What are some words of wisdom for men?
Nitesh Mishra
Digital Marketing | Web & Mobile App Development | Performance Marketing
- Learn to cook. It is one of the best skills you can have.
- Smell good. It matters.
- Workout and stay fit. Or else play a sport regularly.
- Save some money every month.
- Talk to your parents regularly.
- Never indulge in a fight but if you HAVE to, punch first and punch hard.
- READ. Read anything but read. It will do wonders believe me.
- Respect people irrespective of their job, status, religion, color.
- Talk to your driver, watchmen, security guard, greet them. They’ll respect you.
- Ask your girl’s suggestion about your life decisions, she’ll appreciate it.
- Have a firm handshake.
- Keep your shoes clean.
- Don’t honk unnecessarily when you are at a signal.
- Stop thinking that everybody is watching you. Seriously nobody gives a damn.
- Limit the use of credit card.
- Be confident. Fake it until you get it. Women find it sexy.
- Don’t commit if you can’t fulfil.
- A simple ‘No’ can save a lot of trouble.
- Try eating alone at a restaurant sometime.
- Be the man of your word. It builds trust.
- Don’t raise your voice in an argument. It's a sign of weakness.
- Don’t drink and drive if not your own, then for others sake please.
- Help a stranger in need.
- Be childlike, don’t act childish.
- Improve your vocab, you will sound different.
- Take a chance. If you succeed then all good and if you fail you will learn.
- Be nice. Nice guys don’t finish last. Boring guys do.
- Control your anger. The first one to get angry loses.
- Don’t be desperate. Girls can smell it.
- Wear clothes that fit you. Needn’t be branded and expensive.
- Shave less, Trim more.
- Admit when you are wrong don’t be an arrogant jerk.
- Follow your instincts most of the times they are right.
- Stop saying you have got no time. Move your ass now.
- Talk to elders, listen to their “when I was at your age stories” :)
- Like someone ? go ahead and talk.
- Do what you fear most. You have got one life right ?
- At least know everything about a single topic. Like everything.
- Feeling sad ? you can cry, you are a human first.
- Talk less, Listen more.
- Be humble to everyone. People will remember you for long.
- If you can’t keep your secret to yourself how can you trust others to keep yours?
- Look sharp. It will boost your confidence.
- Thank you and Please won't hurt anyone. Use them more.
- Know some life hacks. It will make your life easy.
- Have some great stories to tell when you are old. Go out and create them.
- Listen and respond to her that’s all she needs.
- Size does matter ( your brain’s and your heart’s ).
- Be internally driven not externally. Don’t let others drive your emotions.
- It's good to be responsible but its okay to get wasted some time. ;)
Cheers :)
good morning sunshine!