What stories are you telling yourself?
Fayaz Shah
Helping organisations achieve commercial objectives, Launch and commercial excellence solutions, providing digital training solutions
Welcome to #Mindsetandmomentum newsletter - thank you so much for reading, I hope and trust that you will find this newsletter inspiring, motivating and uplifting.
Each week I'll be writing themes, suggestions and ideas that will help you make breakthroughs and pull you towards the success that you desire and want.
What will determine your success? If you really think long and hard about this you will find the answer lies within you. So many folks are looking for some magic solution which they can pick from an external source and life rarely works like that.
The one thing that has become clear to me over the past several years has brought me to one conclusion:
The only thing standing between you and the life you want is the story you tell yourself on why you can’t get it.?
Can I guess what your first thought was after you just read that??
“You’re crazy if you really think that. It’s not me, it's my circumstances.”
And I hear you.
Some of us aren’t where we wanna be financially.?
Or we have other people relying on us… we don’t have the luxury of focusing entirely on ourselves.?
Or we’re breaking into a new industry and it’s hard to get momentum.?
Yes, those things exist and they make the journey harder. I’m not denying that.?
But (and this is the key difference) those outside factors don’t make it impossible.?
The ONLY thing that makes it impossible, is if YOU believe it is impossible.?
What if instead of saying,?“I don’t have the money to invest in myself.”
You said,?“I might not have the resources but I will figure this out.”
Instead of,?“My family’s depending on me, this isn’t the right time to go all in on my business.”
You said,?“I want to leave a legacy for my kids and show them what it’s like to go after their dreams… I MUST go all in on my business or a career path.”
Instead of,?“I’m too new to this industry, I’m never gonna be able to make a space for myself.”
You said,?“I have a brand new perspective that no one else has. That gives me a unique advantage.”
Your thoughts literally create your reality.?That’s how powerful they are.
So here’s a few things you can do to be in total control - of your thoughts AND your reality.
#1: Be Aware Of Where Your Thoughts Are Leading You
The first and most important step is to actually notice what your thoughts are telling you. Sooo much of our internal monologue happens on auto-pilot, without us ever really noticing it. From now on, pay attention to that voice inside your head and what it’s telling you. And then…
#2: Know That Your Thoughts Aren’t Facts
Just because you’re thinking it, doesn’t mean it’s true. So many of us have fear or self doubt talking to us, trying to get us to play it safe. Maybe your thoughts are telling you that you’re too old, too young, too inexperienced, too late to the game… that doesn’t mean it’s true.
Once you start shifting the story you tell yourself…?
So many more opportunities are gonna open up for you.?
Here's to your success!