What it will take to deliver Consumer Duty?
Worksmart Limited A Davies Solution - Leading supplier of RegTech to the Financial Services Industry
Regulatory Change Meets Business Advantage
Julie Pardy, Director of Regulation, Worksmart
In this final blog in our series on the new Consumer Duty (CD), I will take a step back and take a look at CD ‘in the round’, focussing on what I believe are the key factors that firms need to get right to both comply and create competitive advantage.
Origins Of CD And The Bar Firms Need To Jump
With all the current focus on preparing for CD, it is easy to forget its origins, and so the FCA’s underlying aspirations for this regulation.
To do this, people need to look back to the financial crash of 2008.?After a year-long review into what went wrong and the subsequent publication of the “Changing Banking for Good” report, it was quickly accepted that the widespread evidence of wrongdoing meant fundamental change was needed. So, when SM&CR was introduced in 2016 not only did it deliver clear accountability at a senior level it also carried high aspirations of industry-wide culture change. Indeed, whilst the FCA talked at length about culture change being at the heart of SM&CR, it seemed to only do so with any real intent after the implementation date(s) had passed. For me, this represented a real lost opportunity for the FCA as it allowed many firms to focus purely on the procedural, i.e., record keeping, elements of SM&CR, at the point of implementation as opposed to having those more challenging culture change discussions from the outset
The subsequent collapse of London Capital & Finance and the findings of the FCA’s research into the Asset Management sector, (PS18/8), and the GI Pricing Practices Market Study, (PS21/05), all showed that SM&CR was not turning out to be the catalyst for culture change it was intended to be.
If we then add into the mix, a new management team at the FCA who set out a strategy that aimed to make a clear break with the past and make itself more innovative, assertive, and adaptive, then it was always clear that a greater focus on the end consumer was surely inevitable.
Consequently, CD sets a high bar for firms to jump and with the promised (threatened?) big data capabilities available, the FCA aims to be able to identify the behavioural signs of culture failure earlier that risk good outcomes for consumers.
Making CD Work, The Key Themes
Working with clients who are currently implementing CD, there are many elements required in order to achieve a successful implementation. For me however, three elements are key. These are:
If embraced, CD could be the driver for real culture change, organisational renewal and competitive advantage wanted by both the regulator and the marketplace. The risk, as with all change however is that if CD and its implementation is reduced to a series tick boxes and scorecard RAG statuses, then it will not have the desired regulatory outcome. Of course, there will always be a legitimate desire to monitor progress, but this should not preclude firms asking the big questions, the uncomfortable questions, that CD is expecting firms to have to ask themselves in the quest for better consumer outcomes.
I wonder how many firms will embrace the spirit of CD and be prepared to ask these uncomfortable questions or will they default to box ticking? If the FCA delivers on its ‘promise’ to be a more assertive regulator, their actions over next 12-18 months will answer my question. I hope I’m pleasantly surprised.
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