What is Time Line Therapy?
Dr Bridget Kirsop
Chief Unsticker Certified Master Trainer and NLP Master Coach at Dr Bridget NLP Ltd Getting rid of Internal Blocks and self sabotage in business owners in 2 days
Well to be honest TLT(R) is one of the main reasons that I'm working. I was a GP for 24 years, and when people had trauma or they had negative emotions, I used to send people to counselling, CBT, and other various forms of therapy. However, when they?came back from having therapy they would know what was wrong but not necessarily have it sorted out.
It is the main reason I'm working because it's so effective and I use it in both my breakthrough coaching and I also train people to do it in my courses. So there is a growing group of people who are able to use Time Line Therapy? and make so much difference to people.
So what is it?
It's a unique method of resolving negative emotions and limiting beliefs and decisions that people have. These emotions and beliefs have the ability or the effect of causing people not to move forward in their life, they feel stuck, they can't get rid of thoughts and feelings and they have behaviours that aren't particularly useful. So, Time Line Therapy? eradicates unwanted thoughts and behaviours and is very effective in resolving trauma.
What is a Time Line?
A time line is how we store our memories at the unconscious level and because behaviours and emotions only change at an unconscious level it's really important to be able to work with memories at this level.
The main memories that we get rid of are our anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt. It works on the storage of memories on the time line in a linear pattern, it works by going back to the very first event where you "did'' anger' when under the age of three, and therefore we are working at the unconscious level because people don't have conscious memories of that.
Because we go back to the first event, the first time that people did these emotions, which may be not particularly traumatic, it's really comfortable. It takes an hour or two to remove all those memories and all those limiting beliefs. I do this on day two of the Breakthrough Therapy and?everything negative disappears, so the first day we collect all the limiting beliefs and emotions then we do Time Line Therapy? and they're not there anymore so that's really cool.
I also teach it on courses so if you've done an NLP practitioner course then you can come on the Time Line therapy course. So, if you're just starting out on your NLP journey and you're on a practitioner course then you'll have Time Line Therapy? done with you.
The basic outcome of this is to have a nice quiet mind which is amazing because people usually come along and they've got a lot of conflicts, a lot of beliefs that are stopping them from moving forward, and a really noisy head with negative emotions and chatter going on and it's uncomfortable. So the main headline is that it gets rid of all that. It's really quick it's really comfortable and it's far more effective than counselling and CBT.
If you're wanting to experience Time Line Therapy? and have a nice quiet head and get rid of limiting beliefs and emotions from the past that are stopping you then give me a shout make an appointment to see me, or send me a message thank you.
Until next week
Dr Bridget- Getting rid of negatives in?your head