What is the storage behind "Worlds Top 2 Super Computer" that you can use for your Enterprise ?
Sandeep Patil
IBM Distinguished Engineer, CTO - ISDL Storage, IBM Master Inventor, 400+ Patents
Guess what is the storage and filesystem behind worlds two top super computers (ranked Nov 2018) running with ?
Well, no brownies for guessing it - It is IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Elastic Storage Server.
If you plan to select or upgrade an existing storage for your enterprise workloads - be it for Big Data and Analytics workloads or AI/ML/DL workloads or Technical Computing enterprise workload or Fast Archiving workloads or Enterprise Content Management or ETL workloads, etc why would you want to settle for any ordinary file and object storage when you can get the best of breed with competitive features and price.
Common Question/Myth: Is the storage used for world’s fastest Super Computer suitable for Enterprise ?
One may argue that HPC requirements are different than that of enterprise requirements ... but, if you are savvy enough and if you peel the onion you will realize that the new age workloads have very many common characteristics with that of HPC workloads - I call them technical computing workloads - workloads that desire HPC like characteristics running enterprise workloads .
Based on my field experiences what enterprises want is :
i) Better ROI for price per performance and price per capacity.
ii) Support for features and protocols that work well with legacy as well as new age workloads with required security.
iii) Ability to have Hybrid Cloud integration with both public and private cloud.
All the above have been design points for IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM ESS , which in my humble opinion makes it the only offering in the market that is well suited from the worlds fastest super computer to Top 500 enterprises to savvy startups/SMB.
If you are still hitched with the legacy NAS (Network Attached Storage) based architectures , you can put your tech savvy + pragmatic hat on and think - Why I don’t deserve the best and why I need to settle with the rest !
More on IBM Spectrum Scale : https://www.ibm.com/us-en/marketplace/scale-out-file-and-object-storage/purchase