What traditional Business English classes will not teach you.
Elevate Digital

What traditional Business English classes will not teach you.

Why did I decide to add Communication and soft skills to my Business English teaching?

It happened a long time ago. I had just started teaching Business English and one of my first students was a Polish chief accountant for the representation office of an American bank that was preparing to enter the Polish market. Let’s call her Anna. I found out from her placement test and needs analysis that she was A2 and she wanted to focus on Business English because she needed to have meetings in English. So, I thought I knew what to do. I came to the next lesson armed with materials for finance and accountancy in English for level A2. It seemed logical. After about five minutes, Anna looked at me and smiled saying, “Allan, I…eh don’t know how to say this.” “Look I know my English is bad but please remember I have many years experience in my job.” “This is easy for me.” “My problem is, sometimes my two American bosses have stupid ideas that are against Polish law and I don’t know how to tell them that.” “When I try to do this, they are angry”

That was the moment I realized some students need more than regular Business English.

I went home and thought about what to do. How do you tell people what they do not want to hear? How do you do it in such a professional manner that they accept it even when they are reluctant to do so? That took me back to my previous career. While I was studying, I started working part time as an estate agent, selling houses. I remembered how at the age of 17, I was amazed by how my colleagues and bosses spoke to clients. It seemed magical how they were able to calm irritated people and assertively get their points across. I started copying them when I began to speak to clients too. It was only years later that I understood this was a practical combination of emotional intelligence and effective communication skills and that those that were proficient in these areas, were the most successful. ?

I knew my student Anna needed the same skills. The problem was, I could not find any materials that could train her how to do it. I had to put it all together myself. But how to do that? I set to work by probing my memories to visualize the expressions, mannerisms and gestures that my previous colleagues and I used to sell to clients and to act as mediators between buyers and sellers in negotiations. I noticed communication patterns in those interactions and so I noted down the exact key expressions that I could teach Anna. That was the moment I put together my first ever English communication and soft skills program for the individual needs of a client. Did it work? Yes, it did. Suddenly, life in the office became a lot easier for Anna.

So, you see, traditional Business English classes may teach you vocabulary connected with finance, law, HR, marketing etc. But they won't coach you ?how to deal with difficult people, how to make presentations that are truly engaging or how to give difficult feedback in a more acceptable manner. If you want to excel in the business world like Anna, you need a combination of effective communication and soft skills tailored to your individual needs. And that's exactly what my program can give you!

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