What takes 'pres'edence on Presidents Day?
What takes precedence on presidents day/week 2023 in a seven universal year?
Writing a fun number story to celebrate the presidents in the USA and U (you).
Discover your inner president and the rhythms of a few that have played the role.
Who knew that both Trump and Biden add up to a number seven?!
AND President, Ronald Reagan, and Jesus add up to an 11!?
Coincidence, God-incidence, or… you choose.
Let’s have a little more fun with the letters that make up this number story.
Add the letters IHS?to Trump, it becomes triumphs, which also equals seven.?
The IHS inscriptions signify the first 3 letters of Jesus ‘the savior of humankind’.
In both Trump, Triumph, and Truth the center letter is U….
Interesting that we are living in the 21st century whose correlating letter is U.
We are living in a U century, a time for U to understand the Heart of who U are.
Attributes of an amazing president have these keywords connected to seven.?
Courage: to step beyond conformity; from Latin cor (“heart”) equals a seven.
Valor: courage, bravery, and boldness: heart's desire/personality of seven.
The strength of one's Inner-Being (adds up to 7) is essential to lead.
A perfect year '23 to connect to your “I Am’ presence which adds up to 23.
Wonder what some fun ways to find and strengthen your inner President are?
Step 1: Open your heart by breathing in and wearing inner President scents.
Step 2: Listen to this and discover the good that can come to U every day.
Step 3: Daily focus your attention on riding your curves with courage.?
Have fun and play your part as President well!
Interested in learning your personal number story or gift to a loved one?
It’s super simple to put the wheels in motion, it is a great form of personal coaching too. https://syinthesis.com/numerology-reading-with-kim-hall
Thank you for reading and succeeding!