What is Spasmodic Dysphonia.
Barbara Barbieri Elocution Accent Reduction Specialist
Assist YOU to communicate eloquently with a reduced accent by utilizing effective practical methods and innovative techniques.
#SpasmodicDysphonia (SD) is a chronic long term disorder that affects the voice. This disorder is mainly characterized by a spasming of the vocal chords when a person attempts to speak words or even sentences, which in turn results in a voice that can be described as shaky, hoarse, groaning, tight, or jittery.
SLPs encounter this disorder mainly in adults, where the first symptoms usually occur between the ages of 30 and 50. There is no real cause; however, speculation refers to a range of things mostly related to aging: such as nervous system changes, including muscle tone disorders. It also causes the emphasis & modulation of speech to vary considerably.
I have had one such student (diagnosed at age 13). I found it quite difficult to treat, because to isolate vocal chord spasms as being responsible for a shaky and/or trembling voice, needs to be validated by a team of experts (ear, nose, throat specialist (otolaryngologist) including a neurologist) which my student had been too. I was able to make a slight break through mainly by tricking the muscle memory (with an assortment of exercises), whereby my student could speak short phrases with ease.
Treatment includes: Voice Production is very pivotal for the client, so as to understand what their voice is doing at all times; using exercises which trigger the reticular activating system; thus enhancing muscle memory. Learning breathing techniques to thwart vocal spasms; thus allowing for short bursts/flow of speech. #BiebieProductions has devised such a #course incorporating all the above stratagems.
#Biebie Changes lives one course at a time… join us next week where we will discuss #STUTTERING.