What traditions do we want to pass on?

What traditions do we want to pass on?

... cutting ties with cultural stories ..

I host a room on Clubhouse every Wednesday at 1:00p eastern and whether it’s there, in-person conversations or on the internet, the topic of narcissism inevitably pops up. Either that or some type of psychological ‘diagnosis’ is offered up as a thought about someone else’s behavior.

Have we become a society of pseudo psychologists?

After countless semester hours in psychology and brain development, I quickly became a mental health advocate. Even more years in epigenetics and the investigation into the nature of stress … I draw the line.

Generational trauma is a story we’ve cultivated for what? How does this narrative do any good?

Trauma is the scar that’s left after a terribly hurtful experience.

According to Dr. Gabor Mate’, trauma is a psychic wound that leaves a scar and an imprint in your nervous system, body, and psyche. It is an inner injury, a lasting rupture or split with the self due to difficult or hurtful events. Trauma is a response to a wound that results in a loss of feeling and reduced flexibility in responding to the world. It hardens you psychologically and interferes with your ability to grow and develop, causing pain and leading to acting out of pain

Trauma is another way of saying suffering.

With this thought in mind, the growing number of mental health concerns is understandable. It also stands to reason why so many people feel hurt by someone living with narcissistic tendencies or some other mental health pathology. It’s a mental relay race where we’re passing the baton of trauma.

However, are these conversations contributing to the better of the whole … the collective … our human society? Are they helping us evolve OR holding us hostage to beliefs that do nothing but lead to a rise in discontent, conflict, inner turmoil and a sense that we need to separate ourselves even more to remain safe?

Safe = protection

When I adopted two sisters at the age of 7 and 10, I was informed they had been diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder and were prone to negative attention seeking behaviors … along with several other mental health diagnoses … I’m clear that it ALL adds up to the need to protect oneself due to the pain associated with feeling alone in a dangerous world.

Whether it appears dangerous to you or not is your experience. When you get real about facts, it’s evident there’s tremendous unrest and volatility happening around the planet. Yet, the experience of any situation is an internal one. No two people, read that as brains, interpret a situation with the same light.

A fact that was established by Dr. Barbara McClintock and her team in the early 1940’s was the ability of the DNA to spontaneously alter itself prior to germination / conception without human involvement. This was first observed in corn and as a result, is understood to be a natural occurrence. (Dr. McClintock eventually won a Nobel Prize in Medicine for this discovery).

With this scientific knowledge, you are as unique as they come. The ovum and sperm that produced you were not only singular in their genetic makeup, but they also contained information about each parent’s lifestyle and behaviors including the effect of stress, often referred to as traumatic memories.

Traumatic memory is epigenetic memory. Epigenetic memory essentially marks an event or circumstance that registered as a threat to the system. It’s what the brain / system does in response to a stressor for not only protection in the moment, but also to be ‘armed and ready’ should something similar happen again.

This genetic memory is passed down from generation to generation as a means of assuring the survival of future offspring. Epigenetic memory … the trauma stored in the body is in fact, the essence of survival. AND, this is coming through upon conception, influencing the unique development of your brain which is further shaped by the emotional experiences you have during the first seven years of life.

This goes for everyone. This means, how you hear and see the world is unique to you. Hence, your experience.

The focal point to this is how nature adapts for the continuation of life.

Emotions are the energetic sensations that arise as a result of epigenetic adaptations. If we were to stop there, the world would be in a much better place because we would be adjusting ourselves and our lives according to the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that we translate as either ‘excited, enthusiastic, happy, thrilled, lit up, and, and, and …’ OR ‘disappointed, sad, angry, frustrated, disgusted, irritated, stirred up, and, and, and …’.

The way you define your emotions, is how you define your moment and day. The defining of emotions is how mental health diagnoses took shape. This is not to say that in some instances, people are extreme in their emotional reactions … my daughters were perfect examples of this. However, the severity of their behavior was directly proportional to the emotional intensity.

These emotional fluctuations are consistent with the changes to your neurochemistry which matters when it comes to mindset, mindfulness and bearing witness to your thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions.

The world is increasingly reactive between emotions and chemicals, from synthesized to natural. To understand the nature of your emotions is key to regaining cognitive control. Yet, we live in a world with many chemicals influencing the chemistry of our bodies.

Mindset and mindfulness have a lot of weight in creating shifts for many people. And then there are people like me that anchoring into my convictions and desires was fleeting. As the Beatles said: I can get by with a little help from my friends.

Cocaine was the first round of friends for me to feel somewhat in control of my faculties. And that was short lived at best. My recovery from substance abuse came about because I grew weary of constantly having to refuel.

There are no accidents. Being guided by God Consciousness from the moment He knew me prior to entering this world, I met a professional nose. Of course I did! Talk about Divine comedy. I was led to use my nose for Good …

And good it did. Some might say I have an addiction to essential oils. So what!

My desire to know them led me to understanding that everything has two sides … a yin side and a yang side … including knowledge.

Knowledge offers a great deal until it blocks wisdom.

The brain has two halves on purpose. Your left brain is the logical side .. the thinking and reasoning based on knowledge acquired. Your right brain is your Higher Consciousness … the ability to create and see it through when integrated with the left brain.

The neurochemistry of your brain is affected by reactions or responses to stressors whether emotional, environmental or both. The challenge many are plagued with is trying to figure out what’s causing their problems.

  • Generational trauma
  • Childhood trauma
  • Bills, debt, relationships
  • The chemicals in our foods, air or water

The answer comes down to inflamed interpretations become inflammation. In other words, it’s all in how stressors are received. Your cognitive interpretation helps your system know the difference between a perceived or true threat.

This is where essential oils changed my life! By following my nose, I was able to turn the panic, overwhelm, negative attention seeking and need to figure it out now mindset into an awareness that witnessed the moment long enough to distinguish what steps were called for which included the type of attention I desired to experience.

Negative attention seeking behaviors have many faces (some are not so easy to accept):

  • temper tantrums
  • ghosting
  • love bombing
  • self-harm
  • control
  • homelessness
  • health issues
  • financial trouble
  • judgment
  • ‘know-it-all’
  • dishonesty
  • etc …
  • And keep in mind … they’re only labeled negative because society has deemed them as such.

Not only did I learn how to assist the brain with regulating the chemistry but have subsequently assisted hundreds of clients with creating similar experiences which includes people on medications in recovery from addiction and trauma.

It’s for this that I was recently asked to contribute to a pharmacology journal on the adjunctive use of essential oils in chronic pain management and why I was nominated to speak about them at a pharmacy convention in June.

Nonetheless, it seems essential oils close the gap within oneself as well as between people. They dispel the need to psychoanalyze and assist us with uniting on some level, even if it\s just recognizing that some of us don’t realize that what they’re truly seeking is to FEEL like they belong.

And that’s the gift of making the use of essential oils a daily ritual! They unite your system and close the gap between the logical you and the Higher You which in turn aligns your energy to know where you belong which is in Love so that you are able to see and hear All through the lens of Love.

This is the definition of healing!

The choices you make and the company you keep from there transforms the world around you because others will FEEL the peace you embody whether their friends, family, acquaintances OR perfect strangers!


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