What a Successful Company Looks Like? : Customer-First or Tech-First

What a Successful Company Looks Like? : Customer-First or Tech-First

You want to deliver only the best to your customers, we get it. But can you really do that without being all about them?

The simple answer is no. Customers will always go for products that provide a solution to some sort of problem they are looking to solve. They won’t just take anything that comes their way, even if it’s like, the best thing existing on the planet.

I mean, think about it. Why are some businesses – say Apple or Starbucks at the top of their game? They provide basically the same, or maybe even lesser-than-quality products as their counterparts. But what differentiates them from their competitors? They keep YOU first. They know what you want, and they feed into your psychological needs, making you choose them.

So how do they get to it? And how can you do it too?

Here are 3 tips to start with, if you want your business to be a success, no matter your industry.

1. Understand your Target Audience:

Basic, right?

No. We’re not talking about just simply narrowing down your niche and listing the customers you want to target. We’re talking about deep, genuine understanding. You can’t serve them with what they need if you don’t even understand what they need and why they need it.

Go full Sherlock Holmes with your customer and sales figures. Dive deep, exploring each nook and cranny of demographics, psychographics, buying behaviors, values, and attitudes. Solve this mystery to unearth golden insights that will help you craft to-the-point products or marketing materials.

And remember, your focus should be on constantly improving their buying experience. Make them an offer they cannot refuse.

2. Find Out What You Bring to the Table – And Flaunt It:

Audit yourself. Your data, the pros and cons of your products, and how they resonate with your customer’s needs. Then turn these points into a compelling story that eases their pain points.

There’s no better marketing than appealing to your audience’s emotions. When they feel like they can relate to you, they’ll eventually be drawn to your business. A cherry on top will be you being the best one to offer that particular solution.

So be ahead in YOUR game. Perfect and bring forward what you can do for your customers, and own it.

3. Do Not Confuse “The Customer Is Always Right” With a Customer-First Strategy:

Controversial opinion? Maybe. The right opinion? Definitely. Let us explain

Although used interchangeably, these two strategies are entirely different. Yes, you listen to the needs of the customers and provide a solution to that exact need. But how you go about providing that solution should be up to the experts, not the layman who just wants their problem solved.

It's simple really, nodding your head like a bobblehead to every customer's whim might not always be the smartest move, my friend. Listen, if you've got a loyal customer, then there's always a way to work things out, right? But if you're dealing with a newbie who might just ghost you after the first transaction, then maybe it's time to cut your losses and move on to greener pastures tbh.

So, What’s the Final Verdict?

The thing is, fellow businesspeople, customers are most certainly the most important. Having a customer-first strategy will ensure that your business soars high in success. And, if you think about it, the technical aspect goes hand in hand with the strategy. You still need to be bringing forward innovative, mind-blowing solutions that will need technological expertise. However, that should foremost be guided by what your customer needs.

So, what makes more sense? Customer-first or Tech-first?




