What is a tooth fistula?
How serious is a dental fistula?
A fistula is defined as a non natural?non pre-existing tube or tube net like?connection between an organ or an?inflammation focus. and the body interior?and/or the body surface.??
A fistula is a?product of the body. Let's explore how it?develops, when you experience?inflammation in a certain location for a?long period of time resulting in the?production of pus.???
A pus corridor may?develop pus flows from the inflammation?area in between the associated tissue?until the pus corridor arrives at the?body surface or sometimes the body?interior.???
When this happens you will?frequently feel a little bump on the?gums. When the bump breaks open, pus?empties out into the oral cavity and the?bump disappears.???
Unfortunately it quickly?fills up again soon after breaking open.?This process repeats itself again and?again occasionally resulting in scarring. In?the existing puss corridor, the walls?around the pus corridor get coated with?special cells and the body begins to?isolate the pus corridor resulting in a?fistula.???
Here you see a fistula on the?gum, the patient tripped years ago and?injured his front tooth. The tooth nerve?died without the patient realizing it. A?fairly common occurrence and the damage?tooth nerve tissue caused an?inflammatory reaction.??
In the bone, pus?made its way to the gum surface which?led to the formation of a small bump on?the gums. This bump eventually broke open?allowing pus to flow out over the course?of time.????????????
The situation became more?organized as official. A course was?formed from the bone infection through?the mucosa. The patient still does not?experience any acute discomfort but the?infection literally eats up the bone?causing the bone defect to grow larger.?????
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