What Are Some Myths About Digital Marketing?
When you think of Digital Marketing, it may look effortless enough. Getting a website with nice look and you’re set, right? The answer is Wrong! There are many touch-points to Digital Marketing and every individual should be taken under equal consideration to maximize your results. The main thing to remember is that Digital Marketing is becoming less of a splendor and much of essential, as the expansion is more towards digital. There are numerous myths about digital marketing do’s and don'ts and some of them are mentioned below.
1. If you have money, then only you can do Digital Marketing
Finance is not the whole thing. Let us assume few scenarios: you have got plenty of money but you don't know what Digital Marketing is all about. But your product is not that good and you keep showing ads of your product in different digital platforms. And from where we start spreading awareness about our product. Now the customer will come to our landing page but what will happen if our landing page is also not good? If our branding, reviews, product are not good then Digital Marketing won't work. With Digital Marketing, you can't have an audience for the long term. You can sell your product to that customer who buys instantly. But if your product and branding is not good so you won't be able to earn a recurring amount of income even through Digital Marketing.
2. If my competitor is not doing Digital Marketing, then why should I?
You should understand it is an opportunity for you. You can easily target new types of audience in any digital platform. But you are not doing just because your competitor is not doing it. I have heard some people say Digital Marketing is for small business some says it's for big business. Digital marketing is for all kind of businesses. It doesn't matter how big or small your budget is. You can do Digital Marketing with 100 rupees or even 10 lac. So Digital Marketing is for both kind of businesses. Some people believe having a website is called Digital Marketing but it is not. Website means you have created your digital identity that's it. Now you can attract more consumers on your website by the market it with the website, you will have your own digital shop with a physical identity. Now the customer will first come to your digital shop then they will come to your physical shop. But you have to do marketing. You can also do SEO which is a free way to market yourself digitally with good on-page SEO, you can easily rank your website on some competitor keyword without working hard.
3. SEO is Dead
People will keep searching queries on Google and website will show on behalf of SEO. It might be a blog or a video but SEO will always be there. So you have to focus on both video and blog SEO. And let me tell you one thing that traffic that comes from SEO is always quality traffic. Because those people are trying to know for example they searched "Best digital marketing institute". So my website is shown to him and he visits and?my landing was good. And everything is good on my website and if he likes so he will convert because that person came through a good channel otherwise on other platforms we have to spend money on ads. So SEO will always evergreen.
4. If you want to make a beautiful website then your website will become heavy
But it's not a valid point, its all depends on the optimization. If I talk about Neil Patel or Lapaas website's, they are considered to be beautiful website because things are good like animation, details and all. And still loading time is also good even after checking in Google. And this website is made on WordPress. Some people say coding website is better than Wordpress website. But there is no big difference at all. In Wordpress, you can do everything like Coding. In WordPress, you can start making a website with cheap and in coding, you should have a huge budget from day one. Suppose you are doing startup so will you spend 2 lakh rupees in starting just for the website? So that's why WordPress is good. The interface of WordPress is also easy for example in an e-commerce website you can easily upload products by yourself. The problem occurs when your website getting daily 1-2lakh traffic and due to which server cost increase. According to me, When server cost starts to increase then you should shift yourself to coding website. Some people say Wordpress website is not secure like coding website. In order to secure coding website, you need a lot of money and?with that money, you can also secure Wordpress site. Indians clients always say just start with one either do SEO or run ads on social media or Google. We will just start with one platform and this is a blunder. Now let's assume a person search for something and visit my website through search result. Now the person got some idea about us and there will be few people who convert in a single try. Now if a person leaves then what we will do? If he submitted the form then it is ok but if he didn't then what? Even if he submitted the form then still we will have to approach him through a second platform. So we will do re-marketing. Re-marketing means showing that person our ads on every platform where he goes like YouTube, Facebook, Google and all. So, in order to re-marketing, you have to follow a multi channel approach. And doing re-marketing through different platforms then the conversion rate eventually increase.
5. SEO is a Fraud
There are many businessmen with whom I am touch with and whenever I tell them about SEO they say SEO is a fraud. Now what happens is sometimes a Digital Marketer takes money from the company & he says that he will bring results within 6-8 months. For this he asks some amount of money and will put these efforts. As a digital marketer, it is his responsibility to put efforts into?SEO. For example - A company gives us 5k monthly and tell us to rank their website above from his competitors. But there could be chances that our clients' competitors are putting more efforts than us. And thing like this usually happens and they think that result will come in 2-3 months but then result won't come because of this many businessmen thinks that SEO is a fraud. And this is very common.
6. SEO is all about Ranking
You have to be on number one if you don't then you won't get more business. It is not compulsory that traffic only goes to sites which are ranking on a number one. Let's take an example - You see top 3 links in the search engine, would you always click on the first one? even?majority of people have a habit of clicking the second one. Basically, you will click on that link which will have a good description, title, and content or you will click on the link just because it is showing on no.1. The most important thing is CTR, even if you are ranking in the number second but still getting more clicks so at the end you will get more benefit. You can even be at number one in the long term. The next thing is the backlink. People believe that If you make backlink than your site won't be ranked and your business will be destroyed. If you are making a backlink in the right direction then you won't face any issue. Backlink means, for example, I want to have food and someone is referring me a particular shop. The same thing is happening in Google. If any website is referring any other website then it's called backlink. But if you choose the wrong way of making backlinks or making spamming backlinks then there is no use of it. According to me, guest posting is the most relevant way of getting backlinks. Nothing is better than that.
7. Write the best article ever and you will be rank automatically
Suppose you wrote content but google doesn't abled to crawl it properly. Google isn't able to index that content and it will think that content is not good enough, because of that thing your article won't be rank. Along with the good content, you should also focus on on-page optimization.
8. Keyword Research is a waste of time
People think if they want to create a blog on diabetes so they will write all the things related to it and google will rank it automatically. Along with that, they thought of doing on-page SEO as well as. Suppose you wrote good content about diabetes and then you got to know only 10 people search about it. So what's the point of writing so much content. Before writing any article keyword research is necessary because you should know that is there any need for that topic in the market or not.
9. Social signals are not important for SEO
If you have read a blog and if you like it you will save it to your bookmark or will share that article on social media platforms. Now by doing things in this way you are creating free social bookmarking for the blogs. And by sharing the blog with other people will also land on that post which in result increase the traffic of that particular blog.
10. Mobile Consumers on do not Convert
It is very essential to have a responsive (mobile friendly) version of your check-out process. It is always suggested to have a very short form for the mobile device because the consumers may be less likely to pass through a lengthy process otherwise you won't have much successful conversions.
Don’t be scared by Digital Marketing – there are lots of strands to consider, but on the whole it is effective. Putting effort into Digital Marketing strategies can get new customers, help to retain old and new customers and increase your reach. It’s something to be embraced!
Thank you for reading.
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