What Three Phrases?

What Three Phrases?

What Three Phrases?

I’ve worked for years from Sovereign Business Park.??There’s an International initiative called, “What Three Words,” that helps people find any location on Earth.??This is great for Emergency Services, and also for Marketing. You can find your own 3m square on what3words.com – have a go, the three words will fascinate you.

The postcode for my office is BH15 3TB.??The programme defaults to about 12 metres away from the entrance to our Office Complex.??When I move the square - via drag-n-drop - to the entrance, using the satellite view, the three words are: churn.reef.stocks – very maritime.

The entrance hall has these three words: times.cliff.areas – make of it what you will, like a metaphor.

And my current office is the perfect: lock.script.hero – perfect because I am a scriptwriter in a company called, “Becoming Heroes,” and I hope my office is locked!??By the way, I share openly online but this is not always wise.??Remember, wherever there is a foretaste of Eden, there is always a Serpent.??Not everyone who smiles is a friend.

What if your psychological location were to be described in three phrases?

The three phrases that have captured my attention over the last three years are:

·??????“Do not coach anyone without their permission,” (thanks to Sam Sharma)

·??????“Hurt people, hurt people,” (thanks to Kay Harrington)

·??????(and, heard for the first time today), “Move from Ego to Eco,” (thanks to Yoshimi Brett of TetraMap.)

All three are powerful.??And yet, I continue to be surprised that people feel at liberty to give me advice without my permission, and, frankly, against my will.??I shall endeavour not to repay the dubious compliment! Don't give advice unless people request it from you (says he, who has just given you advice without your permission!!!)

“I” occasionally feel damaged by people who are hurting… whose personal demons spill out to recompense others who have nothing to do with the timeline that was originally the source of their torment.??It may be that they get a measure of relief from their own pain by inflicting pain on others, but it's merely a defence mechanism. I've seen this time and time again with animals who have been rescued. They will often growl as if they are feeling hostile towards their new connections but the truth is that they are hurting and frightened.??When we hurt others, there is the strange comfort of at least not suffering alone. Have compassion for those who bite... they are unlikely to be meaning to bite or snarl at you personally - it's their inner pain finding an outer focus.

And now I understand why the first two still rankle.??There’s still too much of ‘me’ in the mix.??My own tradition suggests that the way to life is to die to ego, "Whoever wants to 'save' their life must 'lose' it."

I think I finally understand.??I’ve never liked the idea of dying to 'self' because it seemed to lead to a vacuum.??Now I understand that it leads not to a vacuum but rather to an ecosystem – an ‘us’ where the former focus that was on ‘me’ was myopic. Eco over, above, and beyond Ego.

Evolving, Transforming, Ascending...

Our greatest moment of evolution in Life is when we transcend beyond the Ego Systems of the current age into the Eco Systems that go to create a better world.??Thinking ‘we’ instead of ‘me’ and ‘us’ instead of ‘I’ is hard but transformational nevertheless.


Honestly???"I" still think "I" would be better off dead.??That really offends some people - even close friends. They don't get it. I don't get it! "I" still think about jumping off that pier.??But while "I" am here, "I" will continue to expand "my" focus to embrace the "we" instead of merely "me."??You are not more important to me than I am; we are more important to me.

R Buckminster Fuller said,

“You don’t belong to you.??You belong to the Universe; and you’re here to serve.”


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