What is Steve’s Build Blog About?
Whether we like it or not, the world is changing and it will continue to change. Healthcare, Education, Politics, Building… you can choose any topic or area of life, and it is currently in turmoil. At a very high level the turmoil is an old world view that is no longer being accepted by the vast majority, and a new world view that is not fully formed and is not being accepted by the vast majority. This confrontation and competition between old and new world views in all areas of our society are at the heart of the daily angst we all see and experience.???
Steve’s Build Blog is focused on this competition for the future as it relates to building. Over the past 2 ? years it has sought to explore the history and current conditions of the building world. What are the pressures and stresses that are felt by the various companies and owners that makeup the building ecosystem? What frustrates the leadership, and rank and file of the industry on a daily basis? What changes do they want to see implemented? What do these changes look like, and how and when can they realistically be implmented? What are specific solutions and what will they do for the industry and its customers.?
As a leading industry expert Steve brings his knowledge and expertise in architecture, construction, development, technology and healthcare to this blog in order to address these issues and stimulate new ideas and solutions within the rapidly evolving built world.?
So… What’s It All About & How Does It Work??
Steve’s Build Blog (SBB) is a forum that offers insights into the forces shaping Building’s future, clear visions of what that future will look like, and detailed descriptions of the tools, Standards, Templates and Workflows that will will shape and support Building’s future.??
BuildUSA (BUSA) encompasses both a vision and a business strategy of what the future holds for the Building industry. In the coming months, SBB will be the primary source of unveiling and bringing the BuildUSA opportunities to the market-place.?
Additionally, Steve’s Build Blog, offers a wide variety of content, from Blog posts with current and relevant topics, to interesting facts in the Did You Knows (DYK’s), to critical research White Papers and relevant videos.?
The Build Blog Content Layout:?
The Build Blog and its associated LinkedIn accounts currently post the following content types:?
A custom blog post – monthly
A handcrafted newsletter – monthly?
Build News:?
Blog Blasts:?
Infographics – monthly?
Did You Knows (DYKs) – Weekly?
Building Memories – Monthly?
Building Futures- Monthly?
White Papers – As Announced?
White Papers – Already Published?
Whether it is breaking news, or just a mind-blowing fact we guarantee that you will learn something new by tuning in to our blog! For serious building business players, Steve’s Build Blog is an invaluable resource and a must visit. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of, and access to the most current and relevant topics driving Building’s future and more importantly real-world, market ready solutions. An invaluable resource to keep yourself and your company ahead of the pack and positioned for sustainable success in today’s fast changing building market, and much more...
Also check out our affiliated LinkedIn Pages Steve Salzman, BuildUSA and Syntecgroup to see new and relevant content that you?can’t?find on the Blog.?
If you have questions, comments suggestions please contact us at: [email protected]?