What are Tequila Straws and importantly why?
Andrew Ford
Strategic Marketer, helping services businesses capture and promote their value online to e-ttract more clients, staff and partnerships
Before we start let me answer the basic question - no Tequila Straws don't contain tequila when you drink from them...sorry! But they are made from the very same plant that makes the world's best Tequila and are, in my opinion, the best damn straws on the planet!? But they’re made from agave, the very same plant that makes the world’s best drink (tequila) and are, in my opinion, the best damn sustainable straws on the planet.
They are super strong so they don't fall apart in your icy margarita (even if you're a slow drinker because they last up to 8 hours!), have no interfering taste and are reusable. Best of all they are 100%? biodegradable and made from recycled agave fibre.
But how did I get started in this business when I do marketing, I hear you ask? Well, like all good drinking stories it all started with a bottle of Tequila...
Mr Edwin Reese and I were at a Mexican restaurant enjoying taco Tuesday and downing a few beers and talking about his new tequila business. He has lucked into an amazing business importing premium tequila from Mexico (La Cofradia) ?and it was going great guns. Then he pulls out a box of straws.?
Not that amazing show and tell, I'm sure my son will not rush off to school with them. But when you hear that these little pieces of environmentally sound goal are the Tesla of straws, I was listening. I saw huge potential for his business and a chance to do some good for the planet too. You would be amazed at how many places still use plastic - criminal!?
It could have been the taste bud high of delicious beef tacos, crisp Mexican beer and the allure of going to Mexico to drink tequila, but I was all in! I truly believe these straws can make a better world for us.
Edwin and I now partner on this business and just like that, I'm suddenly in the eco-friendly straw business. Seeing it's all new to me any help from my hospo friends would be very much appreciated! Any help from my sustainably-minded friends would be very much appreciated!?
Do you want to be part of this? Stay tuned for how it works out and if you need some super awesome straws, check out our website :)?
Cheers Andrew
P.S. Fun fact - Is agave a cactus? No agave is a type of succulent, commonly confused with cactus. Remember the rule that all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. The main difference between agaves and cacti is the presence of leaves, cacti do not have them, while agaves do. (reference )
Executive Coaching | Career Coaching | Leadership Development | Facilitation & Training | Managing Transitions | Helping Individuals, Teams and Organisations to Shift & Thrive
2 年Love this, great environmental initiative Andrew
Tourism, Events and Communications
2 年thats amazingggggg
Senior Sales and Marketing Executive with Global Companies | Lead GTM Strategy and Business Model Transformation I Establish New Brands, Markets and Channels I Help Company to Drive Growth and Become a Market Leader
2 年Love it! Can’t wait to try them out.
Associate Nurse Unit Manager (Enhanced Care Unit) at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre | Advanced Life Support (ALS) Level 2 Provider | Mental Health First Aider
2 年This is amazing! Congratulations to you & Edwin! ??
Program Manager
2 年great #plantbased initiative Andrew