What Stressors Do You Have?
Jason Sandler - Stress Management Authority
Stress Management Specialist | Communications Speaker | Workshop Facilitator | YouTube Presenter | Virtual Presenter
We all have stressors, some will create minor stress and others will blow your stress levels through the roof.
What are stressors?
A stressor is something that creates a level of stress in our lives. Some people will look at something and think to themselves "How can that cause stress?"
We are all different!
There's a very slim difference between a stressor and a phobia. Often a phobia will be the trigger for stress. Where and how do these stressors evolve in us?
All stressors are manifested within us from only 3 points in our lives.
We often find that a stressor flows within a family. This is because we learn from those that are our primary carers what to be scared of. Think of the child who was often told to be careful and avoid a spider, the adult shows fear and warns the child. What has the child just learned? Exactly!
It is the same with a negative experience. We have a negative experience with something and then every time we are in a similar situation our mind races back to that one negative event and we start feeling all that anxiety again, even though this time things could be completely different.
One of the things that we as humans strive for is a sense of belonging. One way we do this is through having common beliefs and ideas. When others fixate on something being bad or negative we almost feel that we must also feel negative towards the same thing. This is what glues us together after all is it not? Well...yes and yet not necessarily right.
We often look at the person who has chosen to "draw outside the lines" in awe and admiration. What if all they have done is state that they don't feel the need to fit in and embrace their uniqueness. These are the people that we look at and call mad and daredevils. A prime example of this is a stuntman, putting their own lives at risk in an ongoing manner.
What causes stress for one may or may not be stressful for another. I recall when my son was about 10 years old and we went on a short boat ride from Hout Bay Harbour to Seal Island to watch the seals and hope to see a great white shark hunt one of them. The sea was rather rough and choppy and as the boat bounced along most of the people on board (it was maybe 4o people) including me, were holding on for dear life, feeling seasick and wondering why we were doing this. My son and another youngster were loving it and get screaming with joy each time the boat went up into the air. Were they not feeling stressed because of ignorance or because they had not yet learned what society deemed they should fear? If the waters were too bad the skipper wouldn't have let the boat go out and we'd have been reimbursed our ticket money.
How much more fearless and exciting life can be through a child's eyes.
What can we do about our stressors?
There are many tips and tricks we can and need to learn to deal with and overcome many of them, some are even a great thing to hold onto as a form of self-preservation.
It all starts with awareness. Create an awareness as to what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. Then and only then decide how you are going to react and respond. You will feel more empowered when you become proactive to your emotions rather than letting the emotions dictate your reactions.
Jason Sandler?is a Speaker, Trainer, and Author?working with people and companies in helping create productive, confident, and focused people. Look for him on other social media platforms as well.?www.jasonsandlerspeaks.com