What Traditional Media Doesn’t Want You to Know About Their *Updated* Business Model
Uptick Marketing
We create digital marketing strategies that get clear results and deliver real, trackable return on investment.
In an effort to keep up with the times, many traditional media companies have “updated” their business model to include digital marketing methods that lure in businesses seeking online advertising expertise. But can you really teach an old dog new tricks? The old adage might ring truer than you’d first think.
Traditional media wants you to think it’s changed with the times. We’re here to shed light on the secrets behind its transition. Here’s what they don’t want you to know about their “updated” business model.
Rebranded But Still Bundling
Rebranded media companies talk a big game and are great at making their cheap, bundled marketing services attractive to small businesses desperate to bring in more customers and large businesses with a large marketing budget. However, they often fail to deliver on their promises and remain stuck in their outdated ways. Instead of taking the time to create custom digital marketing strategies tailored to the needs of each individual client (like we do here at Uptick), they’ve kept their same one-size-fits-all mentality and applied it to the internet.
So, how exactly do they keep clients coming in and retain them? Unfortunately, through deceptive sales tactics and dishonest reporting. It’s a business owner’s job to know their business, not what the details of complicated auditing reports filled with technical jargon mean. By creating an illusion of expertise, they’re able to confuse clients and either:?
Once clients realize what’s really going on, this kind of experience often leaves them embittered toward all digital advertising agencies and distrustful of the industry as a whole.
The Big Disconnect
There are a lot of freelancers out there who do amazing work. We’ve even used them on occasion. However, there’s a difference between using the occasional freelancer with a reputation for great work and outsourcing all of your clients' campaigns to another location or country while promising a personalized service.
This creates a disconnect between what the client wants and needs and the creator, leading to subpar, ineffective, and lackluster content that doesn’t connect with the client’s audience. All of this culminates in a frustrating experience for the client as they feel a lack of control in the production process and irritation at the rate at which their changes are implemented.
There’s a Contract for That
Many traditional media companies want clients to sign a complicated, long-term contract that’s hard to get out of. This contract can dictate what services you must purchase, have hidden fees, and have auto-renewal clauses that make leaving the company harder than saying ‘no’ to a used car salesman. At Uptick, we know that not every business needs every digital marketing service. Instead of bundles and packages, we offer more than 30 services à la carte that can be combined and customized.
Jack of all trades, master of none—oftentimes, that’s what you get at rebranded mass media companies, using all-in-one software that’s purported to do everything but excelling at, well, not much of anything. These platforms are another tactic that makes it hard to leave due to fear of time, effort, and data loss.
How to Pick the Right Advertising Agency
Choosing the right advertising agency for your business can be incredibly difficult, especially if you’ve been burned in the past. Our suggestion? Stay away from any company that isn’t transparent about how they measure results, how much input you have in the creative process, and doesn’t have rave reviews from their clients.?
At Uptick, we start with a cost-free, no-obligation fact-finding meeting with you and our team, where we don’t try to sell you anything. We just learn about you and your business and see if we’re the right fit. Contact us today to schedule yours!