can tell you that in these more trying economic conditions where margins are squeezed, knowledge is thinning, and just-in-time is a way of life, business interruptions do feel a lot like world-ending events…and in some cases, they can be.

So, what to do?? We’ve been busy going through operational plans with client’s looking at critical parts and lead times, and working on contingency planning for survivability level issues.? An ounce of prevention is our general motto here.? The real solution is to stockpile many pounds of cure, but we take baby steps…

Need help creating a framework for your contingency plans?? Maybe fresh eyes can help.

#operationsmanagement #survivability #contingencyplanning


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