What Successful Entrepreneurs Read

What Successful Entrepreneurs Read

Top 151 Best Books

Business, Start-Up, and Management Books

1.The Lean Startup?– Eric Ries

2.?One Simple Idea?– Stephen Key

3.?The Obsolete Employee?– Michael Russer

4.?Hiring Smart?– Pierre Mornell

5.?The Profit Zone?– Adrian Slywotzky

6.?Start Small, Stay Small?– Rob Walling and Mike Taber

7.?E-Myth Revisited?– Michael Gerber

8.?Business Model Generation?– Alexander Osterwalder

9.?Crush It!?– Gary Vaynerchuk

10.?Delivering Happiness?– Tony Hsieh

11.?Founders at Work?– Jessica Livingston

12.?Good to Great?– Jim Collins

13.?Innovation and Entrepreneurship?– Peter F. Drucker

14.?Made to Stick?– Chip Heath

15.?Making Ideas Happen?– Scott Belsky

16.?Maverick?– Ricardo Semler

17.?Purple Cow?– Seth Godin

18.?Ready, Fire, Aim?– Michael Masterson

19.?Street Smarts?– Norm Brodsky

20.?The Art of the Start?– Guy Kawasaki

21.?The Toyota Way?– Jeffrey K. Liker

22.?The Personal MBA?– Josh Kaufman

23.?Escape from Cubicle Nation?– Pamela Slim

24.?Bankable Business Plans?– Edward Rogoff

25.?The Innovator’s Dilemma?– Clayton M. Christensen

26.?The Four Steps to the Epiphany?– Steven Gary Blank

27.?Business Stripped Bare?– Richard Branson

28.?The Hard Thing About Hard Things?– Ben Horowitz

29.?Zero to One?– Peter Thiel

30.?Competition Demystified?– Bruce C. Greenwald

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31.?Fail-Safe Investing?– Harry Browne

32.?How to Get Rich?– Felix Dennis

33.?The Investor’s Manifesto?– William J. Bernstein

34.?The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read?– Daniel R. Solin

35.?Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits?– Philip A. Fisher

36.?The Millionaire Fastlane?– MJ DeMarco

37.?The Intelligent Investor?– Benjamin Graham

38.?The Power Curve?– Scott G. Kyle

39.?Rich Dad Poor Dad?– Robert T. Kyosaki

40.?When Genius Failed?– Roger Lowenstein

41.?The Essays of Warren Buffett?– Warren E. Buffett

42.?Stocks for the Long Run?– Jeremy J. Siegel

43.?I Will Teach You To Be Rich?– Ramit Sethi

44.?Your Money or Your Life?– Joel Dominguez & Vicki Robin

45.?The Millionaire Next Door?– Thomas Stanley & William Danko

46.?One Up On Wall Street?– Peter Lynch & John Rothchild

47.?It’s Not About The Money?– Brent Kessel

48.?Work Less, Live More?– Bob Clyatt

49.?The Little Book That Still Beats the Market?– Joel Greenblatt



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50.?The Culting of Brands?– Douglas Atkin

51.?Inbound Marketing?– Brian Halligan, Dharmesh Shah & David Meerman Scott

52.?The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing?– Al Ries & Jack Trout

53.?How We Decide?– Jonah Lehrer

54.?Influence– Robert Cialdini

55.?Tribes?– Seth Godin

56.?CrowdSourcing– Jeff Howe

57.?The Wisdom of Crowds?– James Surowiecki

58.?Cashvertising– Drew Eric Whitman

59.?Words That Sell

60.?Words That Work

61.?Persuasion IQ?– Kurt W. Mortensen

62.?Permission Marketing?– Seth Godin

63.?Why We Buy?– Paco Underhill

64.?Guerrilla Marketing?– Jay Conrad Levinson

65.?Blue Ocean Strategy?– W. Chan Kim

66.?Chasing Cool?– Noah Kerner

67.?The Paradox of Choice?– Barry Schwartz

68.?The Ultimate Sales Machine?– Chet Holmes, Jay Conrad Levinson & Michael Gerber

69.?Tested Advertising Methods?– Caples

70.?The Tipping Point?– Malcom Gladwell

71.?The Boron Letters?– Gary Halbert

72. Max Money – Gary Halbert

73.?On Writing Well?– William Zinsser

74.?Presentation Zen?– Garr Reynolds

75.?The Copywriter’s Handbook?– Robert Bly

76.?How To Write A Good Advertisement?– Vic Schwab

77.?Breakthrough Advertising?– Eugene Schwartz

78.?Scientific Advertising?– Claude Hopkins

79.?Buyology?– Martin Lindstrom

80.?Selling the Invisible?– Harry Beckwith

81.?Secrets of Closing the Sale?– Zig Ziglar

82.?SPIN Selling?– Neil Rackham

83.?Crucial Conversations?– Kerry Patterson

84.?The Sales Bible?– Jeffrey Gitomer



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85.?Seeking Wisdom?– Peter Bevelin

86.?Little Bets?– Peter Sims

87.?Brain Rules?– John Medina

88.?Outliers?– Malcolm Gladwell

89.?Here Comes Everybody?– Clay Shirky

90.?Never Eat Alone?– Keith Ferrazzi & Tahl Raz

91.?Talent Is Overrated?– Geoff Colvin

92.?Making a Good Brain Great?– Daniel G. Amen

93.?The Talent Code?– Daniel Coyle

94.?Hackers & Painters?– Paul Graham

95.?The Time Paradox?– Philip Zimbardo & John Boyd

96.?The $100 Startup?– Chris Guillebeau

97.?Getting Things Done?– David Allen

98.?10 Days to Faster Reading?– Abby Marks-Beale

99.?StrengthsFinder 2.0?– Tom Rath

100.?The Power of Less?– Leo Babauta

101.?The 80/20 Principle?– Richard Koch

102.?Bit Literacy?– Mark Hurst

103.?The Power of Full Engagement?– Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz

104.?How To Win Friends and Influence People?– Dale Carnegie

105.?Self-Directed Behavior?– David L. Watson & Roland G. Tharp

106.?Personal Development for Smart People?– Steve Pavlina

107.?Re-Create Your Life?– Morty Lefkoe

108.?Lead the Field?– Earl Nightingale

109.?The Art of Exceptional Living?– Jim Rohn

110.?The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?– Stephen R. Covey

111.?Drive?– Daniel H. Pink

112.?Losing My Virginity?– Richard Branson

113.?Rework?– Jason Fried

114.?Steve Jobs?– Walter Isaacson

115.?The 4-Hour Workweek?– Timothy Ferriss

116.?The Dip?– Seth Godin

117.?The One Minute Entrepreneur?– Ken Blanchard

118. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

119.?The 48 Laws of Power?– Robert Greene

120.?Think & Grow Rich?– Napoleon Hill

121.?Art of War?– Sun Tzu

122.?Awaken the Giant Within?– Tony Robbins

123.?Getting Things Done?– David Allen

124.?How Life Imitates Chess?– Gary Kasparov

125.?Eat That Frog?– Brian Tracy

126.?Negotiating with Giants?– Peter D. Johnston

127.?The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches?– Joe Karbo

128.?Integrity?– Henry Cloud

129.?Think Big?– Donald J. Trump

130.?Turn the Ship Around!?– L. David Marquet



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131.?What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow?– Frank Gallinelli

132.?Millionaire Real Estate Investor?– Gary Keller

133.?Buy and Hold Forever?– David Schumaker

134.?The Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings?– Steve Burgess



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135.?Atlas Shrugged?– Aryn Rand

136.?How to Be Invisible?– JJ Luna

137.?An Ordinary Man?– Paul Rusesabagina

138.?Freakonomics?– Steven D. Levitt

139.?Capital in the Twenty-First Century?– Thomas Piketty

140.?Business Adventures?– John Brooks

141.?Quiet?– Susan Cain

142.?Setting the Table?– Danny Meyer

143.?Man’s Search for Meaning?– Viktor E. Frankl

144.?A Random Walk Down Wall Street?– Burton G. Malkiel

145.?Getting Naked?– Patrick Lencioni

146.?The 4 Disciplines of Execution?– Chris McChesney

147.?My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising?– Claude Hopkins

148.?Start with Why?– Simon Sinek

149.?The Prophet?– Kahlil Gibran

150.?The Power of Habit?– Charles Duhigg

151. Financial Peace – Dave Ramsey?(Thanks Tony)




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