What are the tools for building up Northern Europe’s most attractive coastal holiday destination in Denmark?
Marjoannika Nyman
CX | VoC | Data-driven CEM | ex @s-group -big retail co-op owned by customers
If you are not living in Denmark, you have probably visited in one of the country’s TOP3 holiday destinations Copenhagen, ?rhus and Aalborg but holiday destination Hvide Sande by the Northsea might still be unknown.
Hvide Sande has so far reached "just" the 4th place as the most visited destination in Denmark but vision is to become Northern Europe’s most attractive coastal holiday destination. What are the tools for reaching the vision?
I decided to go and find answers by participating in the Tourism Conference organized by DMO Ringk?bing Fjord Tourism. Agenda promised to fulfill audience need of information with latest insights from Ringk?bing Fjord Tourism, Visit Denmark’s notes of German markets and trend manager’s future trends added with some entertainment sessions by the event’s facilitator.
To be honest, I didn’t participate for the event only because of the fascinating content of the event but due to my curious personality.
I wanted to hear what are the issues developers of the Ringk?bing Fjord Tourism want to highlight for local tourism related companies.
Seminar was opened by the Tourism Director Sebastian Schaper. He chose to spent his time with audience by bringing many different topics on the table from destination branding and customer service level challenges to new local experience packages which were presented by his team members together with tourism developers working for commune.
Tourism director Sebastian Schaper and his team on stage at Tourism Conference in Skjern, Denmark 3rd of March 2016.
This was my second time while I was listening Schaper's DMO greetings and both times he has chosen to give time for marketing the area for the audience.
What is the point to market the destination for the audience filled up with local tourism related companies? Should they know the area already well?
Point is clear: Schaper wants to encourage locals to be proud of the unique place they are living. I don’t know how many of us living in the area have forgot to respect surroundings but I kind of like Schaper's will to improve local's common self-confidence and build the feeling of social cohension. I have well noticed that another coastal destination in Denmark, Klitm?ller, has already managed to earn quite much positive marketing by the locals loving to live there.
It's definitely an effort tool to build the image of destination together with the locals. True love stories are much more credible and powerful tools than paid media. There is only one but: love need to be true.
I just love morning coffee breaks with Northsea-view. I share my love to Hvide Sande through Instagram as a representative of our Bed & Breakfast “Sea Lover’s Place” situated in Hvide Sande.
Coffee break. Time for meeting people.
Another reason to join the event is my pure will to push myself continuously to face new people. I just love the exciting feeling in a new situations where I’m having a chance to meet and talk with people.
This time I was lucky to spend some talking time with two new persons and one I knew. ? I have been following project KRAFT with a big interest for a long time and it was so nice to have a chance to spend some talking time with the project’s CEO Peter Sand. I was told he’s a nice guy and after I've now met him face to face, I do not wonder how he has managed to build such a positive bustle around the project. I really really wait to explore the power of the nature #KRAFT.
Next speaker was Marketing Manager Lars Ramme Nielsen from Visit Denmark who highlighted the importance of German tourists traveling to Denmark and Ringk?bing Fjord area. His advice for the tourism related companies was to treat well Germans by giving them a good service and holiday experiences even if the the Chinese market attracts a lot.
Yes, it's definitely a super efficient tool for building the success of the destination to give a big attention for customer satisfaction and great customer experiences. But is it easier to say than put into practice?
Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to listen neither Trend Manager Pernille Kirstine M?ller’s presentation nor event’s facilitator Karen Marie Lillelund’s entertainment part but maybe you had? Did Pernille and Karen gave some more tools for Ringk?bing Fjord Tourism and tourism related companies in the area to be able to reach the vision to be Northern Europe’s most attractive coastal holiday destination in Denmark?
Feel free to refill my experiences with yours!