What teamwork can do ??
Marie Incontrera
Getting you booked on stages that will grow your business | What would your message do if millions of people could hear it? | Speaker | Author | Digital Marketer | CEO | Serial Entrepreneur
Welcome back to Your Big Idea, the weekly newsletter where I share tips, tricks, and resources to help you turn your passion into an idea worth sharing. I’m glad you’re here.
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If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I have a parallel passion for composition. Music used to be my full-time job, and it’s still a very important part of my life. And I’ve been sitting on some pretty exciting news.?
Absolute Zero, my new musical with a book by Dorie Clark , has been chosen as part of New York Theatre Barn's New Work Series. If you’re in NYC (or aren't, and want to catch the livestream), you can hear live excerpts performed on October 16! (Get your tickets here).
I can’t really express the experience of hearing your creation performed live. It’s a joy I’m lucky to experience, and I’m even luckier to experience it with Dorie by my side.?
What teamwork can do?
The old saying, “two heads are better than one” is popular for a reason: it works! In fact, studies have shown that working with another person (or with a group) improves performance, decision-making, and a slew of other things - including reaching your goals. While some things have to be done alone, most of your goals aren’t one of them. When you want to do something big, having a partner is one of the best things you can do for yourself.?
I’ve found that to be true with writing a musical and with cultivating your online presence via social media, writing, or TEDx. A partner encourages your best work, sparks your creativity, and makes your goal more achievable.
Working with a partner helps bring diverse perspectives, problem-solving approaches, and skills to the table. In my experience, creativity is always amplified with another person there. Not only do Dorie’s words add more meaning to my music, they also challenge me to find creative solutions and to expand my mind to welcome in more ideas. My music is better because she’s contributing. I’ve found this to be true with my clients as well, whether we’re creating their TEDx or writing a newsletter. Bouncing your ideas off of someone - especially someone with a different skill set - can be a game changer.?
A second creative mind also works the other way. It’s nearly impossible to be objective about your own creations, but a partner can keep you on track. Dorie and I committed early on to doing feedback in service of the idea, not either of our egos. We both write things we’re proud of, and those things may be very good… but not good for the show. Because we each have an alternate perspective from someone who “gets” what we’re doing, the quality goes up. Anyone who has worked with one of my writers can tell you how important it is to have an editor.
The division of labor also makes creation more efficient. If I was attempting to write Absolute Zero by myself, it would take 10 years (and probably have a lot worse of a book). Having someone to work with, who is equally invested in your goal, makes it much more possible. I can’t tell you the number of people who have come to me after years of struggling with their social media or their TEDx, only to find that what they needed was an extra hand. Suddenly, what they were tearing their hair out over became possible. Mount Everest turned into a foothill. You’ll still have to climb it, but you won’t kill yourself trying.?
More than anything, though, teamwork can provide the emotional support, motivation, and sense of accountability that we all need to reach our goals. There will be setbacks and frustrations and times you want to give up. It’s part of the deal. But with a partner, someone else who is invested in your success, you’ll often find the strength it takes to keep going.?
I’m so proud of my work with Dorie, and I’m so proud of the clients I get to partner with every day. Together, there’s nothing we can’t do.?
If you’re ready to start developing Your Big Idea, get your copy of my proven framework, 3 questions for building your Idea Worth Spreading - free!
Ready to step into the red dot? Let’s talk. ?Book a time to talk with me here.?
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Love this, Marie!