What Sort of a Boss are You Working With?
Asif Upadhye
Work Culture Consulting ? Content Marketing ? Public Relations ? Mental Health Foundation ?
Your journey as an employee might have taught you a lot but one thing that you distinctly remember and never miss to talk about is your boss. Pinpointing what your boss typically does is how most of the conversations start in office. What’s more, the variety of bosses one may encounter always seem to make work conversations into graphic novels. Let’s look at a few of these bosses.
The “IT’S MINE” Boss!
The one who says in a meeting that everyone’s input is valuable. S/he listens to what you have got to say and does give you an opportunity to showcase your effort. But, when the day comes for the final presentation, s/he goes ahead with one’s own ideas and you are stuck with “next time”.
The “Don’t miss the deadline” Boss!
After working your ass off from Monday to Friday, you are all set for relaxing over the weekend. Fifteen minutes until you leave from work and you get a mail from your boss regarding a new assignment and the deadline being Monday! There goes your lazy weekend. Oops!
So “What’s the time?”
Punctuality is one of the qualities which is well appreciated by all. You dedicatedly come to office on time and it goes unnoticed. But, that one day when the train slows down or you get stuck in traffic, that is the very day your boss decides to come on time and gives you ‘the look’ and points towards the old wall clock with a straight face.
The “Can’t you see I am busy?” Boss!
Surprisingly, this seems to be the most commonly found boss type. Someone who impulsively demands control over situations (“What have you done when I was on a vacation?”). When you are about to reply, s/he cuts you off and pretends to be busy. S/he constantly gives you an impression that s/he is too busy to care but won’t miss an opportunity to poke into your work.
The “Un-Social” Boss!
For your boss, Facebook, YouTube and all other social media sites are considered to be a sin and are hence blocked. Even if you won’t be using Facebook on your phone, every time you pick it up, your boss stares at you for doing something illegal. Months of this torture and suddenly, one fine day, your boss realizes that social media is a good way to keep track of competition.
Mr. Random [Boss]
There is a meeting going on and everything is running smoothly. Suddenly you have no idea what inspired your boss and s/he starts saying some random quotes such as “Together towards tomorrow, Yes, yes, Together let’s do it”. Then s/he goes again, “It’s easier to fix the wheel rather than reinvent one”. Everyone just looks at each other with blank faces. How random is that? Huh?
The “Been There Done That” Boss!
Your workplace seems less like an office and more of a facts class. Your boss never misses an opportunity to show off how much he knows and takes random quizzes about the current clients. The sentence starts with “In my days ….” [Like s/he has been a boss since the Stone Age.] Tends to boast too often as they bask in past glory, so much that you know exactly how that sentence will go and you do nothing but smile.
The ‘Let’s Keep Working’ Boss!
In the beginning of your job, lunch hour was one thing that you looked forward to. Then, you realized the reality behind it. It’s nothing more than an awkward conversation and it sometimes turns into a meeting room at a restaurant. But, this is the day that you ensure that you eat as much as you can even if you are full because it goes from your Boss’s pocket. Even after having a three course meal, there is always space for dessert. There is more. This type also thinks that you are a robot. Without complaining, you keep working but when you ask for a break, your boss looks at you as if you have asked him/her for a paid vacation.
The “Bend Backwards” Boss!
You are the one constantly listening to the unreasonable demands of the client, reverting to emails, dealing with vendors, struggling with costs and trying to make the impossible happen in a very short period of time. The only thing that your boss does is pop up in between and tell you how important it is to retain this client.
If you haven’t encountered any of the above types yet, don’t worry. We are pretty sure you will meet one just around the corner.
Know of any more ‘types’?
This article was first published on the Never Grow Up ? blog. An employee engagement firm dedicated to the pursuit of 'Happyness At Work'. To read more, on our take on Human Resources, Employee Engagement & Life at Work, take a peek into our blog. | Like what you just read? Read more posts on LinkedIn