What are the thoughts of an ENTP on academia?
NTs and NFs are the apex predators in academia.
To put it another way, SPs represent less than 5% of higher education,
If you conceive of the American academe as a psychic prison, the men and women in suits are the NTs and NFs, all the guards are SJs and the population are, necessarily, SPs at the point in the system where Dasein occurs.
As a student/convict, you go in as a Stupid Person expected to adopt the norms of all the Stupid People around When you get out, you get a job working with DIlbert,
The Guards are an SJ culture, necessarily, This is why the Theory X management style is based on a controlling organization. In a Psychic Prison, there is not Theory Y. This can be inferred from Max Weber’s scholarship. I don’t need to prove it again
The Scientific Management of Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Harvard MBA program don’t believe in Theory Y with the singular exception that it is assumed employees of capitalist organizations do so entirely for the salary “Show me the Money!” is the only quantifiable reason people work. Taylor hoped to quelle the Esprit de Corps of the union movement by appealing to the mercenary instincts of workers whose rational self-interests are compliant with the Virtue of Selfishness as the organizing principle of Plantation Capitalism. The Harvard MBA program has always been based on the “Wage Slavery” of an Ohio Quaker who was an Abolishinist but required a captive means of production, his work force.
All the HR models of Rosabeth Moss Kantor that embrace Dilbert as the Archetype of her HR Performance model In the 3rd Wave High Performance paradigm of the Harvard MBA program, Dilbert is the hallmark of effective executive management. They are the people most satisfied with the suck-up properties of Wage Slavery has on executive compensation. Theory Y is alive and well in the CEO’s office because he is at the source of the collective Theory Y.
That’s Scott Adams perspective on organizational high performance in regards to his personal wealth He understands how the system works in the same way Peter Thiel, Elon Muxk and the other Stanford-Silicon Valley Oligarchs understand the system and has plugged himself into the cash flows of the system sufficiently from his career of sedition complicit with what has become the January 6 conspiracy traceable back to William F. Buckley’s Sharon Statement, which was his political commitment to the 1960 white supremacist agenda of the John Birch Society personified by Joe McCarthy and the Hollowood Black List. If you are interested in what Class Warfare looks like through the lens of Hegel’s dialectical synthesis. start with the producer of Snow White and the 3 Stooges and work your way through the Oval Office and up the steps of the Capitol defending Wage Slavery as the revealed wisdom of the Proud Boys and Atlas Shrugged.
This class warfare is being sustained by the 3rd Wave High Performance Model of Harvard University, generally, and the Harvard MBA program, in particular. Harvard ceased being a university after the Students for a Democratic Society took over Columbia University and the dialogue of the academia was abandoned for the post-modern historic deconstruction of dialectic Marxism Scientific Management is the opposite side of the same coin as Marxism, The result has been that Harvard University has become, progressively, the psychic prison preferred by the John Birch Society. That’s what student loans have become: the shackles of 19th Century Wage Slavery.
That’s 3rd Wave High Performance. The Fascism of the Students for a Democratic Society won the 60;s cultural wars and actually remains the dominant woke coalition that voted for Biden relative to the white supremacist coalition who are FOX News celebrities and January 6 Fellow Travelers.
The dominant woke coalition has been sitting on a critical mass that will complete the transformation of 3rd Wave High Performance to the 5th Wave High Performance of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Starship Capitalism of the Green New Deal. Affirmative Action was designed by Richard Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan to reconfigure the Military-Industrial Complex to the Aerospace-Entrepreneurial Matrix made possible by Apollo 11 that Werner von Braun described to Congress.
Affirmative Action was a continuation of Eisenhower’s mobilization for WWIII. Eisenhower saw the Space Race coming in his 1956 Presidential Platform and created a capital budget to mobilize the social infrastructure of the Manhattan Project to got to the moon. This was before Sputnik,, which totally freaked the US Army community out.
The US Army had begun to transform it’s culture from the leadership models of 3rd Wave High Performance of the Harvard MBA program to the 5th Wave High Performance small unit leadership models of the Starship Troopers with the Army Ranger School. If you want to trace a Hegelian synthesis trough a culture, follow the Army Ranger Tab through the Army culture like a oil stain as it flows down from its source until the V it creates downstream, historically, until it reaches both banks. completely saturating the culture. This moment happened when Colin Powell was made Chairman, JCS. And. of course, colin Powell was a “Designated Negro” in the Army’s woke policy of de-racism
Vietnam was the laboratory for operational doctrine arising from 5th Wave High Performance and the US Army Infantry combat veteran from Vietnam were the 1st Generation of Starship Troopers.. The US Army Ranger School is a 4th Wave High Performance Transformation Process that takes wimps from the Harvard MBA program and West Point Graduates and transforms them into Starship Troopers in 65 days. This is an example of a training program corresponding to Hegel’s dialectic synthesis as a problem solving, action planning and execution process in an SP task environment.
The Army is, necessarily, a socialist society. It is organized, staff and distaff, by the needs of the service Training appropriate for the Army community is not appropriate for Capitalist societies organized around the diversity of the pursuit of happiness and Theory Y leadership.
The good news is that training appropriate for the American capitalist society is perfectly appropriate for all socialist societies.
A difference between the culture of the American academe at the executive level and the culture of the US Army Chief of Staff is that there is an essential synergy that obtains between the complimentary functions of the NT and NF, the US Army is decidedly NT and Hegelian in aspect
So, the short answer is that the ENTP views the university like the New Yorker cover of the worldview from Park Avenue: s/he is a Master of all they survey.