What is Time -Part 2
Are you amazed by the genius of Einstein? Only a few scientists fully understand his theories. Is Einstein's Relativity beyond scrutiny??
The two postulates for the theory of Special Relativity are that the speed of light in space is invariant, and the laws of physics are constant throughout the universe. Who can argue with that logic??
He didn't postulate anything about clocks because his theory involves changing the rate of time. Einstein assumed that clocks measure time in any environment.
The definition of time is the forward movement of entropy from the past into the future. Clocks are tools that keep track of our forward movement by converting the Earth's motion into time. Clocks and time are separate things.
Einstein says time is not constant but can change in certain situations. However, if time changes, it would contradict his postulate that the speed of light is constant. In addition, clocks do not change physical activity and don't measure time, instead they count 86,400 ticking seconds daily.?
Relativity theory shows that clocks can change the physical qualities of matter. In Special Relativity, the faster an object moves, the shorter it becomes, and the more mass it has. Time slows down and stops.?
None of those things have been experimentally observed. They only exist in his equations because he uses the clock’s time dilation as if it could change physics and even people's age, as in the movie Interstellar.??
In this movie, the planet's gravity is so strong that time (their clock) slowed down. However, the immense force of gravity does not affect them or their spaceship. When he returns home, his daughter is dying of old age, and he is the same age as when he left on the journey.?
Scientists believe Einstein's theory can dictate reality. The only thing clocks do is tick seconds at the rate the Earth rotates because cocks are made to tick at that rate. Thus, clocks don't measure the time. Clocks show the time in their environment. In New York, the clock shows it's 5 pm, and in London, England, it's 10 pm yet we all age at the same rate…
Einstein used time as the 4th dimension and the speed of light to measure time relative to various actions. However, this only applies to mathematical equations because time isn't a force or a physical construct. In other words, his equations lack physical content.?
When a clock orbits the Earth in a satellite, it can not keep accurate time and they say the clock is experiencing time dilation. Time itself remains unchanged. It should be called "clock" dilation.
GPS satellites orbit the Earth every 12 hours at a height of 20,200 km. The acceleration force causes their clock to tick about 7 microseconds slower per day and 45 microseconds faster per day due to less gravity than a reference clock on Earth.
However, satellites in geostationary orbits are about 35,786 km from Earth and accelerate about 600 meters per second. The force of acceleration and the lack of gravity in space affect the clock's mechanism.?
Imagine a mind experiment in which another clock is also in a geostationary orbit but traveling close to the speed of light. Then, these clocks would orbit within the Earth's rotational period of 24 hours.
The Earth rotates every 24 hours, and both geostationary clocks in orbit experience the same 24 hours as on Earth. However, because the clocks must travel faster than the Earth's rotational speed, they experience more acceleration and less gravity.?
Therefore, the clocks will experience time dilation, as measured by Relativity. However, it's not actual time; the clocks are experiencing physical forces that make them inaccurate.?
Can you see the dilemma? The duration of Earth's time is 24 hours, but the satellite clocks show different amounts due to forces causing time dilation. Time dilation is false time, but Einstein used clocks as if they always show the correct time.?
We know from the GPS that clocks are not accurate tools; instead, they are relative to the forces in their environment; however, he turned it around and said time is relative.
Einstein was clever in using imaginary clocks and making imaginary observations of them.? His Relativity mathematics can calculate a clock's time by knowing its speed. However, he can not know the force of gravity except on Earth, so he ignores gravity in Special Relativity.?
Omitting the effects of gravity isn't a scientific method. Gravity is the force that moves the universe. Spacetime was constructed from General Relativity, but we must also know the force of acceleration, which was ignored.?
Einstein assumes that the clock’s time is always correct, so the clock's time can make you younger than your twin on Earth. That's not true. Time is absolute, and clocks are relative.
Time dilation is false time, so Relativity must be false. Einstein was misled with his mind experiments. I know it's challenging and confusing to understand time. It takes time to do something, but time isn't the action, it's the duration of the action.
Several people defend Einstein's genius by saying that the time dilation on clocks is only the relative observation of someone else's clock. Each observer sees their own clock tick at one second per second, but the observed person's clock is different. Sure, you will see your clock ticking but how would you know it's one second per second??
In addition, you can't view someone else's clock. Moreover, the GPS satellites show that time dilation happens to the clocks. The amount of time dilation must be considered to provide accurate global positioning.
Scientists explain Relativity with math and geometry, but math doesn't explain the physics of why it happens. Consider that the quantum frequency of matter changes due to forces that cause time dilation to ticking clocks, but it can't change the time. Since time doesn't change, any calculation using time dilation as actual time is false math.?
The error of time dilation is also in our reference clocks on Earth. All clocks are ticking in Earth's gravity, temperature, and pressure, and are set to tick one second per second. A clock experiencing a different environment will have time dilation compared to a stable reference clock.?
Calculations are inaccurate if we use a reference clock to measure the speed of an object moving in space or elsewhere. Because the object is in a different environment, it's not moving at the speed we measure from Earth. One example is measuring Mercury’s transit from Earth.
Another example is the speed of light in the vacuum of space. It's impossible to measure from Earth because our clocks tick at different rates. The measurement clock should also be in space to measure the accurate speed in space. However, knowing that our clocks have built-in time dilation from Earth's gravity, the error is easy to calculate. Has that been done??
To learn more about time and your relationship with time, read this book, Einstein Misled By Time, available on Amazon. Take care, and thank you for following my weekly newsletter at https://lovinghings.com/ where we examine science outside the box, and study the evolution of consciousness.?