What is stopping you...
Attia Ansari
Highly Qualified HR Professional| CIPD Associate| Seeking roles in HR | X Atlas Group of Companies
Devil: What you desire most in life?
You: Freedom
Therapist: What freedom means to you?
You: Do whatever I feel like doing
Devil: Means the crazy stuff
You: Are we not prohibited to do them?
Devil: Who said this to you?
You: Well……
Therapist: What kind of things do you feel like doing?
You: Things that I never done before.
Therapist: Be specific about them
Devil: Why don’t you accept the fact that you wanted to do all the crazy mean things?
You: No
Devil: Yes
Therapist: What fits the definition of freedom?
You: Taking important decisions
Therapist: Decisions related to…
You: Hmmmm…about life
Devil: By breaking some life rules
You: Nah...
Therapist: Why you wanted to take some important decisions?
You: I will feel good about it
Therapist: Means…It’s not specifically about freedom but being involved in decision making
You: Yeah…you can say that
Therapist: How do you feel if you are taking important decisions?
You: Valued
Devil: Powerful
Therapist: Don’t you feel valued anymore
You: No
Devil: Because they are depriving you of your basic rights.
You: Yeah I demand to be valued (Finally started believing devil’s words)
Therapist: Think of times when you felt valued.
You: Never
Devil: Fight for your right. Give tough time.
You I don’t want to comment about it further.
Devil: Mission Accomplished
I believe that devil could be anyone in your life. Sometime your envious colleague, your friend with so much negativity, your competitor or an inside voice in your head that stop you from progressing in your personal or professional life.
Your job is to identify the person or environment that influence your thoughts and stopping you from moving ahead in life.
Once you spot the culprit, you may find ease in reaching your goals.
It’s ok if you don’t find yourself capable enough to figure out the reasons on your own.
Talking to people with wisdom can helps a lot. It could be talking to your mentor, teacher, boss or any family member.
Journaling can be another way to be clear about your own thoughts and desires.
It all starts with self-reflection. Only then you could process those thoughts and make your dreams come true.
Note: This post is inspired from a TV Show.