What Star Wars Taught Me About Business

What Star Wars Taught Me About Business

Can you predict what’s going to happen to your business in two months? I bet we could.

Truthfully, the entrepreneurial pathway is very predictable. If you are dedicating your efforts to building your business and making things happen, then we are about to describe the path you are on. As we describe this path, see if you can identify where your business is at – and where it is going next.

The Start Line

The beginning of your entrepreneurial journey is an exciting time. So many amazing things are happening around you. It’s a lot of fun.

The beginning of the entrepreneurial journey is a lot like the beginning of the movie Star Wars. Luke Skywalker was excited to leave his hometown and begin a new chapter in his life. He learns new skills, meets new people, and picks up handy tools along the way, such as a lightsabre. Does this sound familiar?

The Supernatural Aid

No venture would be successful without help. Every journey, whether it be Luke Skywalker’s or that of a business owner, has its ups and downs.

You may be overwhelmed, scared or feel like an imposter as you make your way through uncharted territory. Luke Skywalker had Obi-Wan Kenobi to guide and inspire him. Who is helping you? When you are at this stage in your entrepreneurial journey, it helps to work with a mentor, teacher, peer, or someone who has walked this path before.

The Dark Night of the Soul

As Luke became more confident and skilled in his craft, he eventually needed to find a new mentor. He fell into a dark place as he searched for someone who could guide him in the next phase of his journey. Soon he found Yoda.

During his training with Yoda, Luke was pushed to his limits. His training was hard and he struggled, despite Yoda’s guidance. This frustration led to Luke questioning everything. He found himself wondering if he was truly able to reach greater heights, or if this was it.

As an entrepreneur, many of you will also reach a point where you doubt yourself. You may even be asking yourself if you are meant to run a business. What many of you will find is that the strategy that got you to six figures, won’t work to get you to seven figures or eight figures. If you keep doing the same thing, you will keep seeing the same result. The only way to transition to the next level, is to move out of your comfort zone.

The Abyss

Once you let go of everything you had previously clung to, you reach a point in your journey we call The Abyss. This is a point of true transformation. You will find yourself having a revelation that can take you to the next stage in your business journey. Maybe you need another salesperson, or maybe you need to expand your team. Whatever this revelation is, it will help you see the pathway and where it’s leading.

Once you’ve had this revelation and achieved new heights of success, it is often the opportune time to pay it forward. Share your success with others, or pay back those who have helped you along the way.

Now you’re back on top. Enjoy your successes. However, keep in mind that, in order to reach the next level, you will have to cycle through each of these phases time and time again.

Trust is Important

Given how often you will cycle through these challenges, you need to have trust. Remember to trust the process. You’ve done it before. You can do it again.

Remember to trust in your guide or mentor. Without someone external to help you, this journey will be very, very difficult.

And finally, trust in yourself. This is most important of all. Luke finally reached a point where he trusted in himself – he knew he had the training and trusted he was good enough.

If you know someone who is going through the Dark Night of the Soul, share this article with them. It may be enough to help them realise this is just a normal part of the entrepreneurial journey.

Alternatively, if you want to find out more about how Abundance Global can help you, why not join in our amazing upcoming event. Over 2 days you will learn exactly how to build a B.O.S.S. (Business Owner Success System) to make your business bulletproof and bring you more business owner joy. To find out more and join the event, just click this link https://abundanceglobalevent.com/boss

Keith Abraham CSP

Global Keynote Speaker ? Virtual Presenter ? Keynote Speaker of the Year ? High Performance Virtual Speaker ? Top 4% Globally

3 年

Great article David. Great comparison and wonderful insight. We are long overdue catching up. Let me know if you would like to catch up in the coming weeks on the phone? Talk to you soon.


May “The Force be with you. Always.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi

Dax Stanley

Bali & Australian Property Investor ? I was a hardworking IT professional with a side hustle of property investing & through smart advice & making a lot of mistakes, I now help people a few steps behind me become wealthy

3 年

Really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing Dr David

Michael O'Brien

Innovator IEducator IEntrepreneur IExperience Designer IWriter ICo-Founder and CCO at Harness Projects

3 年

The hero journey. George Lucas was inspired by Joseph Campbell the greatest mythologist. The hero journey.


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