What Strategies Can Fetch more Investors for an App
Anshul Sharma
You have a magnificent idea but mobile application development is followed by the significant price starting from $10 thousand. Raising this amount for your mobile app can be a childish task if the product you are dealing with, has already proved its existence within the customers.
Although from start-ups till prevalent companies, they keep on struggling to raise funds and make their live ideas vivid simply because they may be unaware about the strategies to look for the potential investors. This is very prevalent when various entrepreneurs expect their thoughts can be assumed at the idea stage. It must be taken into account that the idea cannot be verified unless the idea is formalised by the customers. But if you are thinking to consult outsource app Development Company then also you have to pay as much as $10 thousand. Hence, it must be backed by the solid marketing budget.
If you have set great store by, and can generate $1 million from $10 thousand and end up building up a high lineament app. Other-wise the reviewers will be banged and the idea will be slithered to other technocrats.
Take the help of MVP for cognitive impact
In mobile application development, the term “Minimum variable product” which is considered to be the basic version of an application. Although it is served for a specific purpose and can be relinquished in order to validate the entire idea behind the product. Although various start-ups and small businesses may battle to develop high-quality MVP. Dropbox which is considered to be the greatest Silicon Valley start-ups that was worth $10 billion in 2014 and has expanded the market via explainer video. Drew Houston gathered a team of software engineers in 2007, in order to create an easy-to-use file sharing tool. The product was looked to be integrated with major computer platforms including Android, iOS as well as Microsoft. The success of Dropbox further intensified where service providers didn’t waste a month on building unnecessary services. They have taken the strategy to record explainer video and which was put in their website. Although the video managed to make 75 thousand subscribers within a while. Finally this start-up got the precious attention of Steve Jobs. He raised $250 million while funding.
Creating an MVP looks for coding as well as testing not only for raising of money and generating customer feedback.
Creating the best fundraising sites
Via an MVP app and newly emphasized presentation skills investors can be looked in the following platforms:
This is considered to be the most crowd-funding which came into existence 7 years ago. Via Kickstarter more than 100 successful technology raised money. With this platform you will not only be ending up with the funding goals but also a creator and enabled to join the backers where people will start believing your idea and will be readily support the app with the backers. Kickstarter which is considered to be the vibrant community in order to raise money. It is known to host projects from the domain of Comics, Arts, Dance, Games, and Journalism etc. Hence anyone looking for being a part can even jump to support or be supported creators on Kickstarters.
“AngelList –where the world meets startups” This is the platform, targeted specifically at early-stage businesses. The biggest advantage over the other fund raising sites is that it can effectively generate the fund in less than days. In the last year, it managed to surpass the figure $ 120 million via AngelList. Hence if your ideas have not impressed the investors, it would be equivalently beneficial to get the app profile updated for future benefits. This would be as beneficial to end up raising funds money from Syndicates.
Bootstrapping can be considered to be quite essential in raising money via existed jobs or alternate investment that can even take the support of savings as well as investments. It is something irrespective of the start date. If your project is going to be commenced after six months, then it would be quite beneficial to start accumulating resources. Although you may not be ended with the huge amount but it can be somewhat beneficial for the payment schedule to be spread over the entire development lifecycle which can even increase the intensity of the fund raising battle within the start-up companies itself.
App contest
There are various app contests where the top ideas will be paid in order to fund the development. These contests are conducted by the business incubators. Although the contests are considered to be quite competitive, hence concentrates on pitch presentation which is considered to be quite incredible in order to change the future.
Above strategies are quite essential in order to get the most path-breaking strategy although the above list is quite incomplete. But it can bring good results by thorough search.
So, don’t loose the motivation since users are only using mobile to change the lives. With the help of innovative ideas money can easily be raised and can be found the support of the trustworthy vendor in order to land in the domain of success.