What mark can a President leave in History?

What mark can a President leave in History?

A President leaves a mark by the course of action that he takes, and/or by the way he handles the historical problems in which he is entangled by happenstance. In both cases, it is by constantly thinking about his legacy in thirty years that he is most useful to the country: wanting to leave a mark is not a megalomaniac and selfish act; on the contrary, it is the best criterion for evaluating what needs to be done in order to serve the long-term interests of the people.

More specifically, there are five ways for a political leader to leave a mark:

  1. By waging war or dealing with a tragic situation: one can only hope that the current president, or his successors, will not have to demonstrate their lucidity and courage through these types of ordeals, whether it be military or terrorist related. It is up to them, however, to prepare the French people by constantly reminding them about the dangers of the world, as well as about its potentials, and by making sure our military is strengthened, especially with the weapons of the future, which are often neglected.
  2. Clearly articulating a social project, which is capable of giving meaning to the history of a nation, well beyond a mandate. A project that is clearly focused on future generations; a socially and ecologically altruistic project. President Kennedy had succeeded in doing this, which is why we remember fondly his tragic but meteoric presidency.
  3. Implement deep-reaching reforms of French society, by communicating his ambition. For example, today, by making access to knowledge, for all and at all ages, the highest priority of the mandate. Or by undertaking a great sweep of all of our laws in order to erase the innumerable remaining traces of machismo in it.
  4. Build a new institution: Cultural buildings have gone out of style. On the other hand, a president could be remembered by history today if he created a great research centre of global dimension, in order to attract scientists from the five continents. This research centre would be publicly and privately funded.

For example, in the field of neuroscience, (including artificial intelligence, biology, biomimicry, and educational sciences), on which economic growth in the second half of the 21st century will depend.

Or on the climate: there is no physical place, anywhere in the world, which brings together all those who are working, exchanging and fighting to save the climate. And Paris is beautifully well situated to be such a place.

Both are absolute emergencies. And I believe that it is more important to do everything possible to welcome foreign scientists, rather than the often cynical and ephemeral bosses of American multinationals, whose sole ambition is too often focused on profits, without any moral or civic convictions. And for whom France is only one hunting ground among others.

5. A major international project: Along with the European project, though hopeless, and in particular the Europe of Security, of which every French President must be a champion; we should also oversee the launch of a major project towards the African continent.

Similar to the Chinese president’s launch of the extraordinary “New Silk Road,” which structures the international ambitions of China over a thirty-year period, a French president should also launch a “New Mediterranean Road’” that would connect Europe and Africa, in a thirty-year project, for the benefit of all. This project would entail the mapping and planning of all infrastructures that would allow for the joint development of both continents. Otherwise, the New Silk Road will do it, and Europe, already moribund, will be definitively counted out of history.

If power is to be useful, it must create the conditions for it to be remembered with gratitude rather than being cursed. This is as true for a President of the Republic, as it is for a mayor, teacher or parent: each and every one of them is responsible, in one way or another, for the destiny of the future generations.

  [email protected]

Nestor Ramirez

artisan dessinateur

6 年

REFLEXIONES POR EL FUTURO Por Nestor Elias RAMIREZ JIMENEZ (estudios de la Universidad Tegnologica de Pereira y del Instituto Tecnico Industrial INDALECIO PENILLA de Cartago en Colombia, Fecha: lunes 22 de Octubre del a?o 2018 O respuesta al sujeto del intelectual Jaques Attali. Es de vital importancia conocer las ideas de personas que se distinguen por tener influencia en el pensamiento y por ende en la política. Casi sin discreción el se?or ATTALI, considerado en Francia como uno de los cerebros del pensamiento moderno, con destacados escritos y conocidos en el mundo entero, acaba de publicar en las redes sociales una critica apenas disimulada a la acción del actual inquilino del palacio ELYSEO. Es que un presidente de una nación puede volverse megalómano? Los seres humano son propensos a la manía o delirio de grandeza, casi par naturaleza, y serán afectados en función de la capacidad de discernimiento. Que procura solo un nivel muy alto en la pirámide de MASLOV. Es verdad que desear emprender proyectos monumentales puede considerarse como un delirio de grandeza, excepto si un tal proyecto será a carácter social, connotación altruista. En eso convergemos en absoluto con el gran ATTALI. En cuanto a las ideas de violencia absoluta, se supone que la evolución de las ciencias y por consecuencia de la cultura, nos aleja de la visión de Thoma Malthus, y ahí tenemos que admitir que la escuela de Jean Bodin, se impone pues todo nos lleva a pensar que entre estas dos escuelas es la de Bodin la más lógica, solo que algunas ideas a la Keynes o Smith, como lo es el tailorismo habrian por lo menos transformado el altruismo en servilismo como lo describe si bien Etienne de la Boetie. No podemos definir un proyecto social hoy en día porque todo proyecto pasa por un filtro arbitrario que se llama el parlamento. El cual esta corrompido o contaminado por la connivencia ultra desarrollada. La cual se constata al cotidiano en todas las leyes. Que por la mayoría salen de la cabeza de especialistas del lobby en favor de las multinacionales. Esto es un hecho que lo demuestra a menudo CASH INVESTIGACIóN excelente programa de la televisión oficial francesa, Admito sin la sombra de una duda que esto es muy grave, pero ha sido se?alado desde los a?os sesenta por Raymond Aron, como luego por Marcel Conche ou Frederic Lordon en Francia y a nivel mundial por personas como John CHRISTENSEN (lord Ingles) Noam Chomsky o Joseph E. Stiglist (eminentes universitarios de los USA) No se podrá jamas agregar altruismo, humanismo en los complejos algoritmos de los potentes computadores de la industria financiera que son el zócalo de la realidad en economía política hoy: https://www.oxfam.org/es/sala-de-prensa/notas-de-prensa/2018-01-22/el-1-mas-rico-de-la-poblacion-mundial-acaparo-el-82-de-la La educación y el futuro Perfectamente de acuerdo con la idea que por el progreso en las ciencias (en la educación) se puede lograr un paso mayor en la grandeza de las naciones, a condición que la ciencia sea impartida de manera obligatoria y en particular a los hijos de familias de escasos recursos. De manera a permitir que el ascensor social que hoy esta fuera de servicio, al fin funcione. De nada sirve dar una excelente educación solo a las élites que terminan perpetuando el servilismo que los potentes computadores de la industria financiera transforman aceleradamente en esclavitud. El patio o huerto de los grandes países Como la América latina y central son el patio de los USA, áfrica ha sido lo mismo para Europa. Pero la China en su desarrollo estratégico comprende que puede ocupar un lugar que perderá alguien, sigan mi mirada….

Maria Jesus Romero Olid

Sustainability Process & Environment Manager at Group-IPS CEO El Cubo Verde,soluciones ambientales SL

6 年

I am afraid that the only mark that Mr. Trump will leave from his stay in the White House will be his null support to combat climate change. Obama left the way prepared and he has burned it.


Salve buongiorno che forza é lei compliment

samuel cazenave

CEO ??Les Nouveaux CheminS?? | Conseil, développement, coaching, transitions et symbioses

6 年

Je souscris et j’en ai fait un roman #lenouveauchemin / Mon livre vient de sortir. Nous sommes en 2024. Cette fois, le désastre écologique mondial n’est plus une info, ni un slogan. Il est là. Joshua n’a pas d’autre choix que d’ouvrir le nouveau chemin... Vous pouvez le télécharger soit sur le site de @librinova https://www.librinova.com/librairie/Samuel-Cazenave/lenouveauchemin Ou sur : Amazone : https://www.amazon.fr/leNouveauChemin-Samuel-Cazenave-ebook/dp/B07J65DRVX/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1539158271&sr=1-3&keywords=samuel+cazenave


To be useful, you have to be well accompanied. The accuracy of your words, my good Jacques, is like a writing that we have in ourselves, + we deliver it in full day, + all will use it in active conscience. The trace, by the time, erases the ego for you, then us.



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