What a Time to be Alive!
One would think it impossible for us all to fly in a plane.
The world was so cruel and rigid. You were born into a family, and you were supposed to stay there. The elders decided everything about you; what profession you would be in, whom you would marry, and how your children would live their lives.
Your parents didn't have internet at their young age. They probably got married at a younger age, and they probably did not know their spouse before they married them. They probably didn't get to choose what they did for a living or where they lived or even who they married. It was all decided by other people: their parents, their family's socioeconomic status, their religious affiliation. It was a world where everyone just kind of rolled with the punches and hoped for the best.
You know how sometimes it feels like we're living in a golden age of content?
Where there's never been more ways to learn about things that interest you, and the information is just always available?
And then you watch a funny video of a cat on a trampoline on your phone, and you're like "Okay, yeah, I guess this is pretty good?"
I mean… I don't know. Maybe we've all become a little lazy. Maybe we've all become a little too obsessed with meaningless information. And maybe it's because of that we've started to think that learning has gotten harder.
Too bad that's not true!
Because this is the best time to be alive for curious people who are willing to learn! There's never been more ways to learn about things that interest you, and the information is just always available. It's literally at your fingertips. Literally! If you are reading this on your phone, which I hope you are, then your phone has the ability to tell you anything. That's crazy!
The only problem is that most people aren't using their phones for learning in the ways they could be. They're watching funny videos! They're playing games! They're rereading their old text
It used to be that if you wanted something, you'd just have to wait. Maybe it was a book, or maybe it was a new sofa. Maybe it was the newest season of Breaking Bad. You used to have to wait for the newspaper to be delivered or go to a library to read up on current events. But then, the internet came along. The world has changed in so many ways since then.
Today, we have access to all the information we need to make better choices. Your parents may have taken a big leap of faith when they picked a career path and college major, but you don't need to do that anymore. You can research salary data and see which industries are hiring before you make a decision. If you want information, it's at your fingertips. There's no need to go to the library and wait for an encyclopaedia volume to be returned before you can use it (because if you had more than one volume out, then who knows how long that would take!).
Now you can find out whatever you want by just typing a question into Google. In fact, if we didn't know any better, we'd say that one of the only downsides with all this information is that sometimes there's too much of it!
So next time you're feeling bummed out because Netflix doesn't have all the episodes of your favourite show available yet—chill, dude! You have access to almost everything in the world right at your fingertips (Netflix is coming soon).
You can find out what the best doctors are saying about any disease with a quick internet search. In fact, you can even find out if the doctor is certified by checking his licence on the internet!
This change in our quality of life is remarkable, but it isn't just limited to cyberspace. In fact, one of the most exciting things about the advent of the technology is how it has revolutionised travel.
It wasn't so long ago that flying was only for the wealthy—but if you came across a crowd at an airport today, you'd never know it. If you happen to visit Bangalore airport, you can see that the crowd there is similar to the crowds we usually see at Indian railways. This is proof that people from all economic backgrounds are able to travel by air these days! The average traveller doesn't stand out from the rest anymore; they are indistinguishable from anyone else coming or going from a bus or a train. It's incredible that we live in a time when even common people can afford the luxury of flying!
This is what I believe makes this time so special: Think of the world as one big adventure. We're no longer limited by things like geography and money. You can be a self-made woman or man with the internet at your disposal.?It's not just the rich who get to have all the fun anymore. Now anyone can live a king's life. We're all super powered!