What Success Looks Like...

What Success Looks Like...

To be successful you need a consistent chain of actions. The more you continue and not deviate from these actions the nearer to and more successful you will become... What are these actions?

*PLAN Always plan for your week ahead. (I also review & plan for the following day, every evening). If you have no plan, you are going to procrastinate your way through the week.

*WORK If you will do what nobody else will for the next 3-5 years, you will have what nobody else will for the rest of your life. That's not BS - that's a fact!

*REVIEW Always review each week, don't ever skip this step as this is where lessons are learnt! Reviewing gives us the chance to say to ourselves, 'if I could do or say that again, what would I have done differently?'

*IMPROVE You've learnt your lessons from reviewing, now put them into action and improve on the previous week - always, no exceptions.

*FOCUS Pick your lane and stay in it. Don't get distracted by shiny object syndrome. Switch notifications off on your phone when you are in productive/work mode.

*PASSION If you have no passion for what you are doing, may I suggest that you need to stop here - get another job or another business, without passion you simply will not find success... If your boss/company do not inspire you, either you're on the wrong pathway or the company you work for is. Passion to succeed in your chosen position is the key to your success.

*PUSH If the door closes, push back on it. Every 'No' truly is a step closer to a 'Yes'. Push back and always follow up - always!

*SERVE You need to serve those around you to get people to engage with you. People are not interested in nothing. Serve them with your talents, your product, your service, your art. Get them buy into you and what you have to offer.

*PERSIST Don't give up on this cycle??. There will be days when it feel's like the whole world is against you, trust me I know, but you must keep persisting past the negative comments and also overcome your own inner voice that will at times tell you 'this is impossible' Anything is possible - if you have the right mindset and will do WHATEVER it takes!! ======



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