What is success?
Success is a progressive realization of a worthy ideal.?If we continue to work towards a predetermined goal, we are bound to succeed. If a man who has no plans for his life, goes about his daily routine without setting any goal for himself, he is bound to fail. People get up from bed in the morning, ?go for their daily routine and do their business because every other?person is doing just that. And that is where failure sets in. The opposite of courage is not cowardice but conformity. When a man conforms to his surroundings and does not take any initiative to work on his goals, he is then set himself in a failure mode.?
Success is when a man sets himself a worthy idea and starts actively working on it day by day to realize that dream.?After all, life is not shaped by circumstances. It is influenced by a man's response to that challenge in life. Success will await a person who predicts that one day he will become somebody and actively starts to work towards it to realize his dream.
People who are successful continue to be successful. On the other hand, some people who continue to work day in and out do not achieve success. This is simply because they do not have a ?goal in life and hence do not work towards achieving anything in life. People who have a well-defined goal know where they are heading. Let us for example take the case of a ship, which has a captain under its control and a trained crew, ready to sail out from its port. It will in all probability reach its predetermined destination someday. On the other hand, a ship without a captain and its crew, if sets out into the sea, either could sink or end up on a deserted island.
Why do men with a goal in life succeed and those who do not have any goal do not succeed? ?Because we become what we think about. A man is what he thinks all day long. Positive thinking brings in positive results whereas a negative approach brings in negative results. ?Hence the mantra for success is to believe in yourself and succeed. Our doubts are our biggest enemy. People are often seen blaming their circumstances for their failures and debacles. Circumstances are what we make of them. We become what we think about. If we think nothing, we become nothing. As you sow, so shall you reap.?A human mind is like a fertile land. It will in its utmost sincerity return to us whatever we have sown in our mind. We may have sown a worthwhile goal or mere confusion in our minds. Our mind does not care at all. It will return confusion back to us if we have planted confusion in our minds. Just as land does not bother what you have sowed whether it is a seed of paddy or a poison tree and will return with a bonus whatever you have planted in the land.
Everyone is therefore summed total of his own thoughts. He is where he is because that's where he wants to be. Hence always think about your goals and how best to drive yourself towards them. You are in the driving seat as you control your own thinking as you steer yourself towards your already defined goal. So you must stop thinking negatively about yourselves. Stop thinking about your fears. Do not think too much about how you are going to achieve your goals. but you should be taking small measures thereby inching yourselves towards achieving your goals. All you need is a purpose and?faith in yourself. Do not worry as it brings in a defeatist approach.
To summarize, set yourself a definite goal. Quit running down and criticizing yourself. You should stop?thinking about all the reasons you cannot be successful and instead ONLY think of all the reasons you can. Trace your attitude back to your childhood and try to see where you got the idea that you could not be successful if that's the way you have been thinking. Change the image you have of yourself by writing out a detailed description of the person you would like to be . Act the part of the successful person you have decided to become. And Lastly.
"As you believe so shall be done to you".
"Ask and it shall be given to you".
"Seek and you shall find".
"Knock and it shall be opened on to you".
"Persistence is another word for the faith".
"You have nothing to lose but you have life to win".