What is STM32?
What is STM32?
STM32, literally, ST is STMicroelectronics, M is the abbreviation of Microelectronics, and 32 means 32 bits. Together, STM32 refers to the 32-bit microcontroller developed by ST.
ARM has introduced its new 32-bit CortexM3 microcontroller core based on the ARMv7 architecture. Immediately afterwards, ST (STMicroelectronics) launched the MCU-STM32 based on the Cortex-M3 core. With its diversified product lines, high cost performance, and easy-to-use library development methods, STM32 quickly stands out among many Cortex-M3 MCUs and becomes the brightest new star. STM32 quickly occupied the middle and low-end MCU market as soon as it went on the market.
STM32 is a microcontroller with various common communication interfaces, such as USART, I2C, SPI, etc. It can connect to a lot of sensors and control a lot of equipment. In real life, many electrical products we come into contact with have STM32, such as smart bracelets, micro quadcopters, balance cars, mobile POST machines, smart rice cookers, 3D printers and so on.