What It Takes to Make Your Content Great
You've done your homework on various search engine optimization strategies, so you know that creating relevant, high-quality content is absolutely crucial to winning the approval of both people and search engines. So what makes content work? What features separate fabulous content from the rest of the pack? Great content is:
? Galvanizing
? Rare
? Enlightening
? Applicable
? Titled Effectively
Are you ready to incorporate these qualities into your content? Let's take a closer look at how to do it.
What Makes Content Galvanizing?
Galvanizing content spurs a response. It informs without being boring and creates a sense of individual or corporate personality. How do you create content like that? There are many tips and tricks that can be used independently or in combination. Stand out from the crowd by offering a unique viewpoint, an original approach or a fresh idea. Pose questions that you may or may not answer, encourage your readers to think, ask them to share their thoughts in the comment section, or use humor or anecdotes to form a connection with your audience.
Galvanizing content entertains, educates and encourages your readers to do something, and a steady supply of it will keep them coming back for more. Really great content also makes readers want to share it, something that the prevalence of social media makes easy, especially if you add social media sharing buttons.
How Do You Ensure That Your Content is Rare?
Have you ever wondered how many people and organizations post on the Internet? If you picked a topic and added up all the words written in blog posts devoted to that subject, how high would the total be? With so many voices sharing so many thoughts on the Internet, how can you make your content rare? Hasn't everything already been said? Original content may cover familiar ideas and topics, but it does so in a unique way. To create one-of-a-kind content, develop your own voice and use it to share your expertise and express your thoughts. If you aren't a writer, hire one to provide the polished prose your website needs to thrive.
Original content creation isn't easy, but it's vital. No one wants to read the same thing over and over, so duplicate content will sink you with both people and search engines. In contrast, Google rewards websites that provide quality original content, boosting their rankings and their exposure, which can lead to spikes in traffic and a wider audience.
Should Your Purpose be to Enlighten?
Why do you have a website? If your goal is to sell your products or services, why should you worry about enlightening your audience? Promotional content has limited appeal. It speaks to someone who is interested in your products or services. Content that enlightens reaches out to a wider audience, connecting your business with people who are interested in your subject. They might not be interested in purchasing your products or services at the moment, but if you've built trust and established yourself as an authority, then when they're ready to buy, you're likely to be their first stop.
When writing to inform, be sure that the facts you're presenting are correct and that any sources that you cite are reputable. Inaccuracies can make visitors question your reliability and drive potential customers to your competitors.
How Does Applicable Content Connect?
How do you make content applicable? Audiences care more about topics that have an impact on their lives, so offer examples that ground your topic in the real world.
Imagine that you're selling tires. You could post content that simply lists the features of your products, but how many people would actually be interested? Instead, open your content with an overview of the dangers of worn tires, transition into features people should look for in tires and close with the benefits of quality tires. This broader approach allows you to appeal to a wider audience and explain why people should care. Done right, it makes drivers of all ages take a moment to consider the condition of their tires and wonder if the information you're graciously sharing is relevant to their situation.
Why Is an Effective Title Critical?
You've created awesome content for your website. Why does it need a strong title or headline? Your content is vying for the attention of busy consumers. The headline you choose can entice them to visit your page or have them bypassing your site for a more intriguing link.
Headlines may only be a few words, but it's worth taking the time to choose the right words. The best headlines often appeal to the human need to be in the know, grab attention with humor or entice readers with the promise of handy information.
With great content, the bottom line is connecting with your audience. Posting content that is galvanizing, rare, enlightening, applicable and titled effectively increases the odds that you will capture the attention of potential customers, establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field, and enjoy increased website traffic and conversions.
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