- Improve site speedEnable compressionMinify CSS, JavaScript, and HTMLReduce redirectsUse a content distribution networkOptimize images
- Improve title tagsKeep titles briefMake them uniqueInclude one primary keywordAvoid keyword stuffingKeep title tag length between 50 and 60 characters
- Improve meta descriptionsKeep them under 120 charactersUse sentence caseOnly include your target keyword where it makes senseBe accurate, descriptive, and conciseAvoid duplicate meta descriptions on your website
- Apply proper header tagsAlways include an H1 tagUse only one per pageInclude the primary keyword for your contentAvoid populating the tag with too many keywordsMake the tag unique
- Follow the rule of E-A-TMake sure your content has an expert that it can be attributed toInclude their bio in detail on every page that the expert writes or reviewsCreate and provide unique, original research