STCW Code Table A-II/1?details the specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
The Competences are what you must be able to DO
- Plan and conduct a passage and determine position
- Maintain a safe navigation watch
- Use of RADAR and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation
- Use of ECDIS to maintain safety of navigation
- Respond to emergencies
- Respond to a distress signal at sea
- Use the IMO standard marine communication phrases and use English in written and oral form
- Transmit and receive information by visual signalling
- Manoeuvre the ship
- Monitor the loading, stowage, securing, care during the voyage and the unloading of cargoes
- Inspect and report defects and damage to cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks.
- Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements
- Maintain seaworthiness of the ship
- Prevent, control and fight fires onboard
- Operate life saving appliances
- Apply medical first aid on board ship
- Monitor compliance with legislative requirements
- Application of leadership and teamworking skills
- Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship