What is a Statement of Operations?
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A statement of operations is a financial statement that indicates the financial health of a company within a specific period. Many companies create operating reports to share with stakeholders. This information makes it easier to forecast future economic gains and dictates a company’s direction.?
Every successful business tracks its financial status extensively. Knowing how much money is coming in versus going out is essential to maintaining an operation.
Reasons for a business to track revenue and expenses include:
- More financial awareness
- Readiness for tax season
- Improved money management
Many businesses fail because they run out of money. Financial statements make it easy to monitor expenses and keep a business operational.?
A statement of operations is a report that makes financial planning for a business easier.
Statement of Operations Explained
Businesses use several types of financial documents to keep track of their financial situation. A statement of operations is a report that companies use to assess finances within a given accounting period, which is especially important for a company wanting to review its performance.?
This is a crucial financial statement for an operation. Investors and owners use the information on this document to determine whether the business is currently profitable or if significant changes should occur to increase profits for the next period.?
This statement also includes various pieces of information, including:
- Profits and losses
- Revenues
- Expenses
- Taxes
- Net income
A statement of operations summarizes the revenue and expense status within a given period and allows stakeholders to make educated financial decisions. It does not include information from previous accounting periods or any carried-over balances, so it is a constantly changing document.
Statement of Operations vs. Income Statement?
The main difference between a statement of operations and an income statement is the formatting. Generally, these reports include similar information.?
Because of their similarities, some companies may use either type of documentation to report income. Additionally, you may also hear statements of operations called:
- Statement of earnings
- Profit and loss (P&L) statement
- Revenue statement
- Statement of financial performance
Components of a Statement of Operations
There are several components of statements of operations, but not all companies use the same formatting. Additionally, not all details are present in every report.
The most common parts of these reports include:
- Total revenue (sales): Gross revenue from sales or services
- Cost of goods sold: Direct costs associated with sales or services
- Gross profit: Costs of goods sold subtracted from total revenue
- Operation expenses: Marketing, salaries, rent, insurance, depreciation, etc.
- Operating income: Earnings from regular business operations before subtractions
- Interest expense: Costs from borrowed funds (non-operating expense)
- Interest income: Interest earned from investments
- Earnings before tax: Interest expense subtracted from operating income
- Income taxes: Taxes charged on pre-tax income (earnings before tax)
- Net income: Income taxes subtracted from pre-tax income
Statements of operations may also include the EBITDA, which stands for Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization. This comes from subtracting the general expenses from the gross profit.
Some statements of operations are more specific and have categorized sections that include different operating expense types, such as fulfillment, technology and marketing. Others will include all operating expenses as a lump sum.
A statement of operations may also have information about earnings per share, but this won’t apply to all companies.
An Example of a Basic Statement of Operations?
Statement of Operations
Jan. 1 through Sept. 1, 2022
Total Revenue: $50,000,000
Cost of Goods Sold: ($25,000,000)
Gross Profit: $25,000,000
Operation Expenses
Administration: ($5,000,000)
Selling: ($9,000,000)
Depreciation and Amortization: ($6,000,000)
Total Operating Expenses: ($20,000,000)
Operation Profits (EBIT): $5,000,000
Interest Expenses: ($1,000,000)
Interest Revenue: $2,050,000
Total Non-Operation: 1,050,000
Income Before Taxes: $6,500,000
Taxes: ($2,270,500)
Net Income: $4,229,500
Benefits of Using a Statement of Operations
The main advantages of a regularly updated statement of operations include:
- There is a record of financial performance.
- The report provides a better understanding of the company’s finances.
- Investors considering buying or selling stock can easily research the company’s health.
- The document allows accountants to forecast the company’s future financial status.
- Stakeholders make decisions based on the statement of operations to keep the company viable.
Compiling operating statements provides a great view of a company’s financial history. Additionally, people can view trends in specific departments and update budgets accordingly. During tax season, statements of operations make the tax filing process easier to track.
Companies may publish this information for others to see, which means that even potential future employees might see it. Austin Belcak, the founder of Cultivated Culture, recommends that job seekers research companies in their desired industries, including “products, customers, finances, people, and culture.” The overall benefit of having a statement of operations is that it reports the company's financial status and health no matter who sees it.
Challenges of Using a Statement of Operations?
The disadvantages of creating statements of operations include:
- The information is only for a specific period.
- The statement doesn’t have information about how different factors outside of cash flow impact revenue.
- Creating the document takes time and resources away from other work tasks.
- Non-revenue or expense elements, like market health, aren't found in the document.
Companies that use statements of operations may not always provide all the necessary information that investors and stakeholders need to make educated decisions.?
Since a statement of operations doesn't include all necessary information about a company's finances, it is essential to use this document in conjunction with other financial documents. This will reveal the financial health of a company and its reports.
Top Takeaways
What is a statement of operations?
- A statement of operations is a financial document companies use to track financial health over a set period.?
- Using this document, along with other financial statements, a company can manage its finances to remain financially stable.
- There are many components on a statement of operations, but it mainly reports revenues and expenses over a specific time.?
(Reporting by NPD)