What a tangled web we weave...
03-31-2024 Friends, Neighbors and Miami Lakers gathered to kick off Esther Colon's Campaign

What a tangled web we weave...

Let's review the text message that has so many Miami Lakers upset with the negative / dirty campaign tactics

Let's review the text message that has so many Miami Lakers upset with the negative / dirty campaign tactics

The Bryan Morera campaign distributed a text message that attempts to challenge Esther Colon... but in the short message the?Bryan?Morera campaign reveals his lack of experience, his inability to pay attention to details, and his discriminatory intent...


Miami Lakes does NOT have Commissioners, it has Council Members and there is a fine distinction between the two...

What does the cost of food, insurance and gas have to do with running for office in Miami Lakes?

For these three issues go talk to the Florida Legislators... or State of Florida Governor, or the Federal Administration.

Not a single one of those items have anything to do with running for Council...?

If Miami Lakes needs a COUNCILWOMAN who takes action, then our sure vote is for Esther Colon, why?

She has the experience, the certifications, the knowledge of Administrative Governance and Esther is famous for a detailed oriented approach to everything she does.

On April 30th, 2024... VOTE ESTHER COLON and block the desire to be part of a click, block the candidate that is beholden to special interests, block the candidate that as of the last contribution report dated 04-04-2024, Bryan Morera has received $20,110 while for the most part, Esther Colon is funding her own campaign...

The suggestion that Esther Colon brings a WOKE agenda to our small town fails to understand her ACTIONS vs words, accusations and glossy flyers... but reveals the need to grasp at straws to win against an opponent who has worked in the Administrative side of government for so very long.

Esther Colon has experience as a Town Manager, now that Miami Dade County will be returning to having a Sheriff... Esther Colon worked at the Sheriff's Office...

VOTE ESTHER COLON for Council Seat 6... Esther is the ideal candidate for the job.


241 Impressions and 781 Article reads...

As Councilwoman Marilyn Ruano leaves the dais... we need to have a voice of reason, by the way... Esther Colon is not only experienced but a 'Senior' Town of Miami Lakes Resident who will safeguard the interests of property owners at their most vulnerable stage of life...

Now... let's review the law...

Florida Statute 106.147

Ok, if the text MUST identify the person or organization... let's look it up through Sunbiz
Next... what are the consequences? Commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as...
We looked it up and there is no such name as Concerned Residents of Miami Lakes
Well... for a Miami Lakes Council Seat that pays almost nothing... the negative / dirty campaigns make us...

Rather concerned residents of Miami Lakes... should we incorporate?

This message was paid by no one, this is a grassroots effort to hold government accountable and to make a difference to create a system, process and encourage people to act in accordance to Florida Statutes and to display behavior that rises above negative / dirty campaigning to influence the vote of United States Citizens

Perhaps we are wasting our time but if nothing else we are learning that when a tangled web is weaved when we first attempt to deceive, the UNITED residents share information, research the laws and we self-educate in all matters to defend and protect The Constitution of the United States!

Hope Reynolds, Author

Destroyed Dreams & Sue?os Destruidos


To stand by others is exhausting, in particular because we are now on Election Mode

04-21-2024 Message / Article first sent to a defined audience:

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Hope Reynolds

Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 7:04?AM Subject: Re: Miami Lakes Alert To:

What a tangled web we weave... Article just published


Whereas, a text message was received by many Miami Lakers - I did not get it - and it was sent to me by several sources...

Whereas, after reading the text message I realized there were so many issues with what the message said, so I wrote and shared with a small part of the network only to then receive Florida Statute 106.147 which clearly say that any text message should identify the 'person' or 'organization' that sponsors the action saying 'paid for by' and because the text message ends by saying Concerned residents of Miami Lakes, we looked them up through Linkedin and they are not registered...

Well... NEGATIVE / DIRTY campaigns are not only objectionable but they turn us off and further read that any person who willfully violates any provision of the section covered by Florida Statute 106-147 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, which is punishable under Statutes 775.082 and 775.083...

PLEASE STOP trying to malign Esther Colon based on innuendos, political affiliation, sexual preferences and all other comments...

In the words of Retired Fire Chief Abel Fernandez:

Hello Hope,

I truly hope that you publish this email because I want to share with all of your communication group, a very important message. We have an opportunity here in the town of Miami Lakes to elect an individual who will vote according to the desires of the electorate, and that is us as voters in the town of Miami Lakes. Apparently, the attack against Esther colon is poor and weak. Some folks are bringing into the equation an issue of gay rights and political decisions regarding that.?

First of all, the town of Miami Lakes Council is composed of seven voters.?

Additionally, gay rights have nothing to do with our town decisions.?

Finally, if folks are so homophobic that they are willing to not elect a person because they are willing to exercise their right of equality for all, then they have greater issues than just this election. We are all created under the image of GOD. So is God gay? Is God a homosexual??

These are not questions for us to decide as voters.?

What we can decide is:

- Do we want the Town Council to continue voting for developers and special interests??

-?Do we want the Town Council to be controlled by political action committees that are supporting the candidate against Esther??

In my opinion, we need to drop all of this absurdity and vote for the best individual who's here to represent our desires and that is Esther Colon.

Abel Fernandez, Chief (retired)




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