What is a Systematic Literature Review?
Michelle Hiltebrand Mohsenin
Drug Safety, PV Literature SME | Heart Transplant, CHD, HLHS Advocate
The Hierachy of Clinical Evidence... Systematic Literature Review.
A systematic literature review (SLR) identifies, selects and critically appraises research to answer a clearly formulated question (Dewey, A. & Drahota, A. 2016). a well-executed systematic reviews synthesize all the relevant evidence on a topic in order to answer a clinical question.The systematic review should follow a clearly defined plan where the criteria is clearly stated before the review is conducted. It is a comprehensive, transparent search conducted including grey literature which?can be reproduced by other researchers.
Check out this free article series "Avoiding flaws in systematic literature reviews” collection
which outlines specific steps in a well executed systematic review, while a living systematic review identifies 67 discrete problems in conduct and reporting. A book chapter highlights statistical methods and methodology checklists for Systematic Review and Meta -Analysis.
Additional information on managing your searches can be found here:
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