What Tony Hsieh’s death teaches us about business planning – part 1
Much has been written about Tony Hsieh, the founder of Zappos, who died in a fire on November 27, 2020. Less than 3 months have passed, but the lawsuits have begun. Recently, a woman has sued Hsieh’s estate, alleging breach of contract.[i] This post concerns the first case, involving a plaintiff named Baby Monster.[ii]
According to the complaint, Hsieh did business through wholly owned or controlled companies – in this case limited liability companies (LLCs). Well advised entrepreneurs will form companies to conduct their various businesses to protect themselves from personal liability. This can be a major concern for a wealthy and well know person. Mr. Hsieh had formed LLCs to house his business dealings. So far so good.
However, the plaintiff alleges, among other things, that Hsieh or his sizable estate should be personally liable for Baby Monster's claims against his LLC under an alter ego theory. The alter ego (and similar) theories allow a court to disregard the separate existence of a company and hold its owners personally liable when justice demands. This remedy is usually granted, if at all, when an entrepreneur ignores the separateness of the company, commingles funds or otherwise improperly uses the corporate shell to avoid creditors. Given how many companies are suffering due to the covid related shutdowns, we are likely to see more alter ego type claims. So what could have Hsieh done to protect himself against this claim? What can you do to protect yourself?
At a high level, it helps to respect the separate identity of the corporation, not commingle funds, observe formalities, not mislead your counter parties and adequately capitalize the business. Our recent presentations, Startups in A Down Economy goes into this topic in depth in slides and video. As far as claims go, this is one that is wholly avoidable for the well advised. While no one, not even Tony Hsieh, can avoid someone making an alter ego claim in a lawsuit (they are common), with proper planning they can be defeated.
[i] https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/former-assistant-to-tony-hsieh-suing-family-for-breach-of-contracts-2276546/
[ii] https://www.scribd.com/document/493918452/Lawsuit-1#download&from_embed?campaign=SkimbitLtd&ad_group=35871X943606X5f48b83ad4e4b1535f616bbc48de5ab7&keyword=660149026&source=hp_affiliate&medium=affiliate