What is Textile Dyeing? | 10 Features of Dyeing Machine
Queen Ding
dyeing and finishing dyeing machine manufacturer(fabric and yarn dyeing machine/knitting&woven&spinning&lab dyeing machine/dryer/hydro extractor /drying setting machine factory)
What is Dyeing in Textile Wet Processing? The dyeing of textiles is usually understood to mean giving them a color which is of comparative permanence. This implies that it should not be possible to wash the color out easily in laundering, nor should it fade rapidly when exposed to light. The condition of permanence distinguishes dyeing from tinting (when the material is given a color which is very easily removed with a detergent and water). Yarns are tinted occasionally so that different counts and qualities can be identified during weaving or knitting or any preparation which precedes dyeing. Key Features of Dyeing Machines: The dyeing in fiber, yarn, fabric and garment form comes under the purview of dyeing industries and specialized machines are required for the purpose. The basic requirements of a dyeing machine are listed in the below: It should provide sufficient movement for the liquor to penetrate uniformly into the textile materials. The liquor movement should not be so vigorous that the material is damaged, entangled or felted. The material used for the construction must be stable during prolonged boiling with acidic or alkaline solutions. The heating arrangements of the machine should be able to maintain uniform temperature throughout the liquor. There should be provision for addition of concentrated dye solution in such a way so that it is well diluted before it encounters the material. All moving parts and attachments should be protected against the corrosive action of seam and acidic fumes. The largest possible water inlet valves should be attached to the machine, as considerable portion of the dyeing cycle is taken up for filling and draining of liquor. Closed steam pipes are preferred, rather than open ones, as the latter increases liquor ratio during the dyeing or wet processing process. The same closed pipe may be used for sending steam while heating, or cold water when cooling is required. Automatic temperature control devices may be attached for increasing temperature at a pre-determined rate and a pre-determined maximum temperature. Enclosed machines are preferred, rather than open vessels, as in the latter case steam or fumes may affect the surrounding atmosphere and may cause loss of steam and or volatile chemicals.
Jingjiang Huaxia Technology Co.,LTD is the leading manufacturer of Dyeing and Finishing Machines and Spare Parts from China Jiangsu Province.
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