What Successful Bloggers Know About  Writing Attention-Grabbing Blog Titles

What Successful Bloggers Know About Writing Attention-Grabbing Blog Titles

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And that's what we all want when it comes to our blogs... right?

Because your title is easily the most important part of your blog post.

Because if it doesn't grab your reader's attention, nothing you write inside the post will matter. You could have the greatest content in the world. You could be offering amazing insights and a compelling reason to take action on your offer... but if you can't get people to read your blog post in the first place, none of that hard work will pay off.

And when it comes to getting free search engine traffic (one of the side benefits of being a prolific blogger), your title is important as well. In fact, your title is the most important factor when it comes to getting your content to rank. Yes, there are plenty of other factors, but a good title with the right keywords in it will do more good than anything else you do. 

How do you go about writing a good attention grabbing blog post title then? I suggest you start with a working title for your post and craft your content. Then come back and work on the finalized headline, and do your best to implement as many of the following tips as you can. 

Make it Interesting and Tell The Truth

You want to write an attention grabbing headline.

And with that comes the temptation to hype it up and stretch the truth just a little bit. While that may get you some extra clicks, there's a trade-off. You'll lose credibility if you're exaggerating or telling little white lies. You see a lot of those kinds of bait-and-switch headlines on social media. You click through and end up disappointed because the post doesn't deliver on what the title promised. 

Instead, make it interesting without all the hype. Just stick to the truth. A great way to do that is to think about what's in it for your readers. 

Keep It Short and Engaging

Shorter titles tend to do better both with click-throughs on your blog and social media. Keep it short and to the point. And think about engagement straight from the title of your post. A great way to do this is by asking your readers a question, or making a statement that gets them thinking.

For example, on this post, I chose to title it with the words "What Successful Bloggers Know..." This is a great way to get the attention of anyone who wants to be more successful with their blogging.

Another approach I like is to put numbers in your titles to get them thinking about what's in the content (i.e. "My 5 Best Tips For Converting Readers Into Clients") 

I try my best to keep an eye out for titles that catch my attention. It's easy to do... I just copy and paste them into a swipe file. Try it. And when you find good ones, see how you can tweak them for your own needs and market. 

Weave Your Keywords In To Your Titles

Last but not least, don't forget to work your keywords into the title. I tend to do this last, after my content has been completed. Always write for your readers first and then work in what you need to do to make sure that search engines will recognize what your content is about. 

Ranking well for something your readers don't want to read or don't want to click on doesn't do you much good. Focus on your audience and then optimize for search as an afterthought and you'll do well. 

Implement these tips and get a few blog posts out there. Pay attention to what's working and what isn't.

Every market, each blog, and each readership is different. Use these tips as guidelines to help you find your own style that resonates well with your audience and gets you the results you want. 


David Baer is a Digital Marketing Consultant helping consultants, advisors, and service professionals become more profitable online.

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