What specific changes made content marketing what it is today?

What specific changes made content marketing what it is today?

Content marketing is a very alluring marketing method that has been embraced by many brands across the world in the past 10 years or so. Some of these brands have succeeded hugely through this modern marketing philosophy and others have failed dismally. Despite the obvious challenges involved in getting content marketing right it seems the global pathway for modern marketing is content marketing. It is true that we have been using content to market brands and products for decades but the actual methodology of content marketing is far more evolved and dynamic than using content to market to consumers. Content marketing has only become a lighthouse methodology because of the following major changes:

Social Media

Social media has shifted control from the Brand to the consumer which has enabled consumers to own and direct the conversation online and in public. This has forced brands to reconsider many aspects of their marketing and communications strategy. Social media has also provided a direct and cost effective means through which brands, interest groups or individuals can communicate directly with their own audience instead of having to pipeline via broadcasters or through one way brand centric channels that do not encourage engagement or dialogue.

Technology driving data and analytics 

The past 5 years or so have seen prolific innovation and development in data tracking and online analytical services, which can now provide a strong and clear view of the measurable aspects of a content marketing strategy. Don’t be fooled though as it is still a challenge to prove ROI. Most of this challenge comes from focussing on campaign driven ROI which is not the way to go. A better way to approach ROI would be based on the complete content marketing strategy. ROI is not something that comes from analysing individual campaigns but rather from understanding the overall detailed impact of content marketing. 

Content publishing technology 

Content publishing platforms have exploded across the world in the past 5 years! The ease and efficiency with which anyone can develop, create, curate, publish and measure their content is astounding! Content publishing technology like Hubspot.com or Hootsuite.com are great examples to have a look at in terms of how custom publishing software can make a huge difference in your ability to publish content at the scales required by your organisation.

Consumer centric solutions & content based on research

Today it is all about consumer centricity. Brands now need to focus completely on the consumers needs and wants. Content marketing allows for a far more engaged and dialogue driven approach to connecting with potential customers and done well it provides a far deeper understanding of the consumer than any traditional marketing methods. Content marketing is about starting a compelling dialogue with consumers, something that cannot be done without a solid content strategy in place that is designed to serve the needs of clearly targeted consumer personas. defining your target audience is not just a list of generic metrics like salary, ethnic group and location. While these are important and telling metrics there is a far more thorough persona profile that is required to gain any really insightful information about your consumers. Have a look at this great ebook which will give you a brilliant view of how to create powerful buyer personas. If you are battling to see a real person with human qualities, behavioural traits and real problems in your target personas then you have some work to do. Have a look at some brilliant resources on How to create personas at the Hubspot.com knowledge academy. 

All choice is in the hands of the consumer

The consumer decides everything. Where to consume, when to consume and what to consume. Today the concept of a marketing funnel is falling away, because it is clear that consumers do not follow a designated path to purchase. If you analyse how consumers move through a brands purchasing gates you will see that these pathways to purchase are many and varied, not to mention beyond a brands control. Brands are now key influencers and facilitators of change in the world of consumer engagement, customer service and user experience online and off. This low modus of control experienced by brands is made even worse when the experience provided for consumers across channels is weak and therefore unyielding. Content marketing in a modern world is all about realtime and fast responsive problem solving on behalf of the consumer, and you cannot achieve this if you are not aware of the consumers context. Here is a very useful infographic showing the Journey mapping process.

The online model drives everything else

In todays world everything should be driven by an online strategy. Even if you are not currently experiencing a huge need for this online core it is definitely what will drive the future of all marketing activities. Why? Online provides the active model through which your complete marketing strategy can be activated, connected, integrated and measured. This does not mean everything needs to be online but it does mean that online defines and integrates everything else into a holistic and intelligent framework.   

All of the elements above have contributed fundamentally to the emergence of content marketing as a credible and powerful methodology that works wonders if you do it properly. Have a look at some brands that are Content marketing like a boss! for some great examples to follow and to learn from.



Until you understand the fundamentals of how the brand / consumer communication landscape has changed and why it has, I would suggest holding off any plans to start advising any clients about marketing, content or consumer engagement until you and your organisation understand the complete picture. this does not mean you have to understand everything there is to know about content marketing but rather that there is a foundational knowledge required before you can build anything that your clients are going to thank you for!

I would like to hear some thoughts on this if you have any feedback to give?


