What "Staying In Touch With" Is Not
Lloyd Richards CeMAP CeRER
Vouched For Top Rated Adviser: 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024
So there you are, you have just said goodbye to your client on the phone and wished them luck with their house move. Their mortgage completed today and they are so happy with your help and support that they couldn't thank you enough.
You tell them that you will be back in touch a few months before their fixed rate ends, to make sure they have the best mortgage deal going forward. They really couldn't be any happier.
So you put the phone down and diarise that "follow up" call for 6 months before the end of the fixed rate.
And onto the next client.....
Does this sound familiar? If so, read on.
Fast forward to that "follow up" call. You can't get through. You leave a message. You get no response. You email. No response. You call again and this time you manage to get through and speak to your client. Only now they are someone else's client, because in the meantime their circumstances changed.
The assumption that so many of us make as mortgage advisers, is that the happy smiling client that you spoke to on the phone 2, 3, 4 or 5 years ago is still thinking about you as their number one point of contact when it comes to all things mortgage.
You remember what the say about never assume?
An awful lot can happen within a person's life in between your "follow up" calls. The mistake that we mortgage advisers often make is thinking that our work is done when the mortgage completes. When in reality there is so much more work to do and staying in touch with our clients in a relevant and topical way is part of that work.
Make it part of your referral brain process.
Switch on your referral brain and ensure that you touch base with your clients at least 4 times a year. This can be a combination of phone calls, texts, emails etc...Make sure you have a relevant reason for making contact, whether it is the anniversary of their move, or revisiting certain opportunities. Providing topical content in the way of news and market analysis ( as discussed in previous articles )
This will keep you at the forefront of your clients minds and cement the excellent work you have already done. Turning a satisfied client into a loyal ambassador for your business.
Switch on. Stay sharp. Stay focussed.