

While in years past we thought a strong password consisted of replacing letters with numbers and capitalizing randomly, times have changed! It’s simple for hackers to quickly crack password mutations like these with modern computing power.?

Truly strong passwords are long (greater than 12 characters) and random. Here are some techniques for creating strong passwords nowadays:

Use mnemonic techniques:-?

Think of a phrase that you’ll remember (or can keep near your computer without raising too many eyebrows). For example, “I was born in Dallas, Texas on January 1, 1975”. Take the first letter of each word (including capitalization) + any symbols and numbers to create your password: “IwbiD, ToJ1,1975”. You’ll create a password that is long, random, incorporates more than just words or letters, and you can easily remember or safely write down the full phrase without anyone guessing its true purpose.?

Use randomization: -?

?It seems counterintuitive but putting together four or more words that are totally random makes for a great password, even without extra capitalization or other mutations. Most passwords are easy to crack because people only use one or two words that make sense together or relate back to them in some way. Grab a dictionary or book, flip to a random page, and stick your finger on a word. Do this a few more times, put those words together, and you’ve got a strong password. Plus, it should be easier to remember than trying to figure out if you changed that A to an @ and which letters you capitalized.?

You can check out https://widemar.com/

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