What Stops you?
You know, I'm fairly sure each and every person has been in this place .. , you know the place where you know you've put on weight, because your clothes are tighter or don't fit, you dismiss the increasing dress/ trouser size as 'natural part of ageing' .. you know you're a little more out of breath .. You know you feel tired and sluggish everyday? Falling asleep in the evening - Even taking a nap in the actual day? Sound familiar?
Why we become complacent in feeling like this is a mystery. We work hard and pride ourselves on the outer world.. Job success, being a great parent/child/spouse - best house - newest wardrobe - yet 9 times out of 10 our own body and mind is the last to receive any thought or purposeful action to improve it. Perhaps the occasional jog or gym membership, am I right?
The problem is, it has become so 'normal' to feel this way - we all just accept it.. this was me 4 years ago, I could have quite happily shut my eyes at 2pm and 4pm everyday and had a really good nap, I ate biscuits all day long and feasted on bread rolls for lunch (or cereal if you know me and are reading this there was always a box of cereal in my office drawer!)
I got up as late as possible every morning, and evenings.. 10pm that was me done..possibly make 10.30pm .. My skin was horrific .. rosacea acne and darkened skin patches from an auto immune disease I had developed .. so why me? why did this happen to me? My main focus in life at the time being a successful single mum and working really hard.. just getting by - getting through life - each day felt like a struggle if I'm honest.
Now? I get up at 5am daily, I NEVER feel sleepy or tired in the day and my skin and physique is probably better than I ever imagined it could be, better probably than 20 years ago ...
HOW and more importantly I would suggest WHY has this changed?
I could say 'oh I learnt all about nutrition and the effects it has on the body' or 'I stopped making excuses about being disabled and started by small amounts of exercise'
But thats not it - there was a turning point, one simple email that I received that did infact change everything
.. now roll your eyes if you want.. I was a busy professional trying to run a new business, go to work and forge a career in finance alongisde that, look after two growing children and was getting used to being in a brand new relationship (with my now current partner) after being a single mum for the prior 8 years... Even if you tried you couldn't be more opinionated more closed off to new things than I was .. just not possible.
This email was from a Health Coach that had been at a networking meeting with me the day before, this email invited me to have a wellness profile and it had the words Herbalife nutrition in it.. The scepticism set in, I think I booked the appointment at the chance to network with another business owner .. perhaps not for myself - I thought this person maybe useful to know, so I made an appointment and then immediately decided to cancel .. before I did I told Sam (my better half) "I'm really not sure about this appointment, think I'm going to cancel" His response will echo in my memories as that moment that really did change my life "Ok I see your point, but what else are you going to do?" I had put on a reasonable amount of weight in the first year we had been together and wasn't exactly taking care of myself "Buy a whole new wardrobe?" I cringed and went to the appointment .. ( I will always be grateful for his candour )
I listened I felt uncomfortable - I was completely out of my comfort zone in all honesty .. I had a wizzy tea and a shake .. and then out came a set of scales for the 'Wellness Profile' and a tape measure I learned I had 37% body fat and that I was dehydrated (which by my average coffee in take of approx 7-8 a day and the fact I only drank water when taking my medicines would have been obvious to anyone else)
Then the opportunity was presented - would I like to try this nutrition for 3 days - just 3 days and see the results - see if it would be something for me .. so I did ..
3 days I swapped my breakfast and lunch for a meal replacement shake (not a diet shake) I had bought some protein bars for snacks and intentionally drank water - kept my evening meal lean and clean as directed - I had my Wizzy tea and went back feeling, no other word to describe it .. but lighter inside with lots of energy. I was intrigued ..
So back I went 3 days later and out the scales and tape-measure came ... about 2lbs lighter and a massive 10 cms gone from across my chest, tummy and hips ..
The Rest they say is history .. I don't think a day has gone by since that day that I haven't had my breakfast shake and I have to say as I'm a lazy eater mostly I find the lunch shake the most rewarding as it keeps me lean and energised to go and LIVE my day EVERY day .. I am at 25% body fat and have energy that last ALL day long.
I have chosen this is the way for me ..As the way I feel each day IS a big thing.. but I only learned that by pure chance and only realised how BAD I FELT when I experienced how GOOD I could FEEL.
This has taught me some lessons I have learned to be open to things I don't know about or haven't experienced and I have learned that I AM IMPORTANT ..and that what you eat is your choice everyday and how you feel everyday is also therefore your choice everyday.
and I'd like to let you into a secret ..
So I'd like to pose the question to you WHAT STOPS YOU from being the best version of you?
Your body IS YOUR TEMPLE .. it is where you have to spend your entire life .. the thanks it gives to you for giving it what it needs it indescribable truly it is.
I do hope that by sharing my story it inspires you to invest in your own temple and to really experience how you can feel every single day x
IF by chance of a miracle you are still reading this and you are OPEN or CURIOUS as to how you could feel better by consistently giving your body what it needs, drop me a message - Due to the current climate you'll be pleased to learn there'll be no scales or tape measure but it may just change your life too x