What is SSNAP?
What is SSNAP
Sentinel Stroke Nation Audit Programme data provides a baseline for the ambitions of the NHS Long Term Plan. SSNAP measures both the processes of care (clinical audit) provided to stroke patients, as well as the structure of stroke services (organisational audit) against evidence based standards, including the 2016 National Clinical Guideline for Stroke. The overall aim of SSNAP is to provide timely information to clinicians, commissioners, patients, and the public on how well stroke care is being delivered so it can be used as a tool to improve the quality of care that is provided to patients. SSNAP has been voted the most effective national clinical audit in the UK for nine consecutive years by healthcare professionals involved in audit.
Despite the emergency department in the hospital routinely operating three times over capacity and only being funded for a SSNAP rating of C, Blackpool Teaching Hospital's Acute Stroke & Rehab Ward overachieved with a B for the July 2021 to September 2021 reporting period.